what's the story about?
Richard is a sparrow. His parents died after he was born. He lives with a family of storks in the forest. Richard grows up with his “parents” and “brothers” happily. He believes he is also a stork. But one day, the storks are going to fly to Africa for winter. They tell Richard he is a sparrow. A sparrow can’t fly so far. So they leave Richard behind and fly away. Richard is so sad. He still thinks he is a stork. He tries to fly to Africa by himself! But it’s not easy at all. Sometimes he even travels by bus, train and boat. Will Richard get to Africa? Find the answer in the movie Richard the Stork(《理查大冒險》).
Richard looks small and weak. But he is very brave and loves to make friends. He wants to prove he is a real stork.
Olga is an owl. She is Richard’s friend and is very naughty. She loves imagining things. Other animals think she is strange.
Kiki meets Richard on the way. He is a green and yellow parrot. He likes talking and singing. But he is afraid of heights.
sparrow /ˈspærəu/ 名词,麻雀
born /bɔ∶n/ 形容词,出生的
stork /stɔ∶k/ 名词,(鸟)鹳
weak /wi∶k/ 形容词,弱小的
prove /pru∶v/ 动词,证明
owl /aul/ 名词,猫头鹰
imagine /iˈmæʤin/ 动词,想象(动名词:imagining)
is afraid of heights 恐高
be afraid of sth 害怕某物
height /hait/ 名词,高度