The Chaoshan region mainly includes four cities in the southeastern coastal area of Guangdong Province:Shantou, Jieyang, Chaozhou, and Shanwei. It is where important part of Lingnan culture is based. ousands ofyears of historical development has not eroded the unique Chaoshan traditions. Its form and essence have been wellpreserved and are still refreshing today.
Chaoshan Opera, a representative of the theatricalculture in Chaoshan, is an ancient art form sung inChaoshan dialect. It has a history of more than 400 yearsand is one of the three major local operas in Guangdong.Most of its traditional repertoire can be traced backto the Song and Yuan dynasties and are inspired bylocal folklore. e language used in the plays is elegant,featuring the use of slang, idioms, and colloquialism, andis delivered through melodious and gentle singing. emost eye-catching roles in Chaoshan Opera are Sheng(the positive male role) and Dan (the positive female role)as well as Chou (the clown role). Classicexcerpts such as Reunion rough WindowSweep, Mother Yu’s Defence of GeneralYang, and A Misunderstanding Caused by aHairpin embody the essence of traditionalChaoshan Opera, showcasing throughrealistic artistic expression the wisdomof the grassroots battling wits with theprivileged ones. The celebrated writerLao She (1899–1966) once praised it in apoem: “ e charm of the Song and Yuandynasties lingers here, and the sentimentof Guanshan (Guanshan Village inChanghai City of Chaoshan area) andHanshui (Hanjiang River of Chaoshanin the name of Han Yu, Chaozhouprefectural governor in the Tang Dynasty) reaches deep.”Today, Chaoshan Opera has been recognized as a nationalintangible cultural heritage.
传统“3D 工艺”——潮绣、木雕
在漫长的历史长河中,潮汕人民用智慧孕育出了一批非物质文化遗产,潮绣、木雕、泥塑等工艺都是弥足珍贵的文化瑰宝。最负盛名的潮绣和木雕,因为多层立体的特点,具有独特的3D 效果。
The local intangible cultural heritages, such asembroidery, wood carving, and clay sculpture, areproducts of Chaoshan people’s wisdom. The mostfamous ones among them are Chaoshan embroideryand wood carving, both featuring multi-layering cra sthat give the artefact unique 3D e ects.
潮繡,是中国四大名绣粤绣的一种,有着1 000多年的历史,以浓烈的色彩、丰富的针法、金绒相配为特点,别具一格的立体效果傲然于中国刺绣的众多流派中,被广泛应用于宗祠装饰和日常生活。潮绣作品从远处看,仿佛一件件浮雕;走近看,则更像是一个个精雕细琢的丝线世界,栩栩如生的飞禽走兽、花卉植物和形形色色的人物形象在一块小小的布上呼之欲出,呈现出强烈的生命力。
One of the four most celebrated embroideries inChina, Chaoshan embroidery, as a subcategory of Yueembroidery, has a history of over a thousand years.It is characterized by rich colors, diverse stitchingtechniques, and the use of golden floss to match thethreads. Its distinctive 3D effects allows it to standout among various genres of Chinese embroidery.Chaoshan embroidery is widely used in the decorationof ancestral temples and in daily life. From a distance,Chaoshan embroidery works resemble reliefs, but upclose, they are meticulously cra ed universes made ofsilk threads. On a small piece of fabric are vivid imagesof birds, animals, flowers, plants, and various human gures, all coming to life.
另一具有代表性的潮汕工艺是潮州木雕。作为中国三大木雕之一,潮州木雕以精细雕刻著称,多层镂空是它最大的特点之一,同时常用金漆进行装饰。“ 龙虾蟹篓”是潮汕木雕中最具代表性的作品。一块平平无奇的木头,经过匠人的手,变得活灵活现、华丽精致。无论从哪个角度,我们都能欣赏到其中角色的生动形象。在今天,木雕多用于祭祀或装饰,表达潮汕人对宗族先贤的怀念。
潮汕英歌舞已有300多年的历史,集戏剧、舞蹈、武术于一体,取材于中国四大名著之一的《水浒传》中梁山好汉起义的故事,通常在游神(过年习俗之一)或庆典时表演。英歌舞的表演不局限于舞台,队伍通常有36人、72 人或108 人,每位表演者都绘上不同的人物角色脸谱,身穿戏服,手持双木棍,走街串巷,敲锣打鼓。表演者并非专业演员,但其雄浑有劲的口号声和气势如虹的鼓声,让英歌舞十分震撼人心,因此,英歌舞也被称为“中华战舞”“民间街舞”。英歌舞所到之处,人们的喝彩声不绝于耳。
Chaoshan Yingge Dance (literally: the Chaoshansong and dance of heroes) has a history of more than300 years. e art form, which combines drama, dance,and martial arts, tells stories of the uprising of theLiangshan heroes depicted in Shui Hu Zhuan (WaterMargins), one of the Four Great Classical Novels ofChina. e dance is usually performed for the You ShenFestival (one of the customsduring the Chinese NewYear) or other celebrations.The p e r formanc e i snot confined by a stage.Instead, the troupe, whichusually consists of 36, 72,or 108 people, would paradein costumes through the streets,beating gongs and drums, with theirfaces painted according to their given roles andwith double sticks in hand. The performers are notprofessional actors, but their vigorous and powerfulslogans and the thunderous drum beats make thedance extremely heartening. This is why the danceis also known as “Chaoshan Battle Dance” and “FolkStreet Dance”. Wherever the troupe goes, spectators’cheering would follow.
Chaoshan is also famous for its numerous delicacies.Among the Eight Great Cuisines of China, Chaoshancuisine stands out because of its unique pursuit ofpreserving the original avor of the ingredients.
According to the standard of Chaoshan cuisine, itshould take less than half an hour for the beef to leavethe farm and to reach the dining table. Di erent partsare cut into various shapes and sizes, quickly blanchedin beef bone soup, and then swiftly scooped up. Inthe mouth, beef slices and satay sauce collide, awakingthe taste buds and creating a sensation that electrifiesthe nerves. This is what Chaoshan beef hotpot is like.The freshest beef, its major ingredient, would undergometiculous pounding and be turned into tender and avorful and chewy beef balls as bouncy as ping-pong balls.
Guo (Chaoshanrice rolls) are madeof rice grounded into apaste. The cooked pastehas a distinct fragrant tasteof rice. On the dinning tablesof a typical Chaoshan family, therolls are served with every meal, andduring sacrificial ceremonies and gatherings aswell. e colorful and richly avored guo is the mostfrequently seen food in Chaoshan.
The Chaoshan people often soak fresh seafoodwhite wine. is magical process creates a melt-in-yourmouthdelicacy: Chaozhou marinated raw seafood.
Another famous dish that involves marinating isthe braised goose. Fat geese, having been marinatedand stewed in the traditional fashion, are particularlytender and juicy. e meat enters the mouth smoothly,with avorful juice dripping, leaving behind the aromaof the goose and the braising sauce. Such a dish isknown as the fragrant “Lionhead Goose” of Chenghai(a district under Shantou City of Chaoshan).
With every bite, the charm of Chaoshan is bestsavored.
Chaoshan people adore tea, which is an essentialpart of their daily life. Tea is served to entertainthemselves or to treat guests. The brewing process ofChaoshan Gongfu Tea is complex. Attention needs to bepaid to every detail. A Gongfu tea set includes a handpulledpot, teacups, a tea tray, a tea wash, a dragonpot, and dozens of other utensils. e process involvesboiling water, warming cups, placing tea leaves (fromthicker ones to thinner ones), brewing the tea, scrapingo the foam, and sprinkling the tea. In Chaoshan, it isusually the host who brews the tea to show respect tothe guests. During the brewing process, the rst steepingof tea containing impurities needs to be poured out.Chaoshan people serve tea to the elders rst and then toyounger generations, followed by guests and then familymembers. When pouring tea, the host should never llthe cup to the brim, and guests should express gratitudewith a “knocking nger gesture” when receiving the cup. e cups are handled gently. e tea leaves need to bechanged when the tea color turns light; otherwise, theguests might assume the host is asking them to leave.With the passing of cups, whether it is between familymembers or between friends, the ties between peoplegrow stronger.
The Chaoshan region witnesses the stories ofChaoshan people, who are determined in observingtheir traditions while courageous in exploringtheir future, as well as their love for life. Here, themountains and the sea, the songs and the dances,all speak to the splendidness of the local culture.Each carving and engraving showcase the exquisiteLingnan craftsmanship. Every seep of the tea andeach bite of the food would delight even the toughestconnoisseur.