
2023-04-29 00:44廖家锋陈清方

廖家锋 陈清方

摘 要:Schrdinger-Poisson系统是由Schrdinger方程和Poisson方程耦合在一起所得,它具有很强的物理背景,主要用来研究微观物质在电场中的运动规律。本文考虑有界区域上一类带临界指数的Schrdinger-Poisson系统,利用山路定理和Ekeland变分原理,获得了该系统至少存在2个正解。


中图分类号:O177.91 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-5072(2023)04-0358-07


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Existence of Positive Solutionsfor a Class of Schrdinger-Poisson System with Critical Exponent

LIAO Jia-fengab,CHEN Qing-fanga

(a.School of Mathematics & Information,b.College of Mathematics Education,China West Normal University,Nanchong Sichuan 637009,China)

Abstract:Schrdinger-Poisson system is obtained by coupling Schrdinger equation and Poisson equation.With a strong physical background,it is mainly used to study the motion law of micro matter in electric field.In this paper,a class of Schrdinger-Poisson system with critical exponents on bounded domains is considered and two positive solutions are obtained by Mountain Pass Theorem and Ekeland variational principle.

Keywords:Schrdinger-Poisson system;critical exponent;Mountain Pass Theorem;Ekeland variational principle;positive solutions

收稿日期:2021-08-14 基金項目:西华师范大学创新团队科研项目(CXTD2018-8);西华师范大学基本科研项目(18B015)



引文格式:廖家锋,陈清方.一类带临界指数的Schrdinger-Poisson系统的正解的存在性[J].西华师范大学学报(自然科学版),2023,44(4):358-364.[LIAO J F,CHEN Q F.Existence of positive solutions for a class of Schrdinger-Poisson system with critical exponent[J].Journal of China West Normal University (Natural Sciences),2023,44(4):358-364.]