Joanna C.Lee
小薇:确实,我记得那是中国演艺界第一次对大都会艺术博物馆的现场表演感到兴奋。2012 年11 月,在大都会艺术博物馆的“明轩”——一个以苏州园林为原型的中国庭院,作曲家谭盾与舞蹈家黄豆豆联袂推出了实景园林版昆曲《牡丹亭》,由“昆曲王子”张军主演。
Joan: Nowadays with so many new museums beingbuilt all over the world, I do notice one growing trend:their event spaces are more and more versatile,and weve seen all sorts of musical presentations—large or small—that take place inside exhibitionrooms. However, Im reminded that the MetropolitanMuseum of Art is probably one of the pioneers in thisin the past decade.
Valery: I do remember the first time when Chinasperforming arts circles were excited about a liveperformance at the Met Museum. In November 2012,in the Astor Court—the Chinese courtyard modeledafter a Suzhou garden—a condensed version thatincluded input by Tan Dun and Huang Doudou ofPeony Pavilion was presented, with leading actorZhang Jun.
Joan: Can you imagine watching Kun opera inNew York as if youre in Suzhou? The lucky few inthe audience (since it was such a small space) trulyenjoyed an immersive experience. The museum alsoset up a live webcast too, because demand was sohigh. In fact, the same space was used many yearslater to present Murasakis Moon by Michi Wiancko,also available on demand through the internet.
Valery: I did notice that every time such productions
were mounted, they provided something extra foran existing exhibition that was running concurrently.For Peony Pavilion , it coincided with Chinese Gardens: Pavilions, Studios, Retreats. For MurasakisMoon , it was in conjunction with The Tale ofGenji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated . This is veryclever programming, and brings a completely newdimension (of live music, singing, staging) to anotherwise static exhibition.
Joan: Indeed, music and opera bring stories alive!And the museum experience becomes all the richer.Really, many people spend an entire day in themuseum enjoying their time. Museums can cater forsuch diverse interests as gourmet cafes where youcan spend hours chatting with friends, and gift storeswhere you can shop for birthdays and Christmas!
Valery: But museums also bear a very importanteducational mission. As with any developed city,museums are symbols of civic pride, and schoolsorganize visits for students to enrich their learningexperience.
Joan: COVID has opened up new channels formuseum-going. Now we can pay virtual visitsonline, as well as relive performances in theseinteresting places!