Traveling Alone独自旅行

2023-08-16 10:37Rubina
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年5期


After months of hard work, I would like to take a trip by myself to anotherplace. I wanted to see the ocean2. And I wanted to get away from all the stresses3that faced by me in my everyday life. It wasnt long before I made up my mind4that I was going to travel alone to Florida. This state was known for its beaches andvacation appeal5. And I planned my trip around visiting and shopping.

I planned on being gone for two weeks, so I asked my neighbors to keep aneye on my house while I was away. I was giving them fifty dollars for that.

I visited my neighbors for a few minutes, giving them their money and makingsmall talk. After that I went back to my house to get a few hours of sleep before myflight6. I was going to leave at 6 a.m., so I needed to go to bed early and get up by4 a.m. That is to say, I could take luggage7 to the airport intime for boarding8. I went out for breakfast and I stayed at myhome for the last day before my vacation.


我打算离开两周,于是请邻居在我不在家的时候照看我的房子,为此我会付给他们50 美元。

我拜访了邻居几分钟,把钱给他们,并和他们闲聊了几句。之后,我回到屋里,在坐飞机前睡了几个小时。我打算早上6 点出发,所以我需要早点睡觉,4 点起床。也就是说,我可以及时带着行李到机场登机。我出门吃的早餐。假期前的这一天,我一直待在家里。

In the morning, I woke before my clock went off because I was so anxious9to get going. I was at the airport with more than the planned time. When we werein the air, I felt free. It had been years since I had seen the ocean and it felt likeI was flying home.

We landed10 at about noon and I got off the plane and went to my hotelsoon. I took out all of my things from my suitcases11 and bags and threw12 themall on the bed. I planned on spending very little time in here. So it made nodifference to me if the place was tidy or not. It wasnt long before I went out forthe beach.

Finding a place on the beach was not as difficult as I had thought before.There was quite a lot of space, friendly faces, and sun to make all of the visitorshappy. At about 3 p.m. I ordered fish and some drinks, enjoying both whilewatching the ocean. I started to think about how nice it would be to live here. Ihumored13 the idea of looking into the cost of living here. Just hours before Iwas sitting in my house, and thinking about what this would look and feel like.

Now I knew. It was not a home for me. I began to miss my family andfriends. But I got over that quickly while I heard some beautiful music. And thesun was sitting on the ocean. The vacation was really great.



在海滩上找个地方并不像我之前想的那么难。这里地方相当大,有众多友好的面孔和充足的阳光,足以让所有的游客都很开心。下午3 点左右,我点了鱼和一些饮料,一边看海一边享受美食。我开始想,要是住在这里该有多好。我顺应想法调查了这里的生活成本。而就在几小时前,我还坐在家里,想着这会是什么样子和什么感觉。



1. alone .独自;单独

2. ocean .海洋;大海

3. stress .精神压力;紧张;压力

4. mind.头脑;大脑;智慧;思维方式

5. appeal . 吸引力

6. flight . 航班;班机;飞行

7. luggage  . 行李

8. board.登上;火车;轮船或飞机;让乘客登机

9. anxious  . 焦虑的;担心的;渴望的;急切的

10. land  . 着陆;降落

11. suitcase . 旅行用的;手提箱;衣箱

12. throw . 投;掷;抛;扔

13. humor . 迎合;迁就;顺应
