Jingdezhen City, located in Jiangxi Province, has been a hubfor porcelain production for over a millennium. Its exceptionalporcelain-making techniques have attracted enthusiasts fromaround the world to come study and reside here. Similar tothose drawn to Beijing and Shanghai, artists and students flockto Jingdezhen to pursue their passion for ceramics and embarkon a unique journey of self-discovery. This has given rise to the“expat community” in Jingdezhen. Many of these individualsbring the exceptional porcelain-making skills of Jingdezhenback to their home countries, while some return to Jingdezhenwith new creations and a profound love for the city, almost asif they were “locals”. Here are the stories of several such artistswho have established a deep connection with ceramics.
我叫罗伯特(Robert),来自乌干达,2015—2019 年景德镇陶瓷大学硕士。2023 年,我再次来到陶大攻读博士学位。
My name is Robert and I come from Uganda. Icompleted my masters degree at Jingdezhen CeramicUniversity from 2015 to 2019. In 2023, I came back to thesame university pursuing my PhD degree.
Throughout my time in Jingdezhen, Ive developeda deep connection with this city and have grownimmensely as a person. Jingdezhen feels like a secondhome to me, and Im excited to witness its continuedgrowth towards a bright future.
Growing up in Uganda, I often came acrossexquisite ceramics at the local market. Upon inquiry, Idiscovered that these ceramic pieces were all crafted inJingdezhen, China, and had made their way across thesea to Uganda. This piqued my interest in the city andits unique ability to produce such beautiful ceramics.Despite having no family ties to the ceramic industry,I stumbled upon a journal that mentioned a universityin Jingdezhen, China, where I could learn the art ofceramic making. I made the decision to travel to thiscity that had captured my imagination, even though Ihad no prior knowledge of the Chinese language.
When I first arrived in Jingdezhen searchingfor the school, I struggled to understand the locals.However, the friendly Jingdezhen residents went outof their way to assist me and guide me to the exactlocation of the school. It was then that I realized howpassionate and hospitable the people of Jingdezhen are.At Jingdezhen Ceramic University, I found many otherforeign students like me who were eager to learn aboutceramic production. We helped and learned fromeach other and practiced speaking Chinese together.From initially communicating only in English, wehave progressed to speaking Chinese fluently. Thesupportive environment makes us feel like one bigfamily. I adore and relish every opportunity to conversein Chinese.
Jingdezhen is a city brimming with talent. Its notjust a hub for ceramic artists from around the globe;its also home to countless renowned ceramic artists.Being in such a creative environment, I can refine myceramic skills while also engaging in collaborationwith fellow artists. This, in turn, helps me generatefresh ideas. As a matter of fact, I now have my ownstudio in Taoxichuan cultural and creative district.Recently, I also delivered in Taoxichuan a speech aboutmy ceramic learning journey, an experience that holdsgreat significance to me.
After completing my studies, my plan is to returnto Uganda and open my own studio to teach thelocal people how to make ceramics. I will proudly tellthem that I acquired this knowledge in Jingdezhenand encourage them to journey there to learn topnotchceramic skills and experience the heritage ofkiln firing techniques that have been passed down forgenerations. Jingdezhen is the place where I have spentthe most time outside of Uganda. In fact, if I stay inany other city for just a couple of days, I find myselflonging for Jingdezhens weather, food, and people, andI feel an urge to return “home” as soon as possible.
Here are some of my ceramic creations that I wishto share with you.
The tallest vase in the middle of this collectionblends various styles. It pays homage to the mainteaching building of Jingdezhen Ceramic University,where my classmates and I attend classes. The lowerpart of the vase boasts an exquisite combinationof white doors, blue walls, yellow frames, and redwindows, giving it a refreshing, tasteful, and playfulfeel. The middle part features a bright yellow circlebordered by black lines, with a grain pattern on top,representing our academic accomplishments. Finally,the top section displays stacked jade teapots, adornedwith green apples and leaves, which symbolizesblessings for peace and safety.
The four vases flanking it represent the unity of my classmates who comefrom around the globe. Their upper section is decorated with leaf patterns,as symbols for good fortune. The middle portion features a recurring bluetriangular pattern, seamlessly flowing into the similar design at the base withrippling yellow lines, mimicking the effect of glaze. The bottom is adornedwith brown sawtooth patterns, representing our down-to-earth and resolutenature, while the blue pattern complements it perfectly by representing theboundless ocean. Altogether, these designs embody our youthful, practical,and tolerant nature.
The circular blue decorations serveas symbols of harmony and unity,epitomizing the friendly interactionsamongst students from differentcultural backgrounds.
The two spin-top shaped porcelainpieces represent our classrooms. Theyare decorated with colorful Africanmask patterns, symbolizing the culturaldiversity of the International School atJingdezhen Ceramic University.
My name is Mahdy and Im from Egypt.Currently, I am pursuing my graduatestudies in ceramic art and archaeology atJingdezhen Ceramic University. I am part ofthe class of 2019.
This year marks the fourth year of my studies inChina. Im very interested in Chinese history andculture. China is known as the global hub for porcelainproduction. In ancient times, Chinese Muslimsinscribed Arabic calligraphy on ceramic wares. Eventoday, you can spot Arabic writing on some blue andwhite Ming Dynasty porcelain pieces exhibited inmuseums worldwide. Currently, I am pursuing mystudies in art creation with the goal of expressingmy appreciation for art in Arabic on blue and whiteporcelain. I hope to bring back the knowledge andculture of ceramics that I have gained here to myhometown and spread awareness about the Chineseceramic culture among Egyptians.
The cultural exchange between Egypt and Chinadates back over 2,000 years to the Han Dynasty. I aspireto carry such exchange forward. Picure of this page is aselection of my work.
我叫戴安娜(Diana Williams),来自澳大利亚。
My name is Diana Williams and Im from Australia.
· 戴安娜在景德镇雕塑瓷厂工作室创作
Diana working in the studio at the Jingdezhen Sculpture Porcelain Factory
我2004 年来到景德镇,结识了工艺美术大师刘远长。他免费为我在景德镇雕塑瓷厂提供了一间工作室,他负责陶瓷造型设计,我负责瓷胎彩绘。我们的作品在2004 年景德镇国际陶瓷博览会上展出,获得了意想不到的成功。第二年,刘远长大师邀请我再来景德镇进行艺术创作。我爱上了景德镇这座古老的城市,习惯了这里的食物、这里的人、这里的艺术氛围,完全融入了这座城市。
I came to Jingdezhen in 2004 and had the privilegeof meeting the ceramic master Liu Yuanchang. Hegraciously offered me a studio at the JingdezhenSculpture Porcelain Factory, where he took chargeof ceramic modeling design, and I was responsiblefor porcelain enamel painting. Our collaborationresulted in our works being exhibited at the 2004China Jingdezhen International Ceramic Fair, wherethey were unexpectedly well-received. The following year, Master Liu invited me back to Jingdezhento continue our partnership. I fell in love withthis ancient city and became fully immersed inits rich artistic culture, as well as its deliciouscuisine and friendly locals.
景德镇完整的陶瓷产业链和工匠们高超的技艺让我着迷。作为中国千年瓷都,这座城市有近10 万名陶瓷从业者。每年,我都要在景德镇待上五个月左右。这里有我的朋友、梦想和事业。2008 年,我在景德镇买了一套公寓,我可能是第一个在景德镇拥有房产的外国人,不再是“洋景漂”了。
I was captivated by the entire ceramic industrychain and the exceptional craftsmanshipof the artisans in Jingdezhen. Being theporcelain capital of China for over a millennium,the city boasts almost 100,000 ceramiccraftsmen. I spend roughly five months eachyear in Jingdezhen, where I have made friends,chased my dreams, and built a career. In 2008, Ipurchased an apartment in Jingdezhen, possiblymaking me the first foreigner to own a propertyin this city. I no longer feel like a “expat”.
· 戴安娜来景德镇前的陶瓷绘画作品
Ceramic paintings created by Diana before she came to Jingdezhen
Had I not come to Jingdezhen, I wouldhave remained an ordinary porcelain painterin Australia, painting day in and day out. Here,under the guidance of Master Liu, I have notonly learned sculpture techniques, but alsohad the privilege of being introduced to manyfamous ceramic artists. I had the opportunityto exchange skills and ideas with these artmasters regularly. I thoroughly enjoy observingand experiencing the artistic atmosphere here.Jingdezhens cultural richness has inspired megreatly, leading to deep connections with itspeople. With the careful guidance of MasterLiu and the help of teachers such as ZhangSiping from Jingdezhen Ceramic University,I have evolved from a porcelain painter withno experience in clay to a versatile artist proficient inclay materials, molding techniques, sculpture techniques,glaze applications, kiln firing requirements, and overglazedecoration.
While I was in Australia, I couldnt imagine having a groupof five or six people collaborating with me on a creative project.However, in Jingdezhen, I had the opportunity to do just that,
and even fulfilled my dream of showcasing my ownpieces in museums. My artwork has been on display inmuseums and galleries in the United States, Australia,Switzerland, South Korea, Lebanon, and beyond.
I have a deep appreciation for Chinese traditionalculture. During my 14 years of studying and creatingart pieces in Jingdezhen, I have evolved from producingflat paintings to crafting three-dimensional sculptures.I purposely merge elements from both Chinese andWestern cultures and techniques to establish my ownunique style. Chinese symbolism plays a significantrole in my work, where I utilize bamboos, dragons,phoenixes, and lotus flowers as symbols to representpeace. As someone who abhors war, I channel mythoughts and feelings through sculptural art. Mycreations explore the themes of new beginnings, thejourney through adulthood, the devastation of war,the nurturing of future generations, and the conceptof afterlife. I showcase pregnant women, babies, andcannons in my sculptures to reflect the clash betweenwar and life.
2018 年5 月18 日,我的Highfire: Motherhood 系列作品在景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆展出。展览以尖锐的炮弹为艺术创作的主题,以雕塑艺术形式呈现了孕妇、婴儿和大炮,我希望以此唤醒世人对和平的珍惜。
On May 18th, 2018, my ceramic creations titled“Highfire: Motherhood” were exhibited at theJingdezhen China Ceramics Museum. Centeredaround the theme of artillery shells, they presentedpregnant women, babies, and cannons in the form ofsculpture art to awaken peoples appreciation for peace.
After 14 years, Jingdezhen has become my secondhome. Ive gone from being an “expat” to a “local”. InJingdezhen, I have built a bond with people who areequally enamored with Chinese culture and ceramics. Iwish the world remains a tranquil and beautiful place.May the art of ceramics flourish and be valued forgenerations to come!