每個人都有自己的梦想,我也不例外。我出生在一个平凡的家庭,妈妈经常教育我要努力学习,争取考上大学,那样就能做自己想做的工作。望着满天繁星,我暗自发誓一定要考上大学,出人头地。功夫不负有心人,我凭着自己的努力考上了塔那那利佛大学孔子学院。当我跨入孔子学院大门的那一刻,就被这里的一切深深地吸引。每天呼吸着新鲜空气,享受着温暖的阳光,大家都在努力地学习汉语。操场上,草地边,大树下,以及教室的走廊上,到处都是学习的学生。有句话说得好,“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”。 在孔院学习的日子里,我彻底爱上了汉语和中国文化,梦想的种子在心里发芽,那就是“我要去中国留学”,以后做一名汉语教师。日复一日,我终于以优异的成绩毕业,并且获得去中国留学的资格。
Like many others, I have my own dreams andaspirations. Growing up in a modest household, mymother instilled in me the value of diligence to secure aplace in college and pursue the career of my choice. Asa child, I remember staring up at the twinkling stars,secretly making a promise to myself to attend collegeand make a name for myself. Through unwaveringperseverance, I accomplished my goal and wasadmitted to the Confucius Institute at the Universityof Antananarivo. From the moment I stepped footonto the campus, I was captivated by everything ithad to offer. The fragrant air and warm sunshine wereinvigorating. I could see students engrossed in theirstudies everywhere I looked — be it on the playground,by the grass, under the trees, or in the hallways. Asthe saying goes, “One who does not hear outside newsbut focuses solely on reading the classics.” During mytime at the Confucius Institute, I fell in love with theChinese language and culture, and a seed of ambitiontook root in my heart: “I want to study in China andbecome a Chinese language teacher in the future.”With each passing day, I put in the effort to achieve mygoal. I finally graduated with outstanding grades andearned the opportunity to study abroad in China.
Time flies, and before I knew it, two years haveslipped away. With persistent hard work, I havefinally earned my masters degree. Upon graduation, Icommenced my journey as a Chinese language teacher,and I couldnt be happier to be living my dream. As Iwalked through the beautiful campus of the ConfuciusInstitute in this new capacity, where my aspirationstook root, I was brimming with excitement and prideto reunite with my former students.
After a while, however, I realized that being ateacher was much more challenging than I had initiallythought. Walking into the classroom filled me withnervousness. It seemed like only yesterday that Iwas sitting in a classroom, listening to the lecturesof my teachers, but now I found myself standing onthe podium as the instructor. This sudden shift inidentity was overwhelming. At the outset, I struggledto establish a connection with my students. It wasespecially challenging because some of them werethe same age as me. I couldnt help but wonder, “How can I effectively guide these university students? Howcan I make my classes enjoyable?” Due to my limitedteaching experience, I relied heavily on meticulouspreparation and advice from seasoned teachers.However, as time went on, I realized that age was notthe deciding factor. What truly mattered was my abilityto teach effectively and help my students learn.
In what feels like the blink of an eye, I havebeen teaching Chinese for six years and have gainedvaluable experience during this time. I have activelyparticipated in teaching and research activities atthe Confucius Institute. Under the guidance of theinstitute supervisors, all the teachers prepare lessonplans together. Each time, I listened attentively, tookdetailed notes, and meticulously prepared slides.To refine my teaching skills and deliver each lessonmore effectively, I constantly scoured online resourcesand watched videos related to teaching Chinese asa foreign language. I also fine-tuned my teachingapproach by drawing inspiration from the strengthsof other teachers. To ensure my students grasped thematerial effortlessly, I created various teaching aids.As part of my ongoing professional development, Iwrote reflections after each class and kept a record ofmy personal growth so that I could continuously learnfrom my peers.
Through diligent effort, one can enjoy the fruits oftheir labor. I have been fortunate to achieve favorableresults in the “Best Lesson” teaching competitionheld by the Confucius Institute, as well as receive theregional award in the “Second International ChineseClassroom Teaching Short Video Contest”. While I amgrateful for therecognition of myexpertise in teachingChinese, I recognizethat thereis always room forimprovement. Asthe saying goes,“Learning knowsno bounds, andwe must continuallystrive fors e l f- improvement.”I am excitedto embracenew challengesand opportunitiesthat will allow me to grow and develop further.
Speaking of “challenges”, I have faced a fair shareof obstacles during my time at the Confucius Institute.One instance that stands out was when I took onthe role of event host. I am immensely grateful to theConfucius Institute at the University of Antananarivofor giving me this opportunity, which allowed me totry things I had never done before. Initially, I felt quitenervous about the prospect of standing on stage andforgetting my lines or being unable to manage thesituation. My hands trembled as I clutched the microphone.However, as I saw the familiar faces in the audience,my nerves began to settle, and I was able to carryon with confidence. From that moment on, I becameenamored with hosting events. Every time I am tasked withhosting, I spendhours rehearsing thescript at home untilI have it memorized.Hosting has broughtme nume r o u sbenefits, includingimproved fluency inChinese and a deeperappreciation forChinese educationand culture.
I wouldnt have achieved what I have withoutthe valuable training I received from the ConfuciusInstitute at the University of Antananarivo, andthe guidance and support of the teachers at JiangxiNormal University. Im immensely grateful to theConfucius Institute for providing me with sucha great teaching platform and resources, and toevery teacher who has played a role in my growth.Moving forward, Im committed to working hard andpushing myself to constantly improve and surpass myachievements.