重庆市商务委员会党组成员、副主任叶力娜:深化合作 扩大共建“一带一路” RCEP提升外贸新能级

2023-11-07 08:11:56杨艳
重庆与世界 2023年10期

文/本刊记者 杨艳


Most member states of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) have joined the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as key countries of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.Belt and Road cooperation has enabled closer economic and trade links among RCEP member states.

Ye Lina, Member of Leading Party Members’ Group and Deputy Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce, joined an interview with our reporter, where she talked about Chongqing seizing the opportunity brought by RCEP and firmly promoting the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.



RCEP Delivering Sustained Dividends

As the RCEP comes into effect, it marks the formal launch of a free trade zone with the largest population, largest economic and trade scale, and the greatest development potential in the world.What dividends will the RCEP bring to Chongqing as well as countries and regions along the Belt and Road? Ye Lina stated that the signing of the RCEP will help promote the high-quality development of the BRI, enhance China’s opening up to the outside world on various fronts, and advance the construction of an open world economy and a global community of shared future.

Firstly, we need to better align our development strategies and policies.The RCEP and the BRI complement and reinforce each other.This helps to facilitate the aligning of top-level strategies between China and relevant countries and to reach a consensus on cooperation.It is imperative to effectively tap the complementary advantages of the development strategies and industrial policies of Chongqing and relevant countries, communicate the concept of win-win cooperation, and further boost connectivity.

Secondly, the RCEP is about expanding bilateral trade and investment.In terms of trade and investment, the BRI and the RCEP aim to improve and upgrade trade and investment cooperation among member states and explore new forms and models of trade, as well as investment cooperation, such as cross-border e-commerce.Regarding cooperation on international production capacity, efforts are being made to find more partners and enhance the ability to reach third-party markets, thus building more comprehensive and resilient industrial chains and supply chains while also further developing bilateral trade and investment.

Ye Lina explained that the Center has built an economic and trade information platform, which has successively issued overseas investment guidelines for 10 RCEP member states, including Myanmar, Cambodia, and South Korea.It regularly releases RCEP member countries’ economic and trade trends, policies, regulations, risk warnings, and project information for Chinese and international trade associations and enterprises.






Chongqing RCEP Investment Trade Service Center was unveiled in the Ba’nan District of Chongqing.At the same time, overseas branch centers have been established in a total of 11 countries, including Australia, Indonesia, South Korea, and Singapore.A trade service network has basically taken shape.These overseas presences have covered both RCEP member states and countries along the BRI, which provides strong support for the implementation of these two national strategies.


Issuing the RCEP Action Plan

In 2022, Chongqing launched a high-quality action plan for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), proposing economic and trade cooperation goals for Chongqing and RCEP member states between 2022 and 2026, as well as 25 tasks and steps in the “Eight Action Pans”.Ye Lina said that since its implementation, Chongqing’s import and export structure has been optimized; bilateral investment has steadily developed;cooperation and exchanges have become increasingly active; and the benefits enjoyed by enterprises have significantly increased.

From January to August 2023, the import and export value of RCEP registered nearly RMB 700 million, and the amount of reduced or waived tariffs reached more than RMB 1.9 million, an increase of over 20% and 30%respectively.RCEP member states have set up 31 new projects in Chongqing,with a paid-in foreign direct investment of USD160 million, a 5.3% yearon-year increase.Meanwhile, Chongqing has initiated 18 new non-financial investment projects with RCEP member states, with a paid-in outbound investment of USD80 million, which is a 430% year-on-year increase.

Furthermore, during major exhibitions like the Western China International Fair for Investment and Trade (WCIFIT) and the Smart China Expo, Chongqing hosted several themed events, such as the CCI-ILSTC International Cooperation Forum, the International Forum on RCEP and the Opening-Up of Western China, and the RCEP Digital Trade Cooperation and Development Forum, which has helped Chongqing and RCEP member states reach a series of agreements regarding investment, trade, logistics, and education.





From January to August 2023, the import and export between Chongqing and RCEP member states reached RMB146.78 billion.New growth drivers of export to RCEP markets are high-tech, high-value-added, and green products,represented by “Three New Items” of electric vehicles, photovoltaic products, and lithium batteries.New import highlights from RCEP member states include agricultural products, daily consumer products, and new energy mineral resources.


Expanding the Import and Export of Specialty Products

“The trade volume between Chongqing and RCEP member states accounts for about one-third of the city’s total trade volume.That means they are now all important trading partners,” Ye stated.To expand the import and export of specialty products, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce has issued several policies, such as theMeasures to Stabilize Volume and Improve the Structure of Foreign Tradeand theMeasures to Increase Imports and Promote the Coordinated Development of Foreign Trade.It has also put forward specific measures to expand the scale of key products and reasonably increase the volume of imports.


Up to now, Chongqing has also established brick-and-mortar service platforms such as the RCEP Trade Service Center, which primarily focuses on general trade enterprises, and the Chengdu-Chongqing RCEP Cross-border Trade Center, which mainly focuses on cross-border e-commerce enterprises that operate with new forms of service trade.In addition, there are online service platforms such as the “Free Trade” FTA Smart Service App and the “Voice of Chongqing Technology and Trade” consulting service platform.Together, these platforms have helped to form a pragmatic and effective system for promoting trade and enterprise service systems.

Meanwhile, in recent years, Chongqing has implemented the “Tens of Hundreds of Enterprises” international market development plan, which primarily targets RCEP member states.The city has also created the “Chongqing Trade Global”exhibition brand, which has organized and guided hundreds of local enterprises to visit RCEP member states such as Thailand,the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Myanmar.In these countries, enterprises carry out economic and trade cooperation exchanges, share opportunities, and discuss collaboration.This series of actions has comprehensively boosted Chongqing's export-oriented economy.

Photo/Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce


“我市与RCEP成员国贸易额占贸易总额三分之一左右,这些国家均是我市重要的贸易伙伴。” 叶力娜介绍,为扩大特色产品进出口规模,市商务委相继出台《关于推动外贸稳规模优结构若干措施》《扩大进口促进对外贸易协调发展的若干措施》等政策,提出扩大重点产品规模和合理扩大进口规模的具体举措。





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