
2023-10-30 18:17:30袁丹纯
疯狂英语·爱英语 2023年3期








2. 利用“LOCK系统”搭建文本框架和读写支架。“LOCK系统”的各个要素中,L代表主角(Lead),O代表目标(Objective),C代表冲突(Confrontation),而K代表冲击性结尾(Knockout)。它们可以概括为一个公式:故事情节=主角+目标+冲突+冲击性结尾。在阅读小说时,利用“LOCK系统”有助于我们整合人物信息,梳理情节走向,明确故事的高潮和转折点,分析故事结尾与小说主题的关系。在写小说读后感时,我们可以利用“LOCK系统”提炼出小说的内容、写作手法和主题。



Sb, was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era and one of the most pop⁃ular novelists of all time.某人是维多利亚时代最受欢迎的英国小说家,同时也是有史以来最受欢迎的小说家之一。

He created some of literatures most memorable characters. 他创造了一些文学作品中最令人难忘的人物。

It is because of this experience that makes sb more concerned about the living condi⁃tions of the working people. 正是因为这次经历,使得某人更加关心劳动人民的生活条件。

All of the experiences give sb a different life and each of them gives the reader a dif⁃ferent thought. 所有的经历给了某人一个完全不同的生活,并且每一次的经历都带给了读者不同的思考。


I read a novel entitled..., written by an English author named... 我读了一部名为……的小说,它是由英国作家……所写的。

The story describes a girl called..., who walks out of the shadow of...and begins a newlife. 这个故事描写了一个名叫……的女孩,她走出……的阴影,开始新生活。

Sb's novels expose some social problems, such as... 某人的小说揭露了诸如……的一些社会问题。


I think/In my opinion/From my point of view, ... 在我看来,……

My favourite character is... 我最喜欢的角色是……

One character vividly drawn throughout his novels is... 在他的小说中,刻画得很生动的一个人物是……

It is understandable that... ……是可以理解的。

But is it all right to...? 但……是對的吗?

One interesting anecdote contained in the story/novel is that... 这个故事/小说中的一件趣事是……

I think sb wants to let his readers know the darkness, terror, violence, and deceptionin the 19th century. 我认为某人希望他的读者了解19世纪的黑暗、恐怖、暴力和欺骗。

Here I remember a popular message which says that nothing is impossible for theyouth.在这里我想起一则受欢迎的信息:年轻无所不能。

The story teaches us that there should be boundaries in interpersonal relationships. 这个故事告诉我们人际关系应该有界限。

In conclusion, only when we keep proper distance can we feel comfortable with eachother and our friendship last long as well. 总之,只有当我们保持适当的距离,我们才能感到彼此相处舒适,我们的友谊才会持久。


The Cop and the Anthem

by O. Henry

Winter was near. Soapy had to find some way to takecare of himself during the cold weather. Therefore, hemoved restlessly on his seat in the park.

Soapy's hopes for the winter were not very high.Three months in the prison on Blackwells Island was whathe wanted. Three months of food every day and a bed every night, three months safe fromthe cold north wind and safe from cops!This seemed to Soapy the most desirable thing inthe world.

The most pleasant way to prison was to have a good dinner at some fine restaurant without paying for it. Soapy left his seat and stopped at the best restaurant in this area. Butas Soapy put his foot inside the restaurant door, the head waiter saw his broken old shoesand the torn clothes that covered his legs. Strong and ready hands turned Soapy around andmoved him quietly and quickly outside.

It seemed that this most desirable way to the Island was not to be his. He must thinkof some other way of getting there.

Soapy picked up a big stone and threw it through the glass of another shop. Then,Soapy stood still and smiled, waiting for the cop to arrest him. But the cop saw another manrunning farther along the street, and raced after him.

Later, Soapy saw a man in the shop buying a newspaper. The mans umbrella stood be⁃side the door. Another idea occurred to him. Soapy stepped inside the shop, took the um?brella, and walked slowly away. The man followed him quickly.

“My umbrella,”he said.

“Oh, is it?”said Soapy.“I took it. Why dont you call a cop? Theres one standing at the corner.”

The cop looked at the two men.

“If that's your umbrella, I'm very sorry—I found it this morning in a restaurant.”Aftersaying that, the man hurried away. Soapy wished to be arrested, but the cops seemed to be⁃lieve he was like a king, who could do no wrong.

At last Soapy came to an old, old church where the beautiful anthem held him and re⁃minded him of his past clean soul when a sudden eagerness for a change took hold of him.In his clean past, his life contained such things as mothers and flowers and high hopes andfriends and clean thoughts and clean clothes. He saw with sick fear how he had fallen. Hesaw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, and the lost power of his mind.He would fight to change his life. He would pull himself up, out of the mud. He wouldmake a man of himself again.

There was time. That beautiful anthem had changed him. Tomorrow he would findwork. He would be somebody in the world. He would...

Soapy felt a hand on his arm. He looked quickly around into the broad face of a cop.

“What are you doing hanging around here?”asked the cop.

“Nothing,”said Soapy.

“You think I believe that?”said the cop.

Full of his new strength, Soapy began to argue. And it is not wise to argue with a New York cop.

“Come along,”said the cop.

“Three months on the Island,”said the judge to Soapy the next morning.

Ⅰ. 閱读自测

Ⅱ. 主题探究

The novel wants to tell us that in order to have a warm and safe 1. , poor home⁃less Soapy tried to commit crimes to be arrested by cops but he 2. . However, whenhe came to a church, heard the anthem and wished to behave better, he was arrested by acop for nothing 3. . The novelist wants to imply that the society at that time was4. when bad people were seen as innocent citizens while good people were consid⁃ered as criminals.

Ⅲ. 语言学习

1. 动作描写

But as Soapy put his foot inside the restaurant door, the head waiter saw his broken old shoes and the torn clothes that covered his legs.


Strong and ready hands turned Soapy around and moved him quietly and quickly out⁃side.


Soapy picked up a big stone and threw it through the glass of another shop.


Soapy stepped inside the shop, took the umbrella, and walked slowly away.


2. 心理描写

He would fight to change his life. He would pull himself up, out of the mud. He wouldmake a man of himself again... Tomorrow he would find work. He would be somebody in theworld. He would...


3. 修辞手法


Three months in the prison on Blackwells Island was what he wanted. Three monthsof food every day and a bed every night, three months safe from the cold north wind andsafe from cops!

他想要待在Blackwells Island的监狱三个月,这三个月每天都有食物,每晚都有床,还有三个月免受寒冷北风的侵袭与警察的伤害!



“Three months on the Island,”said the judge to Soapy the next morning.


对比是把具有明显差异、矛盾和对立的双方安排在一起,进行对照比较的表现手法。本处使用了对比修辞。本句是文章的最后一段,Three months on the Island与文章的第二段起到了首尾呼应的作用。文章前后主人翁不同的愿望与警察不同的态度形成了鲜明的对比,作者将想进监狱的苏比与不想进监狱的苏比进行对比,将把做了坏事的苏比当成好人的警察与把想做好人的苏比抓进监狱的警察进行对比,揭示了当时荒谬不公的社会状况。


In his clean past,his life contained such things as mothers and flowers and high hopes and friends and clean thoughts and clean clothes.


He saw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, and the lost power of his mind.




Strong and ready hands turned Soapy around and moved him quietly and quickly out⁃side.



Ⅳ. 句式仿写

1. 他把梯子靠在墙边,爬上去往外看。

2. 我僵住了。我能感觉到热流上升到我的脸颊。

3. 爱屋及乌。

4. 你将要留下来,我将会走。

5. 没有人可以完全自由直到大家都自由,没有人可以完全有道德直到大家都有道德,没有人能完全开心直到所有人都是开心的。

6. 他们住在一起。

Ⅴ. 写作实践

最近,你们刚阅读了小说The Cop and the Anthem。英语老师布置了主题为“TheCop and the Anthem 的读后感”的写作任务。请根据以下要点,写一篇作文。

1. 总结小说的情节与主题;

2. 你对小说的评价;

2. 小说对你的启示。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 需要使用“素材导背”中的两个句式。

参考词汇:修辞figure of speech

My review on The Cop and the Anthem

A self⁃assessment checklist for my novel reading

1. 阅读本文前,我认真了解了小说的基本要素和写作特色。□ Yes □ No

2. 在阅读过程中,我会借助符号、数字或彩色笔对文本中的语篇结构和语言特色做相应标注。

□ Yes □ No

3. 在阅读过程中,我会用“LOCK系统”梳理文章。□ Yes □ No

4. 在阅读中,我会认真思考小说的主题。□ Yes □ No

5. 在這篇小说中,我最喜欢的部分是。

□ 人物描写□ 环境描写□ 情节安排□ 修辞手法

6. 读完本文后,我学会了通过描写人物的冲突和运用修辞手法来凸显文章的主题。

□ Yes □ No

7. 为了读懂小说,我需要。

□ 提高语言运用能力□ 形成高效的读写策略

□ 坚持阅读□ 丰富背景知识

8. 本次读写活动后,我对撰写小说读后感更有思路了。□ Yes □ No

9. 我计划用的时间读完小说(标题)。

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