
2023-10-03 20:07:34
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年8期

第一部分閱读(共两节,满分50 分)




Last Thursday, Michael and Linda stood behind large food trucks distributing meals to4,000 homeless people for their wedding reception on the border town of Kilis. The couplehad decided that instead of hosting their friends and family for a traditional feast reception,they would feed the victims from an earthquakestrickenarea.

The idea came from the bridegroom’s father, Ted, who volunteers for a Turkish relieforganization. For the past few years, the organization has distributed daily meals to thousandsof people who have suffered from natural disasters and lost their housing. He approacheda representative of the organization and suggested that the family cover part of thecosts of feeding them for the day.

Then he told his son, who was surprised by the suggestion, but soon won over.When he told that to the bride, she was really shocked but finally accepted because insoutheastern Türkiye there is a real culture of sharing with people in need. They love toshare their food, their table and everything they have. So, they arrived at the distributioncenter on Thursday to spend the day serving food and taking photographs with their gratefulrecipients (接受者).

On Tuesday evening, the newly married couple were still pleased with their decisionto quit a personal celebration for one with greater good.“It’s like sharing a dinner withyour friends and family who have this kind of thing on a daily basis or sharing somethingwith people who don’t even have the most basic things,”Michael said.“Hopefully, thiswill also give a start for other wedding dinners to be held here with our brothers and sistersin need.”

1. Why were there so many homeless people in Kilis?

A. To attend Michael and Linda’s wedding.

B. To support the organization.

C. To escape the damaging earthquake.

D. To help distribute free daily meals.

2. How did the couple celebrate their wedding?

A. They treated their friends and relatives to a big dinner.

B. They afforded the entire costs of feeding victims for the day.

C. They shared their happiness with the homeless in Kilis.

D. They took photos with the grateful victims.

3. What does the underlined word“approached”in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Took in. B. Moved to.

C. Came across. D. Consulted with.


Jamil Jan Kochai, the author of 99 Nights in Logar, searched for more than a decadefor Susan Lung—the secondgradeteacher who had changed his life over 20 years earlier.On Saturday night, the two were finally reunited at one of his bookreadingevents.

The writer was born in a refugee camp (難民营) for Afghans in Peshawar, Pakistan,and his family moved to California when he was just a year old. At home, they spoke mostlyPashto and some Farsi, so by the time he reached first grade, he was at a total loss becausehe could hardly speak English. Then came Mrs Lung, who quickly realized that Kochai wasdeeply struggling at Alyce Norman Elementary School.

The two got to work, meeting for oneonone lessons nearly every day after school. Atthe end of the school year, Kochai won readingcomprehensioncompetitions.

Lung and Kochai lost touch when Kochai’s father got a job in another city and the boymoved on, with a new love of reading and writing. When he grew older, Kochai’s parentsencouraged him to find his former teacher to thank her. But despite his efforts, he failed totrack her down.

“I didn’t know her first name. She was always just Mrs Lung to me, so when I calledplaces to ask about her, they couldn’t find any records of her,”Kochai said.

Then, while promoting his first novel, he wrote an essay for Literary Hub magazine,touching on the transformative impact that Lung had on his life. Lung’s doctor happened toread it, and told the nowretirededucator about that.

Lung’s husband saw a Facebook post about Kochai’s reading event on Saturday  in Davis, California and suggested he drive his wife there.

“I had no idea they were going to be there,”Kochai said.“It was just like a sweetdream. Mrs Lung was sitting in the front row. She was just the same Mrs Lung. Just assweet, kind and warm as ever.”

Kochai and Lung hugged, and Kochai finally got the chance to express to her howmuch he still thought of her and how much she meant to him.

4. How did Mrs Lung help Kochai?

A. By dropping by his house regularly.

B. By asking him to read more in class.

C. By spending extra time tutoring him.

D. By saving him out of a refugee camp.

5. Why did Kochai have difficulty finding Mrs Lung?

A. There were few records about her.

B. His parents provided little support.

C. He was too young to remember her.

D. He had limited information about her.

6. How did Kochai feel when seeing Mrs Lung at his reading event?

A. Surprised and delighted.

B. Shocked and angry.

C. Ashamed and regretful.

D. Proud and grateful.

7. What is the best title for the text?

A. A distinguished guest showed up at a reading event

B. A writer was finally reunited with his former teacher

C. A famous teacher saved a poor student’s whole life

D. A book changed a celebrity and a retired teacher


When international aid is given, steps must be taken to ensure that the aid reaches thepeople for whom it is intended. The way to achieve this may not be simple. It is very difficultfor a nation to give help directly to people in another nation. The United Nations Organization(UNO) could undertake to direct the distribution of aid. Here however rises theproblem of costs and time. Perhaps the UNO could set up a body of devoted men andwomen in every country who can speedily distribute aid to victims of floods and earthquakes.

More than the help that one nation can give to another during a disaster, it would bemore effective to give other forms of help during normal times. A common proverb says,“”If we followthis wise saying, it would be right to teach people from less developed nations to take careof themselves. For example, a country could share its technology with another. This couldbe in simple areas like agriculture or in more complex areas like medical and health care oreven in building satellites. Even a small country is able to help less developed nations.Sometimes what is taken for granted, like the setting up of a water purification plant or theadministration of a school, could be useful for countries which are looking for solutions tosolve common problems. It does not cost much to share such simple things. Exchange studentscould be attached for a number of months or years and learn the required craft whileon the site. They can then take their knowledge back to their homeland and if necessary come back from time to time to clear doubts or to update themselves. Such aid will be trulyhelpful and there is no chance of it being temporary or of it falling into the wrong hands.

Many countries run extensive courses in all sorts of skills. It will not cost much to includedeserving foreigners in these courses. Besides giving effective help to the countriesconcerned, there is also the buildupof friendships to consider. Giving direct help bygiving materials may be effective in the short run and must continue to be given in theevent of emergencies. However, in the long run what is really effective would be the sharing of knowledge.

8. How is paragraph 2 developed?

A. By making analyses. B. By stating processes.

C. By giving examples. D. By making contrasts.

9. What does the author try to express in the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?

A. Providing food is vital.

B. Learning to fish is helpful.

C. Looking after others is important.

D. Teaching techniques is vital.

10. Which aid is likely to fall into the wrong hands?

A. A medical team.

B. Financial support.

C. A water plant.

D. An exchange program.

11. What can we infer about international aid from the text?

A. It is facing difficulties.

B. It is unnecessary during normal times.

C. It should be given in the form of materials.

D. It has gained support by developed countries.


Zhang Ying, 23, could have been a news host after four years studying broadcastingand talk show hosting at the university. So could Du Xintong. Instead of just becomingtalking heads on TV, they decided to use their knowledge to help millions of children withspeech disorders to find their own voices. They cofoundedVoice Changer, which offerslanguage rehabilitation (復原) for teenagers in China through online and inpersonserviceplatforms.

According to Zhang, each child needs to finish at least one threemonthcourse, whichconsists of three 40minutesessions a week. The length of the overall training program isdependent on each child’s condition upon their evaluation.

“ When we are teaching inpersoncourses, the parents cannot accompany theirchildren. The children may feel a bit nervous in a strange environment, but they soon getused to it and start to enjoy the training,”she says.

They also launched a miniprogramon WeChat that provides online services for familiesof children with speech disorders—parents can upload their child’s information and recordings to the selftestingtool and get a report. As well as online speech therapy (治疗),there are also online courses for parents, including guidance for speech therapy at home.

“We insist that parents should accompany their children when taking online coursesas they need to play the role of both teaching assistants and deskmates,”she says.

There are only 10,000 speech therapists in China, many of whom are not fulltime.Unlikecommon volunteer work, to be a speech therapist volunteer, complex training is requiredbefore services can be offered.

“Speech therapy is a complex subject which requires knowledge, including training ineducation, psychology, linguistics and so on,”Zhang says, adding that their team hasdeveloped a training system for the volunteers to grow into professional speech therapists.They prefer to employ college students majoring in related subjects, such as broadcasting,linguistics, Chinese languages and literature or special education.

12. What is Zhang Ying’s occupation now?

A. A news host. B. A speech therapist.

C. A psychologist. D. A college student.

13. What can we learn about Voice Changer’s programs?

A. Each lasts three months.

B. They are intended for teens.

C. Parents’ company is a must.

D. They vary from person to person.

14. What are parents required to do in online courses?

A. Help their children learn better.

B. Have some knowledge of psychology.

C. Leave their children alone without interrupting.

D. Upload their children’s information to a therapist.

15. Why are there limited speech therapists in China?

A. Speech therapy is a new industry.

B. Being a speech therapist is demanding.

C. Students majoring in related subjects are few.

D. People don’t want to take it as a fulltime job.



Volunteering is a great way to support an organization and make a difference in yourcommunity. It can also be an opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills. And what should we plan for? Here’s a guide for beginners.

Do you want to help the world, or your community? Do you want to build your ownskills, make new friends, and learn? Do you love what you do? Do you want to share yourgifts with others or give something back? Think about these kinds of questions. That canhelp you to choose the right direction for your volunteer work.

Choose an organization that is meaningful to you.

If you feel strongly about literacy (读写能力), for instance, volunteer at your locallibrary or find out if there is an organization of volunteer tutors in your area. There are organizationsdoing all sorts of work.

Start small.

If you already have a busy school life, volunteer your time for an hour or two a week,or perhaps one day a month. Then, if you find you enjoy the work and have moretime to do it, spend more time on it gradually.

Get training.

If there is a training course, attend it. If not, talk to the group leaders and other volunteersabout their experiences.

Try not to give up.

Volunteer work sometimes involves unpleasant tasks, difficult fellow workers, busy days, or bad management. If you find your work difficult, try to work through it  before you

decide to quit.

A. Do you love to work with people?

B. But how do we go about volunteering?

C. Get to know others in the organization.

D. Think about why you want to volunteer.

E. It is important that you choose something that you like.

F. You’ll pick up some good tips to make your work there more productive.

G. You might be surprised by how much you can do in even a little bit of time.

第二部分語言运用(共两节,满分30 分)



The problems had started before the trip even began.

It was my first time traveling to Asia. I had distances and timing. I hadplanned to visit Lombok first but booked the flights to Bali, not there was an airportin Lombok. Arriving in Bali at 1 pm, I was a bit . I had read online the last ferry leftat 4 pm and I had to take a 1.5hourtaxi journey to the port and catch the ferry toLombok.

Upon getting in the taxi, I told the driver the situation and he called his friendat the port. He told us the seas were so the last ferry was leaving at 2:30 pm, earlierthan usual. I started to panic, but my driver was to try. His phone rang manytimes with talks between him and his friend. It wasto see him put so much effort infor a .

When we were about 10 minutes away, his friend him that they would hold theboat for us—but we had to ! From there on, it was . It was pouring with rainand there was no road to the port. So, we . The driver my suitcase andstarted running; his shoes and uniform were all wet.

I arrived just in time to jump onto the boat. I’ve never been more thankful for someone’sthe whole way through.

21. A. recorded B. expanded C. misjudged D. changed

22. A. knowing B. estimating C. caring D. arguing

23. A. surprised B. disappointed C. worried D. embarrassed

24. A. just B. still C. always D. almost

25. A. cheerfully B. finally C. hesitantly D. immediately

26. A. stormy B. deep C. cold D. broad

27. A. honored B. delighted C. determined D. inspired

28. A. satisfying B. touching C. stressful D. awful

29. A. companion B. customer C. driver D. stranger

30. A. informed B. reminded C. warned D. convinced

31. A. turn B. quit C. wait D. rush

32. A. magic B. madness C. horror D. calmness

33. A. looked back B. turned around C. pulled over D. helped out

34. A. packed B. placed C. removed D. grabbed

35. A. kindness B. trust C. comfort D. admiration



A young Chinese woman who lost an eye in a serious car accident 36.________ (devote)her life to creating prosthetic eyes (義眼) that flash different colors.

In 2013, Xintong lost one of her eyes in 37. ________car accident. She was only 18at the time and she had it 38.________ (replace) with a prosthetic eye. Instead of losingconfidence in herself and shying away from people because of her 39. ________(appear),the young woman finally decided to turn her situation to make herself stand out. After40.________ (study) to become a prosthetic eye technician (假眼技师), Xintong startedmaking all sorts of unique prostheses for herself, 41.________ she showed off on socialmedia, slowly building up a loyal following.

Xintong is perfectly capable of making classic prosthetic eyes that 42.________ (be)almost indistinguishable from real ones, but she is best known for her“bionic ( 仿生)eyes”that light up different colors and even flash at the press of a button. Short videos of 43.________ (she) trying out some of these 44.________ (usual) prostheses have beengoing popular in China and she recently got the attention of mainstream media as well.

Xintong told Beijing News that she got into making prosthetic eyes 45.________ away of helping people like her deal with confidence issues.

第三部分写作(共两节,满分40 分)



1. 热爱体育;

2. 英语流利;

3. 性格外向,有组织能力。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir or Madam,





Yours,Li Hua



When I was a kid, my godparents, Uncle Nell and Aunt Frances, brought me a fourmontholdpuppy. She was half German shepherd, half collie. As her pink tongue tickled(挠痒) my face with wet licks, it was love at first hug.

My family named the puppy Dusty. Although I wanted to lay sole claim to her affection,in a family of seven kids, no one lays permanent claim to the family pet.

Dusty was our dog, not“my”dog. We soon realized that she had much patience. Mybaby sister often transformed Dusty’s warm fur into a naptimepillow, falling asleep onthe rug. Like a protective mother, Dusty waited without moving until my sister woke.

Dusty doubled as a school crossing guard, too. Monday through Friday, she’d walk uskids two blocks to St. Patrick’s Parochial, looking at both ways to check for traffic be fore allowing us to cross the street. We’d wave goodbye as we entered the door, knowingDusty would be waiting at the school door to claim us at the close of the school day.

Of all the contributions Dusty made to our family, one incident stands out far andabove all others. Late one night, Dusty rushed to my parents’bedroom. She barked andbarked. When she got no response, Dusty raced upstairs to my bedroom and my brothers’bedroom and barked again and again. When she failed to fully wake us, she flew back downthe steps and returned to my parents’ room. Finally, she got Mom’s attention.

“What are you doing, Dusty?”Mom snapped, still halfway in dreamland. Dusty persisted.Finally my mother gave in.“Okay, what is it?”

Dusty whined (哀鳴) and rushed out of Mom’s room. Thinking the dog needed to be letout to relieve herself, my mother followed Dusty to the front door.

When Mom opened the door to let her out, Dusty tore across the street, not stopping todo her business as my mother had assumed. Then she discovered what Dusty already knew.


Paragraph 1:

The house across the street, where my best friend Marianne lived, was on fire.______




Paragraph 2:

However, my mother refused to take all the credit (赞扬).____________________________




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