我叫陆娴虹,参加汉语比赛的时候大家都叫我“彩虹姑娘”。 为了挑战自己,我报名参加了“汉语桥”印尼的全国大学生汉语比赛。虽然我的比赛经验并不丰富,但是在孔子学院老师的帮助下,我奇迹般地闯入了全国总决赛,代表哈山努丁大学孔子学院展示自己的风采。我在汉语老师的帮助下努力学习汉语和中国文化,每天都在练习汉语朗诵技巧,同时也在老师的帮助下练习各种中华才艺,如太极、剪纸、中国民歌、中国舞蹈等等。
My Chinese name is Lu Xianhong(陆娴虹), andeveryone calls me “the rainbow girl” in Chinese languagecompetitions. To challenge myself, I registered forthe “Chinese Bridge” university-level competition inIndonesia. Though I had only little experience, I wasable to advance to the national finals, representing theConfucius Institute at Hasanuddin University with theguidance of my dedicated teachers from the institute.With their continuous support, I learned the languageand the culture and made progress on a daily basis.Apart from enhancing my recitation skills, I alsopracticed various traditional Chinese arts, includingTai Chi, paper-cutting, Chinese folk songs, andChinese dance.
Later on, encouraged by my teachers and friends, Idecided to push myself further. This time, I signed up forthe Jiangxi Province Chinese Language Competition forInternational Students, competing against internationalstudents from across the province. In preparation forthe competition, I learned a Chinese dance namedPlum Blossom Tears, a beautiful, melancholic song thattells the gentle sorrow of parting. It was the first time Ihad put so much effort into learning a Chinese dance,and through it, I gained a deeper understanding of thedelicate emotions and sentiments that are uniquelyinherent in the Chinese culture. But since there wereso many excellent competitors, I didnt make it to thefinals. Nonetheless, the experience was incrediblyrewarding in itself.
Participating in Chinese language competitionshas allowed me to learn more about the language andculture. I find Chinese to be a fascinating subject: thecharacters are unique, and the culture is vibrant. Mylanguage proficiency has improved, too. Besides, I havemade new friends with both Chinese and internationalstudents who share the same passion for learningMandarin.
As one of my teachers once said, “Pressure stimulatesmotivation.” I have come to realize the truth ofthese words. Were it not for the pressure provided bythe competition, I might not have had the motivationto challenge myself to reach new heights in my journeyof learning Chinese.