
2023-11-06 03:46:18广东王慧琴
疯狂英语·新策略 2023年9期

广东 王慧琴







1. Spectators thronged thenoisy stadium. Loudspeakersboomed and crackledas they announced the events. There were so many competitors that several heats had been arranged for each event.Kipsang feltnervousand his stomach seemed to betied in knots.He began tofretthat he wouldn't be able to run.观众们聚集在嘈杂的体育场。当宣布比赛事宜时,扩音器里传来轰轰声和噼啪声。因为参赛者众多,每项比赛都安排了几场预赛。基普桑很紧张,他的胃好像揪成了一团。他开始担心自己不能跑了。(比赛前的环境描写和紧张的心理描写)

2. Thebright modern stadium was packed withthousands of people, and bandsplayed lively tunesas the teams waited to enter the arena.明亮的现代体育场里挤进了几千人,当队员们候场时,乐队演奏着欢快的音乐。(比赛前的环境描写)

3.All around the stadium,everyone was excited as they enjoyed the moment,proud to be there and full of hope and good spirits.整个体育场内,每个人都兴奋不已。他们享受此时此刻,对自己能参加奥运会而倍感骄傲,他们满怀希望、斗志昂扬。(比赛前的环境描写、表现运动员自豪的心理描写和动作描写)

4. With their hearts thumping, they noticed a lit-up area with people sitting around in groups.他们注意到一块灯火通明的地方,人们三五成群地坐在一起,他们的心怦怦跳了起来。(本句先写心理,后写视觉,表现了紧张忐忑的心情)

5. He qualified! His big day arrived at last. Kipsang stood nervously at the starting line.Would he perform well?How could he beat all these world-class runners?Hefelt butterflies fluttering around inside him.他进决赛了!这个重要的日子终于来了。基普桑紧张地站在起跑线上。他能跑好吗?他怎么才能打败其他所有这些世界级跑步运动员呢?他感觉心里七上八下的。(比赛前既期待又紧张的复杂情绪的心理描写)

6. All these questions weredistractinghim. Sternly he told himself tobreathe deeply, relax and concentrate. He imagined he was back at home and on his way to school,running fleet-footed like a gazelle.The loudspeakers boomed,announcing each competitor's name in turn.The crowd roared. The athletes took up their starting positions. Kipsang'sheart skipped.这些问题正在分散他的注意力。但是他严厉地告诉自己,要深呼吸,要放松,要集中精力。他想象自己回到家乡,在上学的路上,像一只羚羊一样敏捷快速地跑着。扩音器响了起来,依次介绍每名参赛选手的名字。观众们欢呼起来。选手们准备好起跑姿势。基普桑的心都要跳出来了。(比赛前的心理描写和环境描写)

表1 比赛前的场景



1.The starting gun fired and the boysbolteddown the track.Surprisedat how quickly everyone was running, Kipsang had to make a determined effort tostretch outand stay near the front.起跑的枪声响起,男孩们在跑道上飞奔起来。基普桑很惊讶,大家竟然都跑得那么快,他只能拼尽全力迈开步向前跑,并保持在前列。(比赛过程中坚持拼搏的动作描写和心理描写)

2. Every time someone tried to pass him, he justranharder, faster. As the runners rounded the last corner, they allput on another burst of speed. Kipsang went faster still.He felt as thoughhis lungs would burstand his legs would give way beneath him.每次有人想要超过他,他就跑得更努力、更快些。当选手们跑过最后一个弯道时,他们都开始加速冲刺。基普桑还是比他们跑得更快。他觉得他的肺好像快要爆炸,双腿也开始发软。(比赛过程中与对手顽强拼搏的动作描写和心理描写)

3. Kipsang could feel the other runners in the pack close on his heels, but he wasdeterminednot to let anyone pass. Suddenly, someone behind himclippedhis heels. Kipsangstumbled. Helurched forward,staggered,but quickly adjusted his strideto keep his balance. Runners tried to overtake him. Hequickened his paceand ran steadily onwards,feeling his heart pounding as he strode forwar D.基普桑能感觉到队伍里其他选手们正紧跟在他的身后,但是他下决心绝不能让他们超过去。突然,后面有人撞了一下他的脚踝,基普桑的身体向前打了个趔趄,步伐也不稳了,但是他迅速调整步伐以保持平衡。选手们一直想要超过他。他加快了步伐,继续稳步向前,当他大步地向前跑时,他感到自己的心怦怦直跳。(比赛过程中遇到困难,继续坚持的动作描写)

4. Quickly Kipsangresponded,accelerated,and again stepped up his pace,striding outahead of the pack,faster and faster.He felt the wind in his face and heardthe roar of the crowd.基普桑迅速做出回应,他加速并加大了步伐,在队伍前面大步跑着,越跑越快。他感觉到风吹在他的脸上,听到人群的欢呼声。(比赛过程中与对手顽强拼搏的一系列的动作描写以及观众的反应)

5. The finish line was not far away now.Could he hang on? His legs started to ache andhis chest tightened. He couldhardly breathe. 现在,终点线已经不远了。他能坚持到最后吗?他的双腿开始疼痛,他的胸腔发紧。他简直快不能呼吸了。(比赛过程中遇到困难的心理描写和动作描写)

6. Kipsang's thighs screamed in agony as he gasped for breath.If onlyhe could hold on. Somebody close behindtried to passhim. Kipsang tried with all his might. He had to stay in front.Hedug deep and forced his legs further,harder faster.One final effort.Helunged forward over the line,together with the other athlete.基普桑大口喘息着,他的大腿像在痛苦地尖叫。他要是能坚持下去就好了。紧随其后的人想要超过他。基普桑拼尽了全力。他必须保持在前面。他拼尽全力,迫使双腿继续向前跑,跑得更努力也更快。最后一搏。他和另一名运动员一起冲破终点线。(比赛过程中克服困难,坚持拼搏的动作描写)

表2 比赛过程中选手及观众的表现


1.But hekept pushing,harder and harder,until at last he crossed the line just ahead of the others. He wasoverjoyed. He had done it! His heart and his headwere pounding,but he had won his first race and he was in the final.但是他继续向前跑,跑得越来越用力,直到最后他在其他人之前率先冲过了终点线。他欣喜若狂。他做到了!他的心和脑袋都在咚咚地响,但是他赢得了他的第一场比赛,并且进入决赛了。(比赛后激动的心理描写)

2. Kipsang tried to catch his breath. His legswobbled weakly.Anxiouslyhe waited for the result.Other runnersshook his hand or pattedhim on the shoulder,but hewasn't sureif he couldmanage to hold on.基普桑努力地喘息。他的双腿虚弱地颤抖着。他焦急地等待比赛结果。其他选手们跟他握手,或是拍拍他的肩膀,但是他不知道自己能不能坚持住。(动作描写和心理描写,增加了比赛后等待结果的紧张感)

3. Kipsang had won the race. He had won a gold medal! His heart almostburst with joy.基普桑赢得了比赛。他赢得了一块金牌!他心中充满了喜悦。(比赛后获得金牌时欣喜若狂的心理描写)

4.What a wonderful feeling!How greatit was to be there! Kipsang's dream had come true. He was doing what he loved to do. He had done his best and had won a gold medal.这种感觉多么奇妙啊!能出现在那里真是太棒了!基普桑的梦想实现了。他做着自己热爱的事情。他拼尽了全力,赢得了一块金牌。(比赛后获得金牌的喜悦心情)

5.Kipsang's heartsang with happinessand histhoughts flew back tohis home,his family, and his little village so far away.How proudthey would be. Kipsang remembered how the people of his village had given him the chance to race and had helped him to get starte D.Now he would be able to take his gold medal back home to show it to them.The music came to an end, and the winnersheld up their medals and waved to the cheering crowd.基普桑内心喜悦地歌唱着,他的思绪飞回到家中,想起他的家人和那个遥远的小村庄。他们该多么骄傲啊。基普桑记得他家乡的人们给了他比赛的机会,并且帮助他迈出了第一步。现在他能把他的金牌带回家乡给他们看了。音乐结束了,获奖运动员们高举奖牌,向喝彩的观众们挥手。(比赛后的感悟)

表3 比赛后的表现




He imagined he was back at home and on his way to school,running fleet-footed like a gazelle.他想象自己回到家乡,在上学的路上,像一只羚羊一样敏捷快速地跑着。


1. So dynamic was he that he swam more swiftly than ever. With his arms waving, he cut through the water smoothly____________________(像飞鱼一样).

2. They____________________(像剑鱼一样猛冲过去), shortening the distance between Mike and them.


在描写动作时,要学会细化动作,运用并列句,形成动作链,增强画面感。我们可以使用“sb did A,B and/but C”这一句式,如:

He lurched forward, staggered, but quickly adjusted his stride to keep his balance. 他的身体向前打了个趔趄,步伐也不稳了,但是他迅速调整步伐以保持平衡。


1.When she finished,her coach____________________(跑过来抱着她).

2.Sally____________________(弯腰系鞋带,听到)her mother whispering in her ear.

三、sb did sth,doing sth 或doing sth,sb did sth


Quickly Kipsang responded, accelerated, and again stepped up his pace, striding out ahead of the pack,faster and faster.基普桑迅速做出回应,他加速并加大了步伐,在队伍前面大步跑着,越跑越快。


1.____________________(他觉得自己落后了),he realized his heart pounded frantically and his mind went blank.

2. In order to compete for the first place, everyone put all their strength into it,____________________(希望立刻跑到终点获得第一).


副词在句中作状语,表达人物做某个动作的原因、结果或状态,或放在句首,或位于句末,增强感染力,使描述更生动形象。常用的高频副词有tightly、curiously、eagerly、excitedly、silently、fiercely、firmly、slightly、impatiently、restlessly、cheerfully 等。在体现动作的迅速时,可使用以下修饰语:swiftly、suddenly、immediately、without pausing、without delay、without hesitation等。

His legs wobbled weakly. Anxiously he waited for the result.他的双腿虚弱地颤抖着。他焦急地等待比赛结果。


1.____________________(令人惊讶的是),he found his body lighter and stronger than usual.

2.____________________(兴奋地), he waved his fist and cheered as loud as he coul D.

五、with 结构


With their hearts thumping, they noticed a lit-up area with people sitting around in groups.他们注意到一块灯火通明的地方,人们三五成群地坐在一起,他们的心怦怦跳了起来。


1.I found Cassie run away____________________(脸上流着泪).

2.Eventually,____________________(他的心怦怦直跳),he reached the destination.




The exciting 400-metre relay finally began. The students surrounded the entire playground, 1.____________________(疯狂地欢呼呐喊着). 2.____________________(运动员就位后,老师举起他的手,发出命令,然后开枪).On hearing the “bang” sound,3.____________________(所有的赛跑者都像离弦的箭一般冲出去). The first athlete quickly approached the next person and managed to pass the relay baton into his han D.Once getting the baton,4.____________________(第二个运动员紧紧抓住接力棒,一眨眼就全速跑了出去,然后把接力棒传给了第三个运动员).Soon,the last runner set off in the blink of an eye.I didn't recognize him until he got closer.It was Li Hua—a classmate from my class! Suddenly, a great cheer went up from the crowd when he crossed the finish line and ran towards us with a glowing smile.



主题1 乡村越野赛跑

(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)It was the day of the big cross-country run. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线)through thick evergreen forest.

I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years ol D. His usual big toothy smile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasn't with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.

What was wrong?He had worked so hard for this event!

I quickly searched the crowd for the school's coach and asked him what had happene D.“I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably.“I gave him the choice to run or not,and let him decide.”

I bit back my frustration(懊恼).I knew the coach meant well—he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forwar D.

David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular ki D. He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing.That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team. It just took him longer—that's all.David had not missed a single practice,and although he always finished his run long after the other children,he did always finish.As a special education teacher at the school,I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.

Paragraph 1:

We sat down next to each other,but David wouldn't look at me.____________________


Paragraph 2:

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners._____________


主题2 萨莉的足球赛

The football season was almost over. Sally had been playing football all summer. She really enjoyed running around with the other players in her bright orange uniform, chasing the black and white ball across the grassy fiel D. As much as she tried, though, Sally still had not scored one single goal.

Before each game, they had a practice session. The coach showed Sally and her team how to pass the ball to each other and take shots at the goal. Sally was pretty good at passing the ball, but even during practices, she couldn't kick the ball past the goalkeeper. She wondered if she should quit football and join a different clu C.

“Don't give up,” said the coach.But it was half-time,and Sally was feeling frustrate D.She was trying!Every time she got a chance to kick the ball,it would go in the wrong direction or a player from the other team would take control of it. She sipped at her cola and pouted(噘嘴).

The break was over and the referee blew his whistle to start the game again. The two teams walked back onto the field, both determined to win. Sally bent, tied up her shoelace and heard her mother whispering in her ear,“Stay focuse D. Keep your eyes on the ball.Look for an opportunity to get the ball.You can do it.”

Sally stood up and took a deep breath.Even if she didn't get one goal all summer,she knew that she had tried her best. That was something to be proud of. So she smiled at her mother and headed to her position.The whistle blew,and the game continue D.

The score was tied with one goal each.The green team was pretty good,but Sally's orange team was fast. The girls' ponytails bounced as they ran, with many feet kicking frantically (拼命地) at the ball when it came near them. It was a rather boring game and Sally's heart was no longer in it.

Paragraph 1:

Sally started daydreaming about joining other school clubs.______________________


Paragraph 2:

Recalling her mother's words,Sally was woken from her daydream.________________


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