张诗语 李俐玫 朱芷逸
关键词:Boussinesq-MHD方程; Navier-slip边界条件; Galerkin近似; 弱解; 强解
中图分类号:O175.29 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8395(2023)05-0601-07
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Existence of Solutions for the 3D Boussinesq-MHD
Equations with Navier-slip Boundary ConditionsZHANG Shiyu1,2,LI Limei1,2,ZHU Zhiyi1,2(1. School of Mathematical Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610066, Sichuan;
2. V. C. & V. R. Key Lab. of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610066, Sichuan)
Abstract:We investigate the existence of solutions for the 3D incompressible Boussinesq-MHD equations with the Navier-slip boundary conditions in a smooth bounded domain. Firstly, the global existence of weak solution is obtained by Galerkin approximation. Secondly, the uniform prior estimates of the approximate solution is obtained by using the energy estimation method in the sense of H1 norm. Then combining with the standard limit process, Gronwall inequality and initial conditions, the local existence and uniqueness of the strong solution of the system are proved.
Keywords:Boussinesq-MHD equations; Navier-slip boundary condition; Galerkin approximation; weak solution; strong solution
2020 MSC:35Q35; 76D03