My mother works hard every weekday. She goes to work early in the earlymorning and comes back after seven in the evening. So in淤the weekend, she oftenspends more time with us.
My mother helps于my school work in the morning. In the afternoon, we go outtogether. She likes to go shopping, watch movies and play sports sometimes. In theevening, she read盂interesting books with me. We have a good time at weekend. Ifeel very happy to stay with my family.
河北省衡水市阜城县第四中学七年级(3)班 戴家兴
张超男,河北省衡水市阜城县第四中学高级英语教师、县骨干教师、市优秀英语教师,从事英语教育教学工作30 多年;多年来,在省级以上报刊发表文章数百篇,并有多篇文章获奖;曾参编多本教辅资料的编写工作;曾荣获“中央教育科学研究所全国基础教育科研先进个人”荣誉称号;曾多次辅导多名学生在市、省和国家级英语竞赛中获奖。
①in 改為at。weekend 前面搭配介词at。
②help 后面加上with。help sb with sth. 是固定搭配。
③read 后面加s。主语为she 时,动词read 的形式应为单数第三人称。
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