A new report from the World ObesityFederation has warned that, without immediateaction, more than half of the world’spopulation will be obese or overweight by2035. The report suggests that by 2035, 4billion individuals, or 51 percent of theworld, will be obese or overweight. The ratesof weight problems have been especiallyhigh among children and in lower earningsnations.
The report approximates that childhoodobesity will more than double from2020 levels, reaching around 208 millionkids and 175 million ladies around theworld by 2035. The cost to society of thehealth problems associated with weightproblems, such as diabetes, heart diseaseand the stroke, is already high, approximatedat over $4 trillion annually.
“It is particularly worrying to see obesityrates rising fastest among children andadolescents,”Louise Baur says, presidentof the World Obesity Federation who usesbody mass index (BMI) for its assessments,a step that uses an individual’s weight andheight to assess his level of physical fitness.According to World Health Organizationguidelines, a BMI rating over 25 isobese and over 30 is overweight. In 2020,2.6 billion people, or 38% of the worldpopulation, remained in these categories.The World Obesity Federation said thegreatest boosts (增加) in weight problemsrates are anticipated to be seen in low tomiddleincomecountries in Asia and Africa.“Governments and policymakersaround the world need to do all they can toavoid passing health, social and economiccosts on to the younger generation,”Baursaid.
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How many children will be obese by2035 according to the text?