王 科 秦文萍 张 宇 朱志龙 薛邵锴
王 科 秦文萍 张 宇 朱志龙 薛邵锴
(电力系统运行与控制山西省重点实验室(太原理工大学) 太原 030024)
双馈风机 等效惯量控制比例系数 暂态能量函数 系统功角首摆稳定
与传统同步机相比,双馈风力发电机(Doubly-Fed Induction Generator, DFIG)缺乏惯性响应能力[1-2],因此,大规模双馈风机接入后的电力系统遭受大扰动或小扰动时(三相短路、负荷突增等),系统惯性响应能力缺失严重,暂态功角稳定问题突显。随着双馈风机虚拟惯量控制技术不断完善,双馈风机能够为系统提供动态惯性支撑[3-5],因此,亟须开展双馈风机虚拟惯量对系统功角首摆稳定影响机理的研究。
图2 两区域互联系统等效模型
图3 系统功角正向摆动
图4 系统功角反向摆动
表1 系统功角正向摆动时功角首摆稳定性判别
Tab.1 The stability criterion of the first swing of power angle
表2 系统功角反向摆动时功角首摆稳定性判别
Tab.2 The stability criterion of the first swing of power angle
表3 单台风电机组参数
Tab.3 Parameters of DFIG
表4 单台同步机参数
Tab.4 Parameters of synchronous generators
表5 DFIG等效虚拟惯量控制环节比例系数
Tab.5 Equivalent proportional coefficient of virtual inertia control of DFIG
表6 系统发生三相短路时同步发电机有功功率
Tab.6 Active power output of generators when three-phase short circuit occurs
表7 三相短路时系统功角首摆稳定性评估指标及系统加速和减速阶段时间
Tab.7 Stability evaluation index and acceleration and deceleration time of the system under three-phase short circuit
由表7可知,场景B、场景C情况下功角最大首摆偏移量绝对值|ΔSR_max|比场景A情况下增加2.613 3°和1.794 3°,表明系统发生三相短路故障时,DFIG等效惯量控制比例系数大于零使得系统功角首摆稳定性减弱,且DFIG等效惯量控制比例系数绝对值增加不利于系统功角首摆稳定。
负荷L1、L2有功功率分别为200MW和1 100MW,设置母线B8处发生三相接地短路故障,持续时间0.05s,故障前后系统频率、系统转速、联络线功率、风机有功输出及系统功角波动情况如图6所示,系统功角首摆稳定性评估结果见表7。
由表7可知,场景D、场景E情况下功角最大首摆偏移量绝对值|ΔSR_max|比场景A情况下减小1.306 8°和1.159 4°,表明系统发生三相短路故障时,DFIG等效惯量控制比例系数小于零使得系统功角首摆稳定性增强,且DFIG等效惯量控制比例系数绝对值增加有利于系统功角首摆稳定。
表8 负荷突增时时系统功角首摆稳定性评估指标及系统加速及减速阶段时间
Tab.8 Stability evaluation index and acceleration and deceleration time of the system during load sudden change
由表8可知,场景B、场景C情况下功角最大首摆偏移量绝对值|ΔSR_max|比场景A情况下减小7.153 89°和3.994 03°,系统功角首摆稳定性增强,且DFIG等效惯量控制比例系数增加有利于系统功角首摆稳定。
由表8可知,场景D、场景E情况下系统功角最大首摆偏移量绝对值|ΔSR_max|比场景A情况下增加4.272 5°和2.302 9°,系统功角首摆稳定性减弱,且DFIG等效惯量控制比例绝对值增加不利于系统功角首摆稳定。
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(编辑 赫蕾)
Mechanism Analysis of Effect of Equivalent Proportional Coefficient of Inertia Control of DFIG on Stability of First Swing of Power Angle
Wang Ke Qin Wenping Zhang Yu Zhu Zhilong Xue Shaokai
(Shanxi Key Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan 030024 China)
Compared with traditional synchronous machines, doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) lacks inertial response capability. Therefore, when a large-scale DFIG is connected to a power system suffering from large or small disturbances (three-phase short circuit, sudden load increase, etc.), the system inertial response capability is severely lacking and the problem of transient power angle stability is highlighted. With the continuous improvement of the DFIG virtual inertia control technology, the DFIG can provide dynamic inertia support for the system. Therefore, there is an urgent necessity to carry out research on the mechanism of the effect of the DFIG’s virtual inertia on the first swing stability of the system power angle. To address these issues, this paper proposes a mechanism analysis method for the effect of equivalent proportional coefficient of virtual inertia control of DFIG on stability of first swing of power angle.
Firstly, the equivalent model of two regional inertia centers is derived, and the influence of DFIG virtual inertia on the rotor motion equations of the two regions is analyzed. Secondly, from the perspective of the transient energy of the system, the influence of the equivalent proportional coefficient of virtual inertia control of DFIG in the two regions on the transient energy during the acceleration and deceleration of the system is studied when the swing direction of system power angle are different and the swing direction of influence mechanism on the first swing stability of system is further studied. Finally, the stability of the system was evaluated by the maximum deviation of the system power angle and a simulation model of the two-region interconnection system was built in PSASP to verify the proposed theory.
Considering the DFIG in sending and receiving ends with additional inertia control, the following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: ①When a three-phase short circuit fault occurs in the system, the power angle of the system swings in the positive direction, and the DFIG inertia response changes the transient energy during system deceleration. If the equivalent proportional coefficient of the DFIG’s virtual inertia control link is greater than zero, the stability of the system power angle first swing is weakened, and the absolute value of the equivalent proportional coefficient of the DFIG’s virtual inertia control link is reduced, which is conducive to the stability of the system power angle first swing, otherwise, it is not conducive to the stability of the system power angle first swing. ②When the system load suddenly increases, the power angle of the system swings in the opposite direction, and the DFIG inertia response changes the transient energy during the system acceleration and deceleration. If the equivalent proportional coefficient of the DFIG’s virtual inertia control link is greater than zero, the stability of the system power angle first swing is enhanced, and the absolute value of the equivalent proportional coefficient of the DFIG’s virtual inertia control link is increased, which is conducive to the stability of the system power angle first swing, otherwise, it is not conducive to the stability of the system power angle first swing.
Doubly-fed induction generator(DFIG), equivalent proportional coefficient of virtual inertia control, transient energy function, the first swing stability of power angle
王 科 女,1995年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为新能源电力系统分析与控制。E-mail:15536816118@163.com
秦文萍 女,1972年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电力系统可靠性/稳定性分析、微电网运行与控制、交直流混合微电网保护等。E-mail:qinwenping@tyut.edu.cn(通信作者)
(编辑 赫蕾)