Each year, Nanchang University hosts summerand winter camps, as well as other short-termlanguage learning programs, for internationalstudents from Confucius Institutes. As a local teacher,I have the privilege of introducing my hometown tothem. To many of the students, Nanchang may notbe as well-known as first-tier cities such as Beijing,Shanghai, and Guangzhou. So, I will always start myclass with a question: “What color is Nanchang?”And then, I will invite the students to watch a citypromotion video that Ive carefully chosen. As themajority of the students are already beginner-levelChinese learners, they can answer the question usingbasic color words, and those who dont speak Chinesewill respond in English. After this, I will continueto ask, “Why do you think Nanchang is this color”and “What impression does the Nanchang city in thevideo give you”. After listening to their responses,I will give them an overall introduction to the city,highlighting Green Nanchang (ecosystem), RedNanchang (revolutionary heritage), and “AncientColor” Nanchang (time-honored history). I willexplain to the students that unlike green and red,ancient color is not a color term in Chinese, but we do have a four-character expression in Chinese, 古色古香 (guse-guxiang, meaning ancient color and ancientfragrance), to describe something that has an classicaland traditional charm.
Once they have a general idea about the city, Iwill provide a more detailed and multi-dimensionalintroduction to it. This will include information on thecitys geographical location, climate, dialects, culinarytraditions, tourist attractions, and other factorsthat are all intricately interconnected. For instance,Nanchangs geographical location determines itsclimate, which continues to shape the local dialects andculinary traditions. When such intrinsic connectionsare explained, students will gain a more in-depthunderstanding of the city. This can pique their interestin visiting and experiencing the city firsthand. I willalso introduce Nanchang University, where I work, byshowcasing photos of the campus life of our Chineseand international students.
Every city in China has its own distinct featuresthat make it a unique window to showcase the countryto the world. As such, when introducing a city tointernational students, its important to highlight themost special and intrinsic qualities, rather than simplyproviding superficial, generic, and homogeneousinformation. By showing the mosaic of the city andsharing fascinating stories, we can help create a vibrantand lasting impression of the city among internationalstudents.