“The Finish Line Is the Starting Point”“终点即起点”

2023-08-21 23:55:38文森特·E.普赖斯
英语世界 2023年8期


We are gathered here this beautiful morning, this unseasonably cold morning, in historic Wallace Wade Stadium, the site of many joyful triumphs over the years.


The Classics scholars among you may know that the word ‘stadium comes from the Latin for the standard distance of a footrace. And a race may be what many of you may feel youve just completed—an extraordinary run with unforeseen turns along the way. And to be sure, youve earned the opportunity to sit here and to revel at the finish line, with your fans surrounding you.


And you may also feel that you are just beginning another race—one with its own turns and hurdles—and a finish line that seems impossibly far off.


Though its gone now, there used to be a track here, and it was here in this stadium that the great Al Buehler, who spent six decades at Duke, coached track and field.


It was right here that Coach Buehler brought out2 the best in All-Americans3, ACC4 Champions, and Olympians—a hall-of-fame5 career that led none other than6 Mike Krzyzewski7 to say that, quote, “Al defines the word Coach, and sets an example for all of us.”


What the runners hes coached over those many years most appreciate is his quiet wisdom, and a guiding philosophy built around three core principles.


First, you set up your own race.


What he meant by this was to prepare, and train, and keep on learning. Youve all learned this lesson time and again here at Duke, in late nights in the library and endless hours poring over problem sets. And today, you are ready at the starting line.


None of us knows the future, but setting up our own race, imagining what we want, and training for it, will help us step off with purpose and with confidence.


Coach Buehlers second principle was to stay conscious. He said, “Dont just plod along—think.”


As an undergraduate runner at the University of Maryland, Buehler kept a piece of tape on the insole of his spikes with the question “why” scrawled on it. And when the going got tough8, when his lungs were burning on a cold morning like this, or the lactic acid9 was building up in his legs, he would feel that tape against his foot and he would ask himself—“why? Why am I doing this?”—and he would remember the answer—“because I enjoy doing it, and I am good at it.”


The reward for all that preparation, for all that getting ready, are those breakthrough moments—the words that finally came to you in that paper, that key finding from an experiment, perhaps, or the flawless performance of a piece you rehearsed time and again—those wonderful moments when you feel you could run forever.


Here, at the start, remember that in the turns and the stumbles and the hurdles to come, a joyful breakthrough might be just ahead.


Coach Buehlers third principle was teamwork.


In his office, he had a reminder posted on the wall to always take good care of those you love. You are surrounded here today by people who love you—families and friends and classmates and faculty. In moments of uncertainty, you can turn to them for support and wisdom and guidance.


Coach Buehler believes that these guiding principles can carry you through any of the races ahead. But there will be times when despite the breakthroughs, despite your best prepar-ation, despite the love and the support of your family and friends, it just wont be your day.


And at these moments, I hope you will remember that life is so much more than a race from a starting line to a finish.


Heres where Coach Buehlers best advice comes in: “the finish line is the starting point.” Or to put it in another way, whatever our standing in the race we think were running, life goes on. This is a commencement, yes; but our education—our growth as learners, as citizens, professionals, as good and thoughtful people—is a continuous process and its not marked by beginnings and ends.


The joy, the deep meaning, that sense of purpose and fulfillment, is in the running itself.


Our disappointments or challenges are really opportunities for growth and preparation for whats to come. Our breakthroughs are really reminders to stay fully conscious in the moment. And sometimes we only recognize the course weve been running when we stop to rest, and we turn around. And we come to understand that ours is just one leg of a relay, and we hand off that baton to a new runner, fresh to take our effort further than we ever could.


The love and the support of our families and teammates along way should remind you of the fact that we are all in this together, all of us—that whatever the hurdle ahead or the hill we have to climb, others have been there, too, and are pulling for us to succeed.


Duke Class of 2022, as you break the tape10 over this finish line, as you celebrate this triumph and look ahead with excitement to all those triumphs to come, allow me to say congratulations. We cannot wait to see where the trail takes you from here—and know that well be pulling for you all the way.




2 bring sth out使显现。  3 all-American(被选为)全美最佳的。  4 = Atlantic Coast Conference美国的大学体育联盟之一,创立于1953年,其最著名的赛事为男子篮球。  5 Hall of Fame(统称体育运动等领域的)代表人物,出类拔萃者,佼佼者。此处hall-of-fame用作形容词。  6 none other than sb/sth(用于表示吃惊或兴奋)竟然,正是。  7杜克大学篮球队前主帅,绰号“K教练”(Coach K),曾作为美国男篮主帅多次率队夺得世界大赛冠军。

8 when the going gets tough (the tough get going) 当条件变得艰苦时,当进展变得困难时(隐含有志者更勇往直前之意)。  9 lactic acid乳酸。

10 tape终点线。

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