This article features three intriguing stories:a Chinese teacher who kindles the students lovefor Nanchang city through creative and impressiveMandarin teaching approaches, a Spanish studentwho developed an interest in the Chinese languagethrough a melodious Chinese song, and anIndonesian student who fell in love with Mandarinafter participating in a Chinese language contest.
南昌大学国际教育学院对外汉语教师涂纳另辟蹊径,以绿色、红色、古色分别对应南昌的生态、革命與历史,讲活了南昌这座英雄城。西班牙卡斯蒂利亚拉曼查大学孔子学院学生光洁(Lucía Garcia Diaz)因中国传统古典音乐与汉语结缘,以一曲《但愿人长久》感悟遥隔千里的中西情缘。曾经的印尼哈山努丁大学孔子学院学生陆娴虹(Rezki AwaliaIlma),如今成了该校汉语教师的“彩虹姑娘”,她在汉语比赛中披荆斩棘,练就一身中华才艺,汉语水平突飞猛进。
The first story features Tu Na, a Chinese languageteacher at Nanchang Universitys InternationalEducation College. Tu creatively introduces theheroic city of Nanchang using three sets of keywords:green, red, and ancient color. The second story isabout Guang Jie (Lucía Garcia Diaz), a Spanish student at the Confucius Institute who developeda special connection with the Chinese culturethrough traditional Chinese music. She expressed herunderstanding of the deep emotional ties betweenChina and Spain by performing the classic Chinesesong May We be Blessed with Longevity. Lastly, wehave Lu Xianhong (Rezki Awalia Ilma), a formerstudent of the Confucius Institute at HasanuddinUniversity in Indonesia who now teaches Chinesethere. Her journey showcases how she has embracedChinese arts and sharpened her language skills byparticipating in competitions.