张文超 张学义 王磊 韩玉桐 颜世龙 许明俊 化思展
摘要 为抑制永磁同步电机齿槽转矩,减少电机振动与噪声,提出一种定子齿顶开辅助槽与转子外圆偏心的结构来抑制齿槽转矩,提升电机的输出性能.首先建立了定子齿顶开槽前后与主气隙分布函数解析式,分析定子开槽与电机主磁场分布及齿槽转矩的关系,同时分析了转子外圆偏心后对齿槽转矩的影响.以内置3相8极48槽V型永磁同步电机为例,利用有限元法对定子齿顶辅助槽个数、槽宽、槽深、槽位置以及转子外圆偏心距等参数进行优化对比分析,获得最优的参数匹配.结果表明:定子齿顶双矩形对称开槽以及转子外圆偏心的方式能有效改善主气隙磁场分布,抑制电机齿槽转矩,优化后的电机气隙磁密5、11、15、17谐波幅值下降明显,电机齿槽转矩峰值降低了59.6%,反电势波形正弦性增强,平均转矩提升,电机输出性能明显改善.关键词 定子辅助槽;齿槽转矩;主气隙分布函数;转子外圆偏心;永磁同步电机
0 引言
1 齿槽转矩原理
1.1 定子齿顶辅助槽与齿槽转矩关系分析
1.1.1 定子齿辅助槽槽数与齿槽转矩的关系
1.1.2 定子齿顶开槽主气隙长度分布函数解析计算
1.2 转子外圆偏心与齿槽转矩关系解析
2 齿槽转矩削弱分析
2.1 定子齿顶开槽数量对齿槽转矩的影响
2.2 定子齿顶开槽形状对齿槽转矩的影响
由图7可知,定子齿顶辅助槽不同槽型对电机齿槽转矩的削弱效果不同,三角形、圆形、矩形三种辅助槽型对应的齿槽转矩峰值分别为0.91、0.85和0.82 N·m,其中矩形槽对齿槽转矩的削弱效果最明显,因此本文选择矩形辅助槽.
2.3 辅助槽与定子齿中心线角度γ对齿槽转矩的影响
2.4 辅助槽槽宽a对齿槽转矩的影响
2.5 辅助槽槽深b对齿槽转矩的影响
2.6 偏心距h对齿槽转矩的影响
3 优化结果分析
由图13可知,优化后的齿槽转矩峰值与开槽前相比显著降低,由1.14 N·m下降到0.46 N·m,降低了59.6%,优化效果明显.优化前后的气隙磁密以及气隙磁密谐波对比如图14和图15所示.
由图18和表2可知,定子齿顶开辅助槽优化后,电机的转矩峰值由240.32 N·m提高到251.69 N·m,提升4.7%,平均转矩由220.94 N·m提高到231.65 N·m,提升4.8%,电机的转矩脉动系数由9.4%下降到8.5%,与优化前相比降低9.6%,驱动电机输出性能显著提升.
4 结论
本文提出一种定子齿顶开设辅助槽与转子外圆偏心的组合方法来削弱永磁同步电机的齿槽转矩,详细推导了开槽前后的气隙长度分布函数,对比研究定子齿辅助槽对齿槽转矩的影响,同时分析了转子外圆偏心对齿槽转矩产生的影响.利用有限元法对开槽数量、形状、位置、槽宽、槽深等辅助槽参数与转子偏心距进行优化对比分析.结果表明,当定子齿顶开两个矩形辅助槽,辅助槽与定子齿中心线角度为1.6°,槽宽为1.4 mm,槽深为0.4 mm,转子外圓偏心距为10 mm时,齿槽转矩峰值降低了59.6%,电机齿槽转矩明显削弱,优化后气隙磁密谐波幅值降低,反电动势正弦性增强,平均转矩提升4.8%,转矩脉动降低9.6%,电机的输出性能改善.
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Weakening cogging torque of built-in permanent magnet synchronous motor
ZHANG Wenchao ZHANG Xueyi WANG Lei HAN Yutong
YAN Shilong XU Mingjun HUA Sizhan
1School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255000
2Weifang Electric Motor Factory Co. Ltd,Weifang 262100
3Shandong Hapvoo Power Technology Co. Ltd,Zibo 255000
Abstract A structure of stator tooth jacking auxiliary slot and rotor outer circle eccentricity was proposed for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) to suppress the cogging torque and reduce the vibration and noise of motor thus improve the output performance of PMSM.The analytical formula of distribution function was established for the stator tooth top (before and after slotting) and the main air gap,thus clarified the relationships between the stator slotting and the main magnetic field distribution as well as the cogging torque.At the same time,the influence of the rotor outer circle eccentricity on the cogging torque was analyzed.The optimal parameter matching was obtained through optimization tests and comparative analysis of auxiliary slot parameters including slot number,width,depth,slot spacing and rotor outer circle eccentricity,via finite element method on a built-in 3-phase 8-pole 48-slot V-type PMSM.The results showed that the double rectangular symmetrical slotting on the stator tooth top and the eccentricity of the rotor outer circle can effectively improve the magnetic field distribution of the main air gap and restrain the cogging torque of the motor.The harmonic amplitude of the optimized air gap magnetic density 5,11,15 and 17 was decreased significantly,the peak value of the cogging torque of the motor was decreased by 59.6%,and the sine of the back EMF waveform as well as the average torque was increased,thus the motors output performance was significantly improved.
Key words stator auxiliary slot;cogging torque;principal air gap distribution function;rotor outer circle eccentricity;permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)