
2023-07-04 00:52秦子轩张恒甄琪李晗王镕琛宋卫民
丝绸 2023年3期

秦子轩 张恒 甄琪 李晗 王镕琛 宋卫民

摘要: 熔喷非织造材料是一种由超细纤维直接组成的柔性多孔介质,具有纤维比表面积大、结构蓬松和屏蔽性好等特点,在医疗防护和个人卫生等贴肤领域中具有广泛应用。然而,由于部分熔喷非织造原料的固有脆性,导致熔喷非织造材料存在柔软舒适性差的问题。因此,提升熔喷非织造材料柔韧性,已经成为贴肤用纺织品领域的研究热点。本文整理熔喷聚合物原料共聚改性和共混改性研究进展,介绍了熔喷非织造生产工艺对材料柔韧性影响规律,阐述了熔喷非织造材料在柔性贴肤领域应用形式,为熔喷非织造材料柔韧性提升与贴肤性应用提供研究思路。

关键词: 熔喷;非织造材料;柔韧化改性;共聚改性;共混改性;贴肤应用

中图分类号: TS176

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1001-7003(2023)03-0073-09



DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2023.03.010(篇序)




1 熔喷非织造材料原料柔韧化改性


1.1 共聚改性


Zhang等[21]在PLA-PEG-PLA共聚物(图2(a))制备过程中,探究了聚乙二醇(PEG)对PLA柔韧化改性效果,结果表明该共聚物可以提高PEG分子在PLA基体中分散性,从而有效提高PLA大分子链段运动能力,使材料具有更好的柔韧性。Theryo等[22]首先通过开环共聚方法制备了1,5-环辛二烯-co-5-降冰片烯-2-甲醇(PCN),然后侧链接枝PLA生成了PCNL共聚物(图2(b)),该样品断裂伸长率高达238%,比纯PLA材料提高了1 700%。Yu等[23]先将羧基接枝到PE分子链上生成m-LDPE,然后再以聚苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯(SG)为主要接枝链,接枝生成PLLA/m-LDPE共混物。结果发现,PLLA和m-LDPE羧酸基可以与SG主链上环氧基团发生反应,使共混体系界面相容性提高(图2(c)),增容后共混物断裂伸长率由9%提高至367%。


1.2 共混改性


1.2.1 弹性体改性




1.2.2 低聚物改性

低聚物与熔喷聚合物原料进行共混改性时,能够均匀分散在聚合物基体中,通过削弱分子间作用力,提高分子链运动能力,从而降低聚合物脆性。常用的低聚物有柠檬酸脂类和聚乙二醇等。为了探究不同檸檬酸酯类物质对聚乳酸柔韧化改性作用,尹静波等[31]分别采用乙酰柠檬酸三正丁酯(ATBC)、柠檬酸三正丁酯(TBC)、柠檬酸三乙酯(TEC)等与PLA进行共混。通过对样品分析后发现,柠檬酸酯类物质与PLA有良好相容性。当其添加量为10%~15%时,共混物的断裂伸长率较纯PLA提升了近40倍;同时,随着柠檬酸酯中醇相对分子质量越低,越有利于降低共混物玻璃化温度,从而提高其柔韧性。类似的,Guo等[32]研究了不同相对分子质量(600、2 000)聚乙二醇(PEG)对PLA改性效果。研究发现,PEG增强了PLA分子链段运动能力,当共混物中PEG含量为20%时,其断裂伸长率增大到370%~400%。

1.2.3 熔喷非织造材料用柔软母粒




2 成型工艺对非织造材料柔韧性影响规律

熔喷非织造材料在加工成型过程中,通过对接收距离(DCD)、热风压力、热风温度和模头温度等工艺参数调整,能够获得纤维直径更细,孔隙率更高和结构更蓬松的柔韧性非织造材料。Zhang等[33]和彭梦娜等[34]分别通过改变DCD和热风温度来研究非织造材料结构与性能。如图7所示,随着DCD从10 cm增加至30 cm,材料的孔隙率增大,结构变蓬松;对于PP/TPU非织造材料而言,随着热风温度不断升高,熔喷非织造材料主要纤维直径分布在6 μm以下,当热风温度从250 ℃升高到270 ℃时,PP/TPU熔喷非织造材料具有良好弹性回复和触觉柔韧性。Yesil[35]研究了DCD、热风压力和模头温度对聚乙烯(PE)熔喷非织造材料结构和力学性能影响(图8)。研究表明,随着DCD从15 cm增加到25 cm时,样品材料直径明显减小,而继续增加会由于空气冷却原因导致纤维直径很难再发生变化;风压增大,会使材料纤维直径减小的同时,结构也更加蓬松。此外,付小栓等[36-37]研究发现,熔喷工艺参数改变对非织造材料结构性能影响呈现出相同规律,即纤维直径会随着DCD和风压逐渐增大而减小,同时,模头温度在一定范围内逐渐升高,会提高材料流动性,有利于获得纤维直径更细的熔喷非织造材料。


3 熔喷非织造材料贴肤性应用


3.1 医疗防护用品

熔喷非织造材料具有优异屏蔽性、过滤性和透气性[38],被广泛用于口罩、防护服和手术服等医疗防护装备。专利《一种口罩非织造布及工艺》采用PP熔喷非织造材料生产一种医疗防护用口罩,该产品不仅可以屏蔽病毒,同时使用过程中也能给人带来柔软贴肤的舒适感。此外,專利《防护服用原材料和防护服》利用熔喷非织造材料纤维线密度小、结构蓬松等特性,制造了一种透气性良好、质量轻和手感柔软的医用防护服装备,解决了传统防护服穿着舒适性不足和柔软贴肤性差等问题。随着生物可降解聚合物不断发展,也为熔喷非织造材料在医疗领域带来更多应用前景。如彭鹏等[39]以聚乳酸为原料,通过熔喷工艺制备了一种超细纤维医用敷料,测试证明,该材料纤维直径主要为2~5 μm,具有透气性好,贴肤柔软的同时具有很好的抗菌效果,对人体无毒副作用。

3.2 卫生用品


3.3 保暖材料

熔喷法非织造材料纤维线密度小,会使材料孔隙率增大,较多孔隙可以使材料内部储存空气,起到保温隔热效果。仇何等[40]使用聚乳酸与聚酰胺弹性体为原料,通过将制备的熔喷超细纤维喷覆在直径25 μm的长丝上,获得具有类似鹅绒结构的保暖材料,这类材料在具有良好保暖效果的同时,也拥有柔韧性好、亲肤的特点,可以广泛地应用于服装,家纺等产品。


4 结 语



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Research progress of flexible modification and applications of skin-fitting melt-blown nonwovens

QIN Zixuan1a, ZHANG Heng1a, ZHEN Qi1b, LI Han1a, WANG Rongchen1a, SONG Weimin2

(1a.College of Textiles; 1b.College of Fashion Technology, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 451191, China;2.Suzhou Doro New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215600, China)


Melt-blown nonwovens, flexible porous media made up directly of superfine fibers, not only have a large fiber specific surface area, fluffy structure and good shielding properties, but also have a wide range of raw material sources, short production processes and many product variations, and are currently used in a wide range of skin-fitting applications such as medical protection, personal hygiene and intelligent temperature regulation. However, the polymer raw materials currently used in melt-blown nonwovens are mainly polymers such as polypropylene, polyethylene and polylactic acid, which contain multiple rigid molecular chain segments in their structure, resulting in brittle nonwovens that are not sufficiently tough. Therefore, how to improve the softness of melt-blown nonwovens so as to further develop their application in the field of skin-fitting products has become a major issue and research hotspot in the field of skin-fitting textiles.

This paper reviews the research progress on copolymer modification and blending modification of melt-blown polymer raw materials, summaries the influence of melt-blown nonwoven production processes on the flexibility of the materials and describes the forms of applications of melt-blown nonwovens in the field of flexible skin-fitting, providing references and new ideas for the flexibility improvement and skin-fitting application and development of melt-blown nonwovens.

The high melt flow index, narrow molecular weight distribution and low melt viscosity of the polymer raw materials used in the melt-blown process not only help the polymer melt to draw into fibers, but also improve the flexibility of the nonwoven materials by introducing other substances. A common method of improving the softness of polymers is therefore the copolymerization and blending of polymeric raw materials in the melt-blown process, and a great deal of work has been done by many researchers to improve the softness of polymers. Copolymer modification is to introduce the specific molecular chain segments into the main polymer macromolecule chain through a chemical reaction, so as to change the polymer molecular structure to improve the polymer molecular chain flexibility. In contrast, blending modification can be done by blending elastomers, small molecule oligomers or soft masterbatches to reduce the rigidity of the blends, which is a common physical modification method to improve the polymer flexibility, with the advantages of simple operation process and low production costs. In addition, the control of the forming process of melt-blown nonwovens can be easily regulated. The flexibility of the nonwoven material can be improved by making the resulting fibers finer in diameter, more porous and fluffier in structure by adjusting the process parameters such as the receiving distance, hot air pressure, hot air temperature and die head temperature. Therefore, the study of the influence of process parameters on the structure and properties of nonwovens can provide a reference for the further improvement of the softness and comfort of melt-blown nonwovens and the development of skin-fitting materials.

This paper presents a review of methods to improve the flexibility of melt-blown nonwovens and their skin-fitting applications. Based on this, it is found that adding flexible molecular chains to the macromolecular chains of polymer raw materials or melt blending them with flexible materials, or adjusting the parameters of the melt-blown nonwoven process, can effectively improve the flexibility of nonwovens. At the same time, there are several issues that need to be improved: (i) different types of polymer raw materials require different methods (chemical or physical) to improve material flexibility, and it should be considered that the method has the characteristics of simple operation, low cost and industrial mass production; (ii) it is also necessary to increase the diversity of functional applications of materials in improving the flexibility of melt-blown nonwovens, which is also a future melt-blown nonwovens research hotspot.

More and more scholars will pay attention to the research of melt-blown nonwovens for flexible skin-fitting application as the field of application of melt-blown nonwovens expands. This paper reviews the polymer modification methods, melt-blown nonwovens processes and applications of flexible skin-fitting nonwovens, with the aim of providing a reference for subsequent research on melt-blown nonwoven flexibility enhancement and its application in new skin-fitting products.

Key words:

melt-blown; nonwovens; toughness modification; copolymerization modification; blending modification; skin-fitting application







