奋进新征程 展现新作为全市外事工作再上新台阶

2023-02-14 02:40王雯
重庆与世界 2023年1期





Manifesting the Original Aspiration and Creating New Achievements Through Diligent Work.In 2022,Chongqing’s foreign affairs system adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, studied, publicized and implemented the guidelines of the 20thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly practiced Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, deepened regional multibilateral cooperation based on the roadmap of foreign affairs resources in accordance with plan set in the 6thChongqing Municipal Congress of the Communist Party of China, and further promoted the construction of the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China.We accelerated the construction of a pattern of foreign exchanges based on the central and western China, facing ASEAN and the world,actively served the country’s overall diplomacy and the city’s highquality development, and promoted the city’s foreign affairs work from strength to strength.

Adhering to the Party’s Guidance of Foreign Affairs Work and Thoroughly Studying and Implementing the Guidelines of the 20thCPC National Congress. We put political building in the first place,earnestly implement the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in foreign affairs work in all aspects, and ensure that foreign affairs work advancing in the correct political direction. In-depth study of the guidelines of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China through various ways such as teach-in, the micro-lecture hall, and the special column etc., were carried out to profoundly understand of the era mark of diplomacy of a major country with Chinese characteristics, lofty mission, principles and policies, enhance strategic self-confidence and strategic strength, and further strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party in foreign affairs work. Chongqing’s foreign affairs system studied Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. As the only subnational representative of the country, it was selected into the diplomatic section of the exhibition on the theme of “Forging Ahead in the New Era”. Focusing on the new tasks and requirements of the 20thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China on foreign affairs, we carefully planned and implemented Chongqing’s key foreign work projects with high quality, promote the construction of a new land and sea channel in the west, promote international cooperation in the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region, and strive to open up to the outside world at a high level and better integrate into dual circulation of home and abroad.


Serving the Overall Development and Actively Integrating into the Country’s Overall Diplomacy. We always insist on planning one section from big picture thinking, serving the overall development with every section,closely connecting the country’s major subnational development strategy and the key work of the city, effectively identifying the positioning foreign affairs work, digging deep into characteristic foreign affairs resources, and better serving the overall development. Based on the central government’s strategic positioning of Chongqing, we hosted important foreign affairs activities with high quality including Smart China Expo 2022, 4thWCIFIT, 2022 CCI-ILSTC International Cooperation Forum, with the national politicians of Uruguay,Hungary, Singapore, Mexico and other countries and the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization attended relevant activities online respectively. We meticulously prepared subnational foreign affairs activities and held a series of online exchange activities between the mayor of Chongqing and the mayor of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and the mayor of Incheon, South Korea to actively promote the sound momentum of Chongqing’s opening up to the outside world. Focusing on major regions including Southeast Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America, we have actively participated in the bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms between China and ASEAN,China and Central and Eastern Europe, and China and Latin America. We have been engaged in the formulation of theCooperation Plan for the CCI Project New International Land-Sea Trade Corridoras a way to reinforce economic cooperation and strengthen people-to-people exchanges. We have advanced the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and constantly engaged ourselves in international poverty reduction cooperation. The China-South Asian Countries Poverty Alleviation and Cooperative Development Center, Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Rural Revitalization Research Center, and Pengshui County Rural Revitalization International Cooperation Demonstration Site have been established to carry out extensive international poverty reduction experience sharing and project cooperation. Focusing on building a community with a shared future for human health, we have engaged ourselves in the promotion of international pandemic control cooperation in Chongqing. We have provided targeted foreign medical assistance, made well-coordinated efforts to donate pandemic prevention materials to Nepal and other countries and international organizations and carried out pandemic control experience sharing, so as to create international synergies for the fight against COVID-19. We have actively participated in international disaster relief operations, raising emergency relief supplies to fully support Pakistan’s fight against floods and promote the development of the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between China and Pakistan.

Accelerating the Pace of Building a Hub for International Exchanges in Central and Western China with Clear Pathway. Focusing on building a hub for international exchanges in central and western China, we have fully mobilized resources from all parties to overcome the impact of the pandemic and comprehensively enhance Chongqing’s facilities for foreign exchange,i.e., infrastructure, and its soft power, i.e., urban image. We have made targeted efforts to implement the “14thFive-Year Plan” for Chongqing to build an international exchange center in the central and western China with high requirement according to the top-level design. We have made continuous efforts to engage in international affairs, pushed forward more export-oriented economic development, promoted the visibility of Chongqing, created a more open and enabling business environment, and advanced the city’s international exchange functions. We have promoted foreign cooperation projects with high efficiency and helped enhance our corridor resources to deepen exchanges with key countries along the ILSTC and China-Europe Railway Express. We have thoroughly implemented the Chongqing-ASEAN Cooperation Action Plan and jointly held the 2022 Sichuan-Chongqing-Mekong Countries Local Cooperation Forum with the Foreign Affairs Office of Sichuan Province, in order to accelerate the coordination of ILSTC and Lancang-Mekong cooperation. We have held the 2022 International Cooperation Forum on the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor based on the China-Laos Railway to engage Lao and Thai businesses in the construction of the ILSTC and continue to expand the ILSTC circle of friends. We have promoted the development of an open economy,optimized the business environment, and made great efforts to establish cooperation networks, build service platforms, promote project cooperation, and strengthen information services. We have promptly solved a series of visa, flight support, entry and medical quarantine problems for key technical personnel of key foreign-funded enterprises, so as to ensure the stability of key supply chains and industrial chains. We have actively explored new foreign affairs working models under pandemic control. A “closed-loop bubble” has been established in the entry quarantine-free reception area, and Top 500 companies have been organized to enter China for business negotiations. We actively fostered an alignment with RCEP and the economic development belt in the Lancang-Mekong region, facilitated synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative with regional cooperative initiatives such as national development strategies of SCO countries and the Eurasian Economic Union, playing a leading role in promoting Belt and Road cooperation.


拓展交往渠道,活化集成外事资源促进交流。我们始终牢记周恩来总理“宣传出去、争取过来”的外事工作理念,充分发挥领事机构、国际友城、民间组织等桥梁作用,共建渠道、共享资源,持续打造重庆特色对外人文交流品牌,广交天下朋友,扩大城市国际影响力。大力吸引国际组织来渝落户,今年,缅甸驻重庆总领事馆正式开馆,经批准在渝设立领事机构增至13家。紧贴成渝地区双城经济圈发展战略,加强与各国驻渝蓉领事机构、各国政府和企业在渝代表处的联系,积极邀请国外客商参加智博会、西洽会等重大活动,共组织开展活动近百场,推动我市在投资、贸易、文化、旅游、教育、科技等领域的国际交流合作,向全球展示了重庆高质量发展的良好态势。秉持人类命运共同体理念,打造遍布全球的友好关系网络,2022年新增国际友好城市2个、国际友好交流城市6个,分别达到52个和115个。落实高质量共建“一带一路”倡议,重点加强与丝路沿线国家合作,建立友好城市关系,以经济合作为中心,逐步拓展文化、教育、环保、智能、旅游等合作领域。抓住建交周年纪念、主题年等重要节点,积极开展市领导致贺信、视频交流会、艺术展等多种形式的交流活动,为增进民心相通搭建友谊之桥。依托重庆史迪威博物馆、胡志明旧居等外事历史资源,持续深化中外人文交流。高标准参与国际传播,突出重庆元素、中国视角、国际表达,对外讲好中国故事重庆篇章。坚持说深说透说通,精心组织开展党的二十大、市第六次党代会对外宣介,积极对外介绍中国共产党治国理政新实践、新成效。创新“外国使领馆官员话重庆”“外国友人讲重庆故事”等原创品牌栏目,组织参与重庆城市国际形象传播系列活动。举办首届“TALK IN 重庆”外语演讲大赛。组织中外媒体记者联合采访团区县行活动,自信展示对外开放良好形象。推动成立中国外文局翻译院中西部分院,重点打造东盟非通用语人才培育基地。

Expanding Cooperation Channels and Flexibly Integrating Foreign Affairs Resources to Promote International Exchanges. We have always stayed true to the work philosophy of foreign affairs proposed by Premier Zhou Enlai,citing “Publicize our beliefs and efforts and win over support”, giving full play to consular agencies, sister cities, and private organizations as bridges to jointly build channels and share resources, so as to continue to foster people-to-people and cultural exchanges with Chongqing characteristics and increase Chongqing’s influence on the international community by making more friends. Many international organizations now have their presence in Chongqing. In 2022, the Consulate General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Chongqing was inaugurated, making the total number of consular agencies approved to be established in Chongqing 13. Closely in line with the development strategy of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Hub Mega-Region, Chongqing strengthened interactions with consular agencies in both Chongqing and Chengdu and representative offices of governments and enterprises of different countries in Chongqing, actively invited international guests from business sectors to participate in the Smart China Expo, Western China International Fair for Investment and Trade, and other significant events,and jointly held over a hundred activities. With such efforts, Chongqing’s international exchanges and cooperation were enhanced in terms of investment,trade, culture, tourism, education, technology, etc. We presented to the world a high-quality developing Chongqing with good momentum. Guided by the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, Chongqing is committed to building an international friendship network. This year saw two new international sister cities and six new cities with friendly exchange relationships added to the total of 52 and 115 respectively. Chongqing is implementing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, attaching great importance to the cooperation with countries along the Silk Road, establishing sister city relationships, and expanding the cooperation in more fields including culture, education, environment conservation, smart technologies,and tourism with economic cooperation at the core. Taking the opportunities of commemorations and anniversaries, Chongqing actively sent out letters and remarks by the municipal leadership, and held video conferences and art exhibitions, among other forms of activities, to build bridges of friendship to enhance people-to-people ties. With historical resources of foreign affairs such as the Stilwell Museum and the Former Residence of Hồ Chí Minh, Chongqing continues to deepen international cultural and people-to-people exchanges.Chongqing is dedicated to improving its international communication capability with high standards by shedding light on Chongqing features,China’s visions, and international expressions to tell good stories of China,Chongqing chapter that is easy to understand and accept by foreign friends.We actively launched publicity of the 20thCPC National Congress and the 6thCPC Chongqing Municipal Congress, promoting the new practices and achievements of the governance of the Communist Party of China. Chongqing is exploring an integrated development of combining foreign affairs with international publicity, holding activities like “Chongqing in the Eyes of Foreign Consuls” and “Chongqing Stories from Foreign Friends”. Chongqing also held a series of activities themed international publicity of the city images of Chongqing, organized the 1st“TALK IN Chongqing” Foreign Language Public Speaking Contest, and brought journalists and reporters from home and abroad for a visit to Chongqing’s Districts and Counties, showing them an image of an open Chongqing with confidence. We facilitated the establishment of the Western and Central China Branch of the CICG Academy of Translation and Interpretation, which prioritizes building a training base for professionals in ASEAN languages.



Supporting the Implementation of Effective Service Guarantees for Foreign Affairs by Following a People-Centered Foreign Affairs Philosophy. We always adhere to the people-centered principle, stand firm in the people’s position,uphold the people-centered foreign affairs philosophy, and exhibit the defining feature of foreign affairs in the new era. The satisfaction rating by primarylevel organizations and the general public serves as a barometer for our work.We have provided heartfelt, practical solutions for the people, streamlined and integrated foreign affairs services, such as consular legalization, the APEC Business Travel Card, passports, and visas, created a smart platform for foreign affairs information, facilitated “one-stop” procedures, and constantly advanced information-driven development. “Aided by data, the people are freed from errands.” These actions have improved people’s sense of security and gain. We had a full implementation of the service management of business visits, established the “green channel” for scientific and technical personnel to travel abroad, and paid close attention to the urgent concerns of foreignrelated businesses. By researching and visiting primary-level organizations and businesses, we have promptly assisted businesses through foreign affairs resources and channels, granted export-oriented businesses greater initiative in “going global” and “bringing in”, and facilitated Chongqing’s enterprises in developing their overseas markets more quickly and efficiently. We remain committed to the major requirements of ensuring effective COVID control,stable economic performance, and safe and secure development. We rose to the occasion and swung into action, taking on the responsibility of preventing inbound cases and doing our best to protect citizens’ lives. With optimization and adjustments to entry prevention and control policies based on the times and circumstances, cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world as well as opening up to the outside world have been promoted. In 2022, more than 400 inbound cases with positive COVID-19 test results were addressed,and no local epidemics were associated with those cases. Effective COVID-19 containment guarantees openness. Our efforts have assisted businesses in resuming work and production, as well as the city as a whole in maintaining stable economic performance. We always care about the safety of overseas citizens. We worked hard to protect the legitimate interests overseas of Chongqing citizens and legal persons, handled overseas consular protection cases in a timely manner, and avoided possible risks.

The new mission inspires us, but we still have a long way to go on this new journey. As we march into a new year, the 20thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2ndPlenary Session of the 6thCPC Chongqing Municipal Committee will continue to serve as the guiding principle of Chongqing’s foreign affairs institution. We will proactively plan and advance foreign policy on the Chinese path to modernization. We will embrace the new era, embark on a new journey, and build a new Chongqing in accordance with our sense of responsibility and mission of losing no time. We will expedite the development of the Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China, fully support the high-quality development of foreign affairs, actively support China’s diplomacy, and make new and greater contributions to the growth of a modern, new Chongqing.

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