Potato Pancakes土豆煎饼

2023-08-16 10:37JosephJ.Mazzella
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年5期

Joseph J. Mazzella

When I was a boy we didnt have much. Most of the clothes I wore werehand -me -downs1 from my two brothers. The books I read were old, worn, anddog-eared2 with stained3, yellow pages. My toys were few and came only atChristmas or for my birthday.


My brothers and I did everything we could to help our parents. I made somedrinks and sold them in summer. My brothers did some cleaning for the neighbors onweekends. Every morning I took my friendsdogs for a walk and helped with theirhomework after school.


That did help but just a little. We didnt have money for many things. Wedidnt buy that much food at the stores to save money. So we did everything to raise4our food at home. We raised pigs for meat and had four big vegetable gardens. Thatwould make us eat more and better.


Potato was the most important food for us. The largest of these gardens was usedto plant potatoes. It was difficult to finish planting in the garden by oneself. Everyonein my family was happy to help with planting potatoes.


I remember my mom, brothers,and I went to plant potatoes after mydad had tilled5 the soil6. We workedvery hard and looked after them withall our hearts. So each year we had agreat number of potatoes.


We ate potatoes with almost every meal. They were very delicious. Our friendsand neighbors said our potatoes were the best they had ever eaten. There were fried7potatoes for breakfast, potatoes with chicken for dinner, potatoes slow cooked in myspecial. And mashed potato8 could be eaten with just about everything.


Nothing in our house ever went to waste9. Whenever Mom had made too muchmashed potato for dinner one day, the next day we had potato pancakes. Mom wouldcook the leftover mashed potato, eggs, flour10 and other ingredients11. We would allsit down to a table full of delicious little pancakes. I can still taste them even now.


Mom taught me how to make the potato pancakes. I learned it fast but I havenever been able12 to make those with the same taste. Mine always taste a littledifferent from hers. Maybe she used an ingredient that I dont remember or maybe itwas just the love with which she cooked them. Itflavored13 all her meals.


Each time I ate one I felt warm not just in my belly14, but in my heart as well.How I want to sit down to have just one more meal with Mom, give her a hug, andtell her how much I love her.


Wish you every meal with love and all your life with love.



1. hand-me-down. 传下来的东西;现成的廉价衣服

2. dog-eared . 书页;折角的

3. stained . 玷污的;着色的;沾了污渍的

4. raise . 饲养;种植

5. till . 耕作;犁地

6. soil . 泥土;土壤

7. fried . 油炸的

8. mashed potato 土豆泥

9. waste . 浪费

10. flour . 面粉

11. ingredient .尤指烹调用的;原料;配料

12. able . 能够;有能力的

13. flavor.给……调味

14. belly. 腹部;肚子;胃;胃口

手持式 洗衣机