
2023-02-11 03:35:16王志彬朱景伟赵锡阳刘咏涵曹海川
电工技术学报 2023年3期

王志彬 朱景伟 赵锡阳 刘咏涵 曹海川


王志彬 朱景伟 赵锡阳 刘咏涵 曹海川

(大连海事大学船舶电气工程学院 大连 116026)


永磁容错轮缘推进电机 H桥逆变电路 预测占空比 StarSim

0 引言

随着海上贸易的高速发展,船舶所需吨位和功率日益提高,传统推进系统在空间、能耗、噪声等方面劣势日趋明显[1]。轮缘推进器(Rim Drive Motor, RDM)将螺旋桨、推进电机、轴承集成一体,具有结构紧凑、效率高、绿色环保等突出优点,是现代电力推进技术的革命性创新[2]。RDM内置集成电机主要为永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)[3]。永磁容错电机(Fault-Tolerant Permanent Magnet Motor, FTPMM)是绕组独立的PMSM,不仅效率高、体积小,还具有良好的容错性和可靠性[4]。永磁容错轮缘推进电机(Fault-Tolerant Permanent Magnet Rim Drive Motor, FTPM-RDM)采用FTPMM作为RDM的内置电机,既可以提高船舶空间利用率和效率,又可明显提升推进系统的稳定性和可靠性[5]。


电流滞环跟踪脉宽调制(Current Hysteresis Band Pulse Width Modulation, CHBPWM)策略具备控制算法简单、易实现、动态性能好、鲁棒性强的优良特性,目前已经成功地应用在众多电力变换系统中[8]。相比于内外环双PI控制、模型预测电流控制,FTPM-RDM采用CHBPWM控制策略,无需各相矢量联合,可直接对各相绕组进行单独控制,具备算法简单、响应迅速的优势[9]。传统三相PMSM由于绕组相互影响,无法精准确定单个采样周期每相绕组相电压矢量大小,因此只能实现传统CHBPWM策略,存在开关频率不固定问题,同时不具备故障容错性能[10]。相比传统PMSM,FTPM-RDM的绕组结构和H桥逆变器可完美结合CHBPWM算法,实现精准确定每相绕组施加的电压矢量,进而对单个采样周期CHBPWM控制进行具体分析并提出优化算法[11]。同时当FTPM-RDM出现开路、短路故障时,可通过直接控制正常相电流对故障相进行补偿,快速实现电机开路短路容错控制[12]。因此采用CHBPWM策略控制FTPM-RDM,可以获得兼备响应快速性、易实现、可靠性的电力推进方案。



1 FTPM-RDM的结构及数学模型


图1 六相永磁容错轮缘推进电机结构示意图


图2 单相H桥逆变电路







2 预测占空比CHBPWM工作原理


图3 FTPM-RDM控制系统结构框图


图4 CHBPWM单周期A相电流脉动等效图





图5 A相电流相对滞环位置情况

表1 A相电流单周期up,down计算表

Tab.1 Calculation table of single cycle tup, tdown for phase A current


图6 PWM调制方式原理图


3 仿真验证


表2 永磁容错轮缘推进电机主要参数

Tab.2 Main parameters of six-phase FTPM-RDM


3.1 一相开路状态仿真


图8 开路前后预测占空比CHBPWM仿真结果





3.2 一相短路故障状态仿真分析


图9 短路前后传统CHBPWM仿真结果


3.3 无故障状态转速和负载变化仿真分析


表3 不同转速、负载情况的转矩脉动对比

Tab.3 Torque pulsation comparison under different speed and load conditions


4 实验验证


图11 六相永磁容错轮缘推进电机实验平台

4.1 一相开路前后实验验证


图12 开路前后传统CHBPWM实验结果


图13 开路前后预测占空比CHBPWM实验结果

4.2 一相短路实验验证


图14 短路故障下传统CHBPWM实验结果

图15 短路故障下预测占空比CHBPWM实验结果


5 结论


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Predictive Duty Cycle Current Hysteresis Control for Fault-Tolerant Permanent Magnet Rim Drive Motor

Wang Zhibin Zhu Jingwei Zhao Xiyang Liu Yonghan Cao Haichuan

(School of Marine Electrical Engineering Dalian Maritime University Dalian 116026 China)

The application of fault-tolerant permanent magnet rim drive motor (FTPM-RDM) in the rim-driven thruster (RDT) can improve the space utilization and efficiency of the ship, and significantly improve the reliability of the propulsion system. In recent years, scholars have proposed direct torque control, model predictive current control and other control algorithms for FTPM-RDM, but there are problems such as complex algorithm and slow response speed. With the traditional current hysteresis band pulse width modulation (CHBPWM) control strategy, each phase winding of FTPM-RDM can be controlled separately, which has the advantages of simple algorithm and fast fault tolerant control of open-circuit and short-circuit fault. However, due to the limitation of the operation speed of the digital controller and the switching frequency allowed by the power devices, the traditional CHBPWM control strategy has the disadvantages of large current ripple and high distortion rate, resulting in large torque ripple. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a predictive duty cycle CHBPWM control strategy, which can effectively improve current control accuracy and reduce motor torque ripple while retaining the simplicity and fast response of traditional CHBPWM algorithm.

The FTPM-RDM predictive duty cycle CHBPWM control system is a dual closed-loop vector control method using an outer loop for speed and an inner loop for current. First, the error between the given speed and the actual speed is obtained through PI regulator and coordinate transformation to obtain the given value of each phase current in the static coordinate system. Then, the predicted current hysteresis width of each phase winding in the next cycle is obtained through the rotor position, electrical angular velocity and DC bus voltage of the motor at the current moment. Then, the predicted duty cycle of each phase is obtained according to the actual current relative hysteresis position to achieve the closed-loop control of the motor. At the same time, combined with fault-tolerant control strategy, one phase open and short circuit fault tolerant control of motor can be realized. This method optimizes the traditional CHBPWM control by predicting the current hysteresis width and duty cycle of a single sampling period in real time, effectively improving the control accuracy of motor phase current.

Comparing the simulation results of the two control strategies, the predicted duty cycle CHBPWM control strategy has significantly less current harmonics and pulsations than the traditional CHBPWM control strategy under the healthy, one phase open-circuit and short-circuit conditions. The torque ripple of the former is 1.47%, 3.20% and 5.40% respectively, while that of the latter is 14.13%, 16.07% and 19.93%. The torque ripple of the former is obviously smaller than that of the latter.

Comparing the experimental data of the two control strategies, the measured current waveform and torque waveform obtained by the predictive duty cycle CHBPWM control are more accurate than those obtained by the traditional CHBPWM control before and after the open-circuit fault and under the condition of one phase short-circuit fault. The current ripple and distortion degree of the former are obviously smaller than those of the latter. The torque ripple of the former is 17.14%, 22.86% respectively, and the torque ripple of the latter is 28.57%, 42.86%, The torque ripple of the former is obviously smaller than that of the latter.

The simulation and experimental results show that the predictive duty cycle CHBPWM control algorithm has a good effect in restraining the torque ripple, reducing the current ripple and harmonic distortion of the motor under the same working conditions, whether the motor is in the healthy, one phase open-circuit or short-circuit fault conditions, and solves the problem that the switching frequency of the traditional CHBPWM control algorithm is not fixed, and the control accuracy is low under the fixed sampling frequency, while retaining the advantages of the CHBPWM algorithm's simplicity and fast system response.

Fault-tolerant permanent magnet rim drive motor, H-bridge inverter circuit, predictive duty cycle, StarSim






王志彬 男,1997年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为永磁容错电机控制技术、新型电机驱动技术等。E-mail:2830791818@qq.com

朱景伟 男,1964年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为永磁容错电机设计及其控制技术、电力电子变换技术等。E-mail:zjwdl@dlmu.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 赫蕾)

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