徐湘楚 米增强 詹泽伟 纪 陵
徐湘楚1米增强1詹泽伟1纪 陵2
(1. 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室(华北电力大学) 保定 071003 2. 国电南京自动化股份有限公司 南京 210003)
电动汽车聚合商 能量-调频市场 多重不确定性 鲁棒优化
电动汽车(Electric Vehicle, EV)作为一种重要的需求响应资源,因其节能减排的优势,近年来发展迅猛。根据国际能源署公布的《Global EV Outlook 2021》报告显示,2020年全球EV的数量已经达到约1 000万辆,预计到2030年将飙升至1.45亿辆[2]。此外,随着5G通信、智能控制技术和大数据分析技术的发展,以及电力市场机制的完善,使得聚合碎片化的EV资源并高效利用在电力辅助服务市场成为可能[3]。电动汽车聚合商(Electric Vehicle Aggregator, EVA)作为电力市场和EV用户之间的中间代理机构,可将众多EV聚合成一个利益主体参与电力市场交易,为电力系统提供多种辅助服务,如削峰填谷、旋转备用、调频、促进新能源消纳等[4-7]。
然而电力市场和EV用户具有的不确定性会给EVA的投标决策带来一定挑战。其中与电力市场相关的不确定性因素包括能量电价、辅助服务价格、调频信号等;EV用户的不确定性因素有EV入网/离网时间、入网/离网时的荷电状态(State of Charge, SOC)、用户响应意愿等。在已有的研究文献中,对不确定性问题的处理方法大致可分为随机优化、模糊优化和鲁棒优化三种[8]。其中随机优化和模糊优化方法需要利用相应的概率分布函数和隶属度函数来表征变量的不确定性,而鲁棒优化方法只需定义变量的置信区间,对于无法获得相关变量概率分布函数和隶属度函数的场景,鲁棒优化方法具有更好的适用性。
图1 EVA参与能量-调频市场框架
图2 EV单体的电量和功率边界
图3 EV用户响应意愿不确定性示意图
图4 预测电价
表1 主要参数
Tab.1 Main parameters
本文采用Python 3.7+Gurobi 9.5求解器软件环境对鲁棒优化问题进行求解,系统硬件环境为Intel Core I7 CPU,3.4GHz,16GB内存。
图5 时EVA的调度策略
图6 不同场景下EVA的SOC变化曲线
表2 收益对比分析
Tab.2 Revenue comparative analysis (单位:$)
5.3.1 激励水平对调度策略的影响
图7 时不同激励水平下EVA的调度策略
5.3.2 鲁棒控制系数对调度策略的影响
图9 不同方案下EVA的投标净收益
表3 EVA投标净收益
Tab.3 EVA's net bidding revenue (单位:$)
图10 时激励水平对投标净收益的影响
图11 时鲁棒控制系数对投标净收益的影响
Fig.11 The influence of robust control factor on net bidding revenue when
另外,市场电价的预测误差区间也会对鲁棒优化结果产生影响。假设能量电价和调频电价的预测值与实际值的误差均在0~30%内,分别取预测误差为0、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%。在不同市场电价预测误差下EVA的鲁棒净收益如图12所示。随着市场电价预测误差的增大,EVA的鲁棒净收益逐渐减小。当能量电价和调频电价的误差为0 时,净收益为2 050.5$;当能量电价和调频电价的误差为30%时,净收益为1 579.1$。
图12 电价预测误差对投标净收益的影响
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A Robust Optimization Model for Electric Vehicle Aggregator Participation in Energy and Frequency Regulation Markets Considering Multiple Uncertainties
Xu Xiangchu1Mi Zengqiang1Zhan Zewei1Ji Ling2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China 2. Guodian Nanjing Automation Co. Ltd Nanjing 210003 China)
In order to fully exploit the market value of electric vehicle (EV) participation in the electricity market, EV aggregator (EVA) can aggregate large number of EV resources to participate in the day-ahead energy and frequency regulation markets as a bidding entity. To address the problem that EVA face multiple uncertainties in bidding decisions to participate in the electricity market, a response capability evaluation model of EVA is developed, the uncertainty characteristics of EV users' willingness to respond, frequency regulation signals and market electricity prices are modeled, and a robust optimization model for EVA participation in the energy and frequency regulation markets considering multiple uncertainties is constructed.
Firstly, the energy and power boundaries of an individual EV are evaluated, and the energy and power boundaries of the EVA are obtained by aggregation, based on which the response capability evaluation model of the EVA is constructed. Furthermore, the uncertainties facing by EVA participation in the energy and frequency regulation markets are modeled. Among them, EV users' willingness to respond is characterized based on consumer psychology principles, and EVA energy accumulation triggered by frequency regulation signals is portrayed by frequency regulation energy coefficients. Uncertainties including EV users' willingness to respond, frequency regulation signals and market electricity prices can be handled by robust optimization methods. Finally, A robust optimization model for EVA participation in the energy and frequency regulation markets considering multiple uncertainties is constructed with the objective of maximizing the net bidding revenue of EVA.
The bidding strategies of EVA in the day-ahead electricity market under several scenarios are constructed and their net bidding revenues are compared. The case simulation results show that the proposed robust optimization model can reasonably formulate the dispatching strategy for EVA to participate in the day-ahead energy and frequency regulation markets.
Based on the case simulation results, the main conclusions can be obtained as follows. ① EVA mainly profits by participating in the frequency regulation market, and it is more appropriate for EVA to participate in the frequency regulation market in order to fully reflect the market value of EVA. ② Increasing the incentive level can increase the response willingness of EV users, which in turn increases the response capability of EVA, and to a certain extent can improve the bidding revenue of EVA. However, increasing the incentive level may make the dispatching cost of EVs increase significantly, and the net revenue of EVA decreases instead. Therefore, EVA should set a reasonable incentive level according to the frequency regulation demand. ③ Increasing the robust control coefficient can reduce the bidding risk of EVA, but the net bidding revenue also decreases. The robustness of different uncertainty factors has different degrees of importance on the net bidding revenue of EVA, among which the uncertainty of frequency regulation signal has the greatest impact on the net bidding revenue of EVA. ④ The model proposed comprehensively considers the impact of various uncertainties faced by EVA in the energy and frequency regulation markets joint optimization bidding decision, and the optimization results can provide a reliable reference for EVA's bidding decision.
Electric vehicle aggregator, energy and frequency regulation markets, multiple uncertainties, robust optimization
徐湘楚 男,1990年生,博士研究生,研究方向为电动汽车聚合建模及响应能力评估、柔性负荷聚合调控技术和电力市场等。E-mail:xxc@ncepu.edu.cn(通信作者)
米增强 男,1960年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为新能源发电功率预测、柔性负荷聚合调控技术等。E-mail:mizengqiang@sina.com
(编辑 赫蕾)