E. B. 怀特和他的英语句子(二)

2023-08-21 23:55:38刘士聪
英语世界 2023年8期


大約在1956年3月下旬,E. B.怀特在佛罗里达观看John Ringling North的马戏表演,之后写了散文“The Ring of Time”。E. B. White Reader一书编者说,作者通过观看骑手的表演向我们展示了“the eternity of youth”。这是一篇好散文,我们从中选几个片段,学习、研究他的句子,揣摩他的写作技巧。


例1:The long rein, or tape, by which the woman guided her charge counterclockwise in his dull career formed the radius of their private circle, of which she was the revolving center; and she, too, stepped a tiny circumference of her own, in order to accommodate the horse and allow him his maximum scope.

这是一个较长的并列句,意思比较复杂,但句子的构成却很清晰。分号之前是一个主从复合句,主干部分“The long rein, or tape... formed the radius of their private circle”中有一个of which引起的从句;分号之后的“and she, too, stepped a tiny circumference of her own...”是并列句的后半部分,也是一个简单句,其中有一个由by which引起的从句,并含有一个由“in order to...”引出的短语。

留意一下句中的to accommodate the horse and allow him his maximum scope,这里的to accommodate义为to provide enough space,驯马人这样做是为了给马提供足够的空间让他跑圈;后面的maximum scope表达了同样的意思。其中动词accommodate用得好,值得揣摩,可以模仿。


例2: 文中有一个描写骑马女郎穿泳衣在马背上表演的段落,我们将这段文字分作四个句子来分析:

1. Twice she managed a one-foot stance—a sort of ballet pose, with arms outstretched.


2. At one point the neck strap of her bathing suit broke and she went twice around her ring in the classic attitude of a woman making minor repairs to a garment.

女郎正在表演时,挂在脖子上的泳衣背带断了,这很尴尬。她如何解决这个没有料到的麻烦呢,这里用了classic attitude, 此处的classic有两种解释:一是typical,一是elegant,根据作者通篇对女孩的赞美,似乎两个解释都说得通,即,她以女孩修补衣服时的那种惯有的(或优雅的)姿态处理了这个意外事故。

3. The fact that she was standing on the back of a moving horse while doing this invested the matter with a clowning significance that perfectly fitted the spirit of the circus—jocund, yet harming.


关于to invest,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》解释为“to make sb/sth seem to have a particular quality”,即“使……具备某种性质”,并给了一个例句:Being a model invests her with a certain glamour. 当模特赋予了她某种魅力。

在这个上下文里,invest是一个很恰当的选择,E. B.怀特讲究选词。

4. She just rolled the strap into a neat ball and stowed it into her bodice while the horse rocked and rolled beneath her in dutiful innocence.

这个in dutiful innocence将骏马在表演时任劳任怨、忠于职守的姿态呈现在读者面前。神奇的搭配,现象的表达。

例3.  The richness of the scene was in its plainness, its natural condition—of horse, of ring, of girl....


例4. The enchantment grew not out of anything that happened or was performed but out of something that seemed to go round and around and around with the girl, attending her, a steady gleam in the shape of a circle—a ring of ambition, of happiness, of youth.

作者被女孩的表演所吸引,所陶醉。同时他也在思考,为什么她的表演如此迷人。不是因为场内正在发生的事情,也不是因为她的演技,作者似乎看到随着女孩在场上的绕行而出现一种光环。何为a ring of ambition?因为骑马表演本身是一种“挑战”,从骑者角度说也是一种“征服”,其中自然含有ambition;何为a ring of happiness?这种喜悦带有职业性质,同时,“征服”也带来喜悦;何为a ring of youth?应指女孩所表现出来的青春活力和青春之美。


怀特称自己是“a word man”,他重视字词,讲究用词,仔细推敲他的字词会有收获。

例5. The girl wasnt so young that she did not know the delicious satisfaction of having a perfectly behaved body and the fun of using it to do a trick most people cant do, but she was too young to know that time does not move in a circle at all. I thought: “She will never be as beautiful as this again”—a thought that made me acutely unhappy—and in a flash my mind had projected her twenty-five years ahead...

作者看着女孩骑着马一圈一圈绕行,循环往复,他想到the element of time。对于人生,time不是“循环往复”的,而是有始有终。他想到二十五年之后,女孩不再像现在这个样子,于是他发出以上的感慨。一般观众看完表演就完了,但文人多情善感,这样一次表演却让他对人生进行一番哲学思考,写出这样好的文章。

第一句是比较复杂的长句,其中“The girl wasnt so young that she did not know...”即“女孩不至于年轻到连……都不知道”;“but she was too young to know that...”,但是因为她还是太年轻,她不懂得(或者没有意识到)“时间不是循环往复的”。作者把这两个小句放在一起,使它们在形式上和内容上形成对比, 我们写这种句子的经验可能不多,这种写法值得借鉴。

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