惊蛰是二十四节气中的第三个节气,公历3 月5 日至6 日左右。“春雷惊百虫”,春雷始响,蛰伏于地下冬眠的蛰虫被雷声惊醒,纷纷破土而出。“春雷响,万物长”,此时气温回升快,草木都从地下面冒出来了。故惊蛰不仅代表着生机,预示着新的生命力,而且还表示新一年的春耕要开始了。正如农谚“到了惊蛰节,锄头不停歇”所说,自此,我国大部分地区都已进入春耕季节。一年之计在春耕,春得一犁雨,秋收万担粮。惊蛰来了,春忙也到了。
Jingzhe(or the Awakening of Insects),the third solar term in the twenty-four solarterms, typically occurs around March 5th to6th each year. It is said that “spring thunderawakens all insects”, as the first thunder ofspring rouses creatures like insects from theirhibernation underground, prompting them toemerge. Another saying states, “Spring thunderbrings growth to all things.” During thistime, the temperature rises rapidly, causingplants and trees to sprout from the ground.Thus, Jingzhe symbolizes not only vitality andthe promise of new life but also signifies thebeginning of spring plowing for the new year.As the saying goes, “When Jingzhe arrives,the hoe never rests.” From this point onward,most regions in China enter the spring plowingseason, as the bountiful crop in autumndepends on this essential spring agriculturalactivity. With the arrival of Jingzhe, the busyseason of spring also commences.
Different regions have their own customs duringthe Jingzhe period. As the weather transitions fromcold to warm, it becomes relatively dry, leading to drythroats and easy coughing. Therefore, there is a folk traditionof eating pears during Jingzhe. Pears can be consumedraw, steamed, juiced, baked, or boiled in water.They are believed to benefit the liver and the spleen andstrengthen the bodys immune system. In some places,there are customs of “offering sacrifices to the white tiger”and “beating the paper man”. According to Chinesefolklore, white tiger is a deity associated with gossipand disputes. It is believed to appear every year on theday of Jingzhe to seek food and harm people. “Offeringsacrificing to the white tiger” involves worshiping apaper tiger made of white paper. During the ceremony,the paper tiger is fed with pigs blood to satisfy its hungerand prevent it from spreading ill rumors. Raw porkis then rubbed on the mouth of the paper tiger, preventingit from uttering gossip. In ancient times, on theday of Jingzhe, people used to fumigate their homescorners with incense and the mugwort, driving awaysnakes, insects, mosquitoes, and rats with the fragrantsmoke. Over time, for those plagued by unhappiness,this practice evolved into the act of “beating the paperman” to ward off misfortune and keep away maliciousindividuals. This is the origin of the custom known as“beating the paper man”.
As a seasonal marker of spring, Jingzhehas also been extensively portrayed in ancientChinese poetry. The poem “HearingThunder” by Bai Juyi from the Tang Dynastybeautifully captures the essence of Jingzhe.
In the land plagued by mists and frost,
Warm weather arrives, hastened and tossed.
No snow in the depths of winters plight,
But thunder in January, heralds its might.
Awakened are creatures, from slumber they rise,
Startling the withered, as nature defies.
Yet in this realm, where visitors roam,
Remnants of cold persist, like ashes alone.
In this poem, the poet describes thegradual transition to warmer weather. Evenin the first lunar month, thunder can alreadybe heard. As the thunder rumbles, creaturesand snakes that were dormant undergroundduring the winter seem to awaken from theirdeep slumber. This awakening marks the beginningof rejuvenation and instills hope.