张珺竹 光洁
Tuti Walandari Bin Ahma, 汉语名张珺竹,就读于印尼哈山努丁大学文学院,2022 年获“中央广播电视总台联合国汉语日青年文化使者”称号,擅长手工制作,热爱汉语诗歌和国画。她说:“学习汉语,其乐无穷。”
Tuti Walandari Bin Ahma, known by her Chinese name ZhangJunzhu, is presently studying at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences atHasanuddin University in Indonesia. She was honored with the title of“Youth Cultural Ambassador” for the 2022 UN Chinese Language Dayby the China Media Group. She is skilled in handcrafting and has apassion for Chinese poetry and traditional painting. In her words, “Theprocess of learning Chinese is a never-ending source of delight.”
Lucía García Díaz, 中文名光潔,出生于西班牙的托莱多市,今年17 岁。2022 年获“中央广播电视总台联合国中文日青年文化使者”称号,2021 年获得“‘汉语桥全球中学生中文比赛”总冠军。热爱中国书法和绘画艺术。她说:“汉语是一道光,照亮了我的人生。”
Lucía García Díaz, who also goes by the Chinese name GuangJie, is a 17-year-old from Toledo, Spain. She was conferred the titleof “Youth Cultural Ambassador” for the 2022 UN Chinese languageday by the China Media Group. In 2021, she won the championshipof the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese proficiency competition for foreignsecondary school students. She loves Chinese calligraphy andpainting. As she puts it, “Learning Chinese is a beacon of light in mylife.”
When did you start learningChinese? Could you describe yourinitial impression of the language?
Zhang Junzhu:
I didnt begin learning Chinese until I gotinto college. Hasanuddin University, where Ienrolled, offered a Chinese major and I opted forit. My initial impression of the language was itsdistinctiveness, as it not only uses pinyin and tonesbut also has a unique grammar structure. This setsit apart from Indonesian.
Guang Jie:
My journey with the Chinese language beganwhen I was 13, and I have been studying it forfive years now. Initially, I was drawn to Chinesebecause I found it fascinating. While my classmateswere studying German and French, I choseChinese because its widely recognized as the mostchallenging language to learn globally. As I delvedfurther into my studies, however, I found myself fallin love with the language, as it provided me with ameans of understanding the rich Chinese culture.
How does your native language definethe term “culture”?
在印尼语中,“文化”这个词是budaya,很明显,这源于佛教buddhayah 一词。这反映了印尼自古以来就是多元和开放的。印尼文化不仅包括土著文化,也包括受中国、阿拉伯国家、印度和欧洲等文化影响而产生的文化。此外,印尼是一个多民族的国家。全国有300 多个民族,700 多种地方语言。我们遵循着“多元种族、多元宗教和多元文化”的原则,平等尊重每一种文化。
Zhang Junzhu:
The Indonesian word for “culture” is “budaya”,which has its roots in the Buddhist term “buddhayah”.This is a testament to Indonesias longstandingtradition of diversity and openness. Indonesian cultureencompasses not only indigenous customs, but alsothose influenced by China, Arabia, India, Europe, andbeyond. Moreover, with over 300 ethnic groups and700 local languages, Indonesia is a multi-ethnic nation.Our guiding principle is “unity in ethnic, religious, andcultural diversity”. We hold all cultures in equal esteem.
Guang Jie:
“Culture” originally means spiritual cultivation inLatin. I have heard an interesting saying that Chinesepeople not only live in China as a country, but moreimportantly, they live within their own culture. Evenwhen my Chinese teachers and friends live abroad,such as in Spain, they still maintain a distinctlyChinese influence in their speech and behavior. Thatsone of the reasons why I adore being at the ConfuciusInstitute; the Chinese cultural ambiance here is simplyirresistible to me.
你身边的家人/ 朋友/ 学校的同学,如何看待你学习汉语?
How do your family, friends, and schoolmates perceive your pursuit of learning Chinese?
Zhang Junzhu:
As a Chinese major, my familyand friends are very supportive of mystudy of Chinese. They hope that oneday I will be able to go to China. Theyare all my motivation for learningChinese. Whenever I encounterdifficulties in my studies and feelunsure of myself, their words ofencouragement give me the strengthto persevere.
Guang Jie:
In Spain, if someone cant understand what youre saying, they willask, “Are you speaking Chinese to me?” Chinese is widely consideredto be a challenging language to learn and comprehend for manySpaniards. When I initially began studying Chinese, everyone was quitesurprised. However, after winning the championship of the “ChineseBridge” competition, they realized that with dedicated effort, one canbecome proficient in speaking Chinese. Now, my friends envy me andbelieve that my decision to learn Chinese was an excellent one. I alsoteach them some Chinese, and as a result, many people around menow find Chinese interesting and not as difficult as they once thought.
Throughout your years of studying Chinese,what are some memorable experiences that youve had?
张珺竹Zhang Junzhu
Ive taken part in various Chinese languagecompetitions, through which I have come to interactwith fellow learners and expand my knowledge of thelanguage. This year, for the “International ChineseLanguage Day” competition, I chose to base my work onthe fascinating life of Zheng He. My teacher and I dida lot of research and uncovered some intriguing storiesabout this iconic figure in Chinese history. LearningChinese is truly a joy for me, as it offers me a windowinto Chinese culture. All in all, I find the process ofstudying Chinese immensely enjoyable.
光洁Guang Jie
The experience that stands out the mostfor me is taking part in the “Chinese Bridge”competition because it was very challenging. Ihad to prepare in a very short time. My teacherand I put in countless hours of hard work, whichoften brought us to tears. However, looking backnow, after six months of competing, my Chineseproficiency rose from level three to level four.Last year, I even passed level five examination.Participating in the competition gave me theopportunity to grow rapidly and learn a lot.
孔子学院在你的汉语学习中扮演了什么样的角色?What role does the Confucius Institute play in your Chinese language learning?
Zhang Junzhu:
The Confucius Institute has been a great helpin our journey to learn the Chinese language.Their courses are always well-crafted and rich incontent. Personally, I find these courses to havea profound impact on our Chinese languagelearning. Even during holidays, the instituteprovides us with summer camp courses that helpus make progress in a short period of time. Theinstructors teach us with the kindness of a friend.I have the utmost respect for the dedicatedteachers at the Confucius Institute.
Guang Jie:
The Confucius Institute feels like a home for me, andit plays a significant role in shaping my childhood. Whilemy peers were playing in the park, I spent my time learningChinese with my teachers, immersing myself in ancientpoetry, and listening to traditional Chinese music. Theseexperiences gradually transformed my life. The ConfuciusInstitute is my second home. The dean and teachers at theConfucius Institute hold a special place in my heart, andI treasure the fond and beautiful memories I shared withthem. They made my childhood truly unique.
Which aspect of traditional Chinese culture would you recommend the most to your young friends?
Zhang Junzhu:
China boasts a wealth of cultural practices.My favorite is ink wash painting. This traditionalart uses materials such as silk and rice paper todepict various subjects, including human figures,landscapes, flowers, and birds. The exquisitetechniques and distinct materials used in Chinesepainting convey the Chinese peoples sentimentstowards nature and society, as well as their politicaland philosophical insights.
Guang Jie:
Chinese painting and calligraphy are my truepassions. No matter how tired I feel, the momentI take out my brush, ink, paper, and inkstoneand begin to create, I immediately feel at ease.Moreover, I believe that striving to excel in anyactivity also helps to refine ones character. At first,I found painting peonies to be quite a challenge.However, with dedicated practice, I have managedto improve my skills tremendously, and in doing so,I have also cultivated a sense of inner calm.
If you ever get the chance to visit Chinain the future, where would you fancygoing or what activities would you beinterested in pursuing the most?
Zhang Junzhu:
If given the opportunity, Id love to pursue a mastersdegree in China. Regardless of the city, studyingthe language in China would be an incomparableexperience and would undoubtedly enhance mylanguage skills. Ideally, Id also take advantage ofthe chance to explore the countrys historical sites,mountains, and rivers, appreciate its natural beauty,and immerse myself in its culture and traditions.
Guang Jie:
When I was younger, I wanted to visit Chinaprimarily for sightseeing, and explore the big cities suchas Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. As I learned moreabout Chinese culture, I became more interested in itstraditional architecture and folk customs. Now, I amyearning to explore the picturesque Jiangnan gardens inSuzhou and Hangzhou, marvel at the majestic CangshanMountain and Erhai Lake in Yunnan, see the adorablepandas in Sichuan, and soak up the sunshine at thePotala Palace in Lhasa. My desire is to experience theauthentic China and everything it has to offer. I hope tomake my way to China at the earliest opportunity.