图、文/Nathan Pelton(苏平,美国) 译/张佳艺
景洪市最大寺庙的入口处的龙Dragons flanking the entrance to the largest temple in Jinghong
曼听御花园公园的白塔The white pagoda in the Manting Yuhuayuan Park
For those who have endeavored to learn Chinese, they will have inevitably heard of Xishuangbanna. For me, it was in one of the lessons found in my very first conversational Chinese textbook. It appeared in the conversation with Mr. Li about places to visit in China. It is considered one of the top domestic tourist destinations for its rich culture, near-perfect weather, and countless minority groups.
My first trip to Xishuangbanna was more than a decade ago, and on that trip, I spent most of my time with the Dai and Hani minority groups.I visited villages and tasted some of the most amazing foods. On that first trip, I started to understand the draw of Xishuangbanna’s blended cultures.
While visiting neighboring Southeast Asian countries, I appreciated their food, customs, architecture, and culture - but at the end of the trip, I was eager to return to China, the place I now consider home. Xishuangbanna is the best of both worlds as it offers Chinese culture with a unique blend of Southeast Asian cultures, food, and architecture.
Last year in Xishuangbanna, I spent one day just visiting different temples and parks around the city, photographing the architectural influences. Places of worship are packed full of symbolic details - detailed tile work, murals, gold-encrusted pillars, ceiling ornamentation, and carefully crafted roof lines. These details are too easily overlooked as they start to mix, but taking time to photograph these sites and the flora and fauna of the area gave me a new appreciation for the richness of cultural influences found in Xishuangbanna’s architecture.
一座桥的屋顶The roof of a bridge
具有明显东南亚风格的佛像建筑The architecture of Buddha is distinctly Southeast Asian
西双版纳总佛寺的一个古老的入口An ancient entrance into Xishuangbanna’s General Buddhist Temple
隐藏在曼听御花园热带森林中的众多寺庙之一One of the multiple temples hiding in the Manting Yuhuayuan Park’s tropical forest
寺庙内部悬挂着的彩带Ribbons hanging from a temple interior
精美的寺庙塑像Exquisite temple statues
受游客欢迎的热门景点——白塔The popular spot for tourists—The white pagoda