A milestone for Baihetan Hydropower Station白鹤滩水电站发展的里程碑

2023-10-30 16:36:25孙建丽
疯狂英语·新策略 2023年3期


主題语境:能源 篇幅:341词 建议用时:6分钟

Baihetan Hydropower Station, the worlds largestand most difficult⁃to⁃build hydropower project that isstill under construction, generated 10 billion kilowatt⁃hours of green power in 2022.

The power amount equals that produced byburning about 3.06 million metric tons of standardcoal, and represents a reduction of about 8.38 million tons of carbon dioxide, which adds agreat deal to Chinas green transformation in economic and social development and its goalof peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality(碳中和)by2060. Since the first generator units went into operation, the station has in all generatedbillions of kWh of power, and all units are stably running. At present, the last two generatorunits of the station are in their closing stage of final assembly (安装).

Located over the Jinsha River on the border of Southwest Chinas Yunnan and Si⁃chuan provinces, Baihetan Hydropower Station is a national major project for the countryswest⁃to⁃east power transmission, which aims to transmit electricity from the resource⁃rich western part of China to energy⁃hungry regions in eastern China.

The station is installed with 16 hydro⁃generating units, each with a capacity of 1 mil⁃lion kilowatts, the largest single⁃unit capacity in the world. It is the most technically diffi⁃cult hydropower project under construction in the world today, dubbed the Mount Qomol⁃angma of the hydropower industry. The efficiency of the turbine (涡轮机) for power genera⁃tors is 96.7 percent, ranking at the worlds leading level.

Baihetan Hydropower Station, together with the Wudongde, Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba,Three Gorges, and Gezhouba power stations, forms the worlds largest clean power corridor.All of them are operated by China Three Gorges Corporation.

After reaching full operation, Baihetan Hydropower Station will be the worlds second⁃largest of its kind after Chinas Three Gorges Dam. The station can generate 62.4 billion kWhof clean electricity every year, cutting the usage of 19.68 million tons of standard coal andreducing emissions equivalent to 51.6 million tons of carbon dioxide. The station will alsobe able to power electricity consumption for 75 million people.



1. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that Baihetan Hydropower Station .

A. has been a great technical success

B. has so far brought huge economic benefits

C. will go into full operation in the near future

D. is of great help to Chinas green development

2. Whats the total capacity of Baihetan Hydropower Station?

A. 14 million kilowatts. B. 16 million kilowatts.

C. 10 billion kilowatts. D. 62.4 billion kilowatts.

3.“Mount Qomolangma”is mentioned in the text to indicate .

A. the efficiency of Baihetan Hydropower Station

B. the power amount of Baihetan Hydropower Station

C. the technical difficulty of Baihetan Hydropower Station

D. the geological position of Baihetan Hydropower Station

4. How does the author support a theory in the last paragraph?

A. By giving examples. B. By using specific data.

C. By starting arguments. D. By providing details.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

The power amount equals that produced by burning about 3.06 million metric tons ofstandard coal, and represents a reduction of about 8.38 million tons of carbon dioxide,which adds a great deal to Chinas green transformation in economic and social develop?ment and its goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and reaching carbon neu⁃trality by 2060. 这个发电量相当于燃烧约306万吨标准煤产生的电量,并减少了约838万吨的二氧化碳,为我国经济社会发展的绿色转型和2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和的目标提供了有力保障。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。that为代词;produced... standard coal为分词短语作代词that的后置定语;第一个and连接并列谓语equals和represents;which引导非限制性定语从句;第三个连词and连接前面介词to的宾语Chinas green transformationin economic and social development 和its goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by2030 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2060;最后一个and连接goal后面介词of的两个宾语。

Ⅱ. Text⁃centered chunks

under construction 在建设中

go into operation 投入运营

aim to do sth 力争做到某事

be equivalent to 等同于……

智富时代(2019年6期)2019-07-24 10:33:16
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2
外语学刊(2011年3期)2011-01-22 03:42:20