Dr. Christian Renfer Former Director, the Office of Monument Preservation Canton of Zurich / Switzerland
在同济大学于2007 年举办的一次会议上,我首次结识了个性活跃的常青教授。他是那届大会的组织者之一。在大会上,他介绍了素有“小布达拉”之称的西藏日喀则“桑珠孜宗堡”保护性复原方案的设计研究,该项目给人留下十分深刻的印象。而我本人也曾多次接触这一项目,我在瑞士举办的多个报告会上,都曾将其作为审慎恢复历史纪念建筑的范例加以介绍。
后来,在我前往中国各地举办专业报告期间,每年两次造访同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,与常青教授会面,并就历史建筑保护的教学方法、文化遗产保护的实践方法,以及中国历史建筑保护领域的具体项目,与他进行直接的专业探讨。交流探讨的内容中,也包括了我本人在中国历史建筑保护领域所积累的经验:我曾作为专家参与了在云南省剑川县开展的“沙溪复兴工程”(2000-2006),并多年调查研究中国对具有保护价值的乡村聚落的保护工作。此外,我还与常青教授本人密切探讨了同济大学建筑与城市规划学院当时新开设的历史建筑保护专业学位教程的目标,以及同时创办的《建筑遗产》专业期刊的相关情况。我还深入研究了上海外滩九号“轮船招商总局大楼”外观复原与内部整饰设计项目。通过以上这些活动,我得以深入地跟踪了解常青教授的工作方式和分析方法,并将他的工作与国际上的《威尼斯宣言》(1964)、《联合国教科文组织世界遗产公约》(1972),以及《奈良文件》(1994)中阐述的保护原则进行比较。常青教授2014 年出版的《历史建筑保护工程学》,以及他关于上海外滩文化历史意义及保护工作的书面讲义,都以令人过目难忘的方式,展示了他如何系统地传授专业知识。在过去10 年来我结识的中国文化遗产保护领域的学者中,常青教授无疑令我印象至深。
他拥有广博的历史学识和独特的工作方法, 这一点也影响了他的博士生们。他也有很强的分析思考力和批判力,这使他能够与外国专家展开有别于泛泛之谈的、深入而专业的探讨。此外,他也通晓国际上在文化遗产保护领域的各种发展趋势及其在实践中奉行的不同理念。这使他在中国文化遗产保护领域发挥出非常重要的作用。这一点十分重要,因为在世界各国,文化遗产保护工作都是一个不断发展的、处于社会发展和政治发展潮流之中的动态进程。常青教授的贡献——在中国目前的经济发展历程中——直接积极推动着为保护丰富多彩的文化遗产而开展的各项专业工作。1)
At a conference held by Tongji University in 2007, I got to know Professor CHANG Qing with a charming personality for the first time. He is one of the organizers of that conference. At the conference, he introduced the design and research of the restoration scheme of Sangzhutse Fortress in Shigatse, Tibet, which is known as "Little Potala Palace". The project is very impressive. And I have been in contact with this project many times because I have introduced it as a model for the rigorous and meticulous restoration of historical monuments in many reports held in Switzerland.
Later, when I went to various parts of China to hold professional reports, I visited the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University twice a year, met with Professor CHANG Qing, and had direct professional discussions with him on the practical methods of cultural heritage preservation and the specific projects of cultural heritage preservation in China. The content of the discussion also includes my own experience in the field of cultural heritage preservation in China: I participated in the Revival Project of Shaxi in Jianchua, Yunnan Province as an expert (2000-2006), and investigated and studied the preservation of rural settlements with historical values in China for many years. In addition, I personally discussed with Professor CHANG Qing the goal of the newly-opened undergraduate program in Architecture Conservation of CAUP and the objectives of the academic journalHeritage Architecturefounded at the same time. I also deeply studied the renovation of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Building on the historical Bund (No.9 Building)of Shanghai. Through these activities, I have been able to deeply follow up on Professor CHANG Qing's methodological and analytical work, and compare his work with the international conservation principles set forth in the Venice Charter (1964), the UNESCO World Heritage Convention (1972),and the Nara Document (1994). Professor CHANG Qing's book "Historic Architecture Conservation Engineering" published in 2014, as well as his written lecture notes on the cultural and historical significance and conservation of the Bund in Shanghai, all showed how he systematically imparted professional knowledge in an unforgettable way.
Professor CHANG Qing is one of the best academic professors in the field of cultural heritage conservation in China that I have known in the past ten years. He has profound historical knowledge and outstanding working methods, which has also been proved by his doctoral graduate students.
His analytical thinking and critical ability also enable him to have profound and differentiated professional discussions with foreign experts. He also outlines the international trend of cultural heritage conservation and the different methods of its actual implementation. This makes him play an extremely important role in the field of cultural heritage conservation in China. This is very important because in all countries of the world, the conservation of cultural heritage is a dynamic process, embedded in the social and political development of architecture. Professor CHANG Qing's contribution-in the course of China's current economic development-has directly and actively promoted all kinds of professional means to preserve this country's rich cultural heritage1).
Lynne D. DiStefano Professor, Architectural Conservation Programme(ACP), The University of Hong Kong World Heritage Advisor for ICOMOS
从一开始,我就对常青把握国际语境的能力印象深刻,尤其是在城市保护的背景下,决心建立并引导中国第一个保护方面的专业。首批毕业的两个班 (2007 和2008 年)实现了这一愿景,该专业的学生已被包括我所在的香港大学在内的许多海外机构录取为研究生继续深造。当然,常青在规划和指导同济大学保护专业的同时,也带领建筑系与国际机构进行积极的交流,能够担当和平衡多重角色,并能清晰地理解建筑系优先考虑的事项,这些都表明他具有卓越的管理能力。
We first met at Tongji University when my programme (the Architectural Conservation Programme at The University of Hong Kong) was initiating a series of potential exchanges with Tongji's Department of Architecture.
From the very beginning, I was exceedingly impressed with CHANG Qing's grasp of the international context in which urban conservation, in particular, needed to be framed and with his determination to establish and lead Mainland China's first undergraduate programme in preservation.The first two classes to graduate (2007 and 2008) are a testament to his vision, and students from the programme have been accepted for graduate studies at a number of overseas institutions,including my university. Of course, at the same time that CHANG Qing was shaping and leading the undergraduate programme in preservation, he was leading the entire Department of Architecture during a period of active exchange with international institutions. His ability to prioritize and balance his multiple roles was (and is) a tribute to his management skills and his clear understanding of departmental and programme priorities.
Coupled with CHANG Qing headships, is his on-going practice in the field of conservation,including both urban conservation and built heritage conservation. For the former, CHANG Qing has striven to demonstrate in his projects the need to respond in the most sensitive ways to the preservation "pulse" while, at the same time, acknowledging the need to accommodate appropriate development and redevelopment, including adaptive reuse. His Bund #9 project reflects this kind of thinking. On the other hand, for more traditional built heritage conservation, he has convincingly demonstrated the appropriateness of reconstruction when a landmark building has largely been destroyed, as in his work in Tibet.
In his conservation work, CHANG Qing makes decisions in the context of "Best Practice" at the international level, but such decisions are localized within the context of conservation practice in Mainland China. For example, in parts of China, authenticity depends more on maintaining/reinstating the intangible aspects of a place rather than strictly preserving the tangible, and, in particular, the actual building fabric. And it is this - CHANG Qing's ability to think internationally,but respond appropriately at the local level - that sets his work apart from that of many practitioners.
As a professional, I have found CHANG Qing to be one of the most dedicated and most knowledgeable professors and practitioners I have met in Asia and the Pacific .2)
Stanford Anderson Former Dean, the Department of Architecture of MIT, USA
5 年来,我一直与CAUP 合作,先后前往上海进行了8 次讲座和工作坊教学。就在几天前,我作为CAUP 第一位国际顾问委员会成员前往同济大学,这让我有了进一步了解CAUP 和常青教授的绝好机会。
虽然我对中国建筑院校的了解仅限于不多的几所,但北京清华大学和上海同济大学的建筑学院无疑久负盛名,它们都是佼佼者。最近访问时的见闻让我确信,在常教授和吴院长等的带领下,CAUP 作为领跑的建筑学院之一,近年来实力在增强。
Dear Colleagues, you will know that Professor CHANG Qing is the Head of the Department of Architecture of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University in Shanghai.
I have been visiting and collaborating with CAUP for about five years now, having made eight visits for lectures and collaborative studio/workshop exercises.I thus have had an excellent opportunity to know both CAUP and Professor CHANG.
I know only a few of China's schools of architecture, but it is widely accepted that the two schools competing for top honors are Tsinghua University of Beijing and Tongji in Shanghai.They are both fine schools; as one of the leading schools of architecture, CAUP is having strengthened in recent years under the leadership of Professor CHANG and Dean Wu Zhiqiang. Recent Visiting activity gave me certainty in these observations.
In China, mutual reinforcement of teaching and practice is facilitated, and CHANG has seized these opportunities. I have met with Professor CHANG once or more on every visit to Shanghai,observing him in the context of his own graduate program with dedicated colleagues and students.Through visits to his projects, viewing his publications, and discussion, I am familiar with his leading role in architectural conservation and development not only in Shanghai but also extensively in China. Currently he is involved in work in the area devastated by earthquake.
I am pleased to witness that Professor CHANG fully meets the criteria of AIA honorary fellowship: advancing "the science and art of planning and building by advancing the standards of architectural education, training, and practice".3)
Raymond W. H. Yeh Professor and Former Dean, School of Architecture, University of Hawaii, USA
Robert Venturi Architect, USA, Representative figure of international postmodern architecture
常青教授是中国具有影响力的建筑师和教育家。他令人瞩目的实践工作和系列著述在中国建筑遗产保护领域堪称典范,其专业作为超越了一般职业要求,企及了学术的层面。他在同济大学主持了中国最大的建筑系,并于2003 年创办了中国第一个历史建筑保护工程专业。
在常教授的众多获奖项目中,令人印象最深刻的是建于14 世纪西藏日喀则桑珠孜宗堡的复原工程,该工程设计项目获得了2008 年上海建筑学会建筑创作优秀奖。常教授致力于促进设计的可持续性,他的杭州钱塘江南岸来氏聚落再生规划设计,成功地将新的生成性设计元素与现有的自然文化生态系统有机地交织在一起,该项目获得了瑞士首届豪瑞奖亚太区金奖。常教授的另一个引人注目的项目是位于上海外滩的轮船招商总局大楼的百年大修工程。这一理性内敛而优雅的复原设计获得了2006 年上海市优秀工程勘察设计二等奖。
Professor CHANG Qing is a leading architect and educator in China. His inspiring work and numerous publications on the conservation of the very rich architecture heritage of China have been exemplary. His extraordinary influence in the field has spanned beyond professional practice into the academy as he heads the largest architecture program in China at Tongji University where he established China's first architecture preservation program in 2003.
Among Professor CHANG's many award winning projects is the most impressive restoration of the 14 century Sangzhutse Fortress, a Potala Palace-like Fortress in the town center of Shigatse, Tibet,which won the 2008 Gold Award of the Architecture Society of Shanghai. Committed to promoting sustainability in design, his Lai Clan Settlement Regeneration Project in the historic district of Hangzhou successfully interwoven new generative design elements with the existing natural and cultural ecological systems. The project won the 2005 Asia Pacific Gold Holcim Award. Another Professor CHANG's high profile project is the renovation of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Building on the historical Bund (No.9 Building) of Shanghai. The sensibly restrained but elegant project won the 2006 Silver Award of the Survey and Design Society of Shanghai.
A dedicated academic as well as a prolific architect, Professor CHANG Qing directs his students'development as a highly respected head of a leading architecture school in China. Through the years, while maintaining the intensity of his professional work, Professor CHANG has furthered the reputation of his school thru his program leadership and cultivated global program relationships with a good number of major architecture schools in the U.S. and Europe. Known and respected internationally, Professor recently also served as a member of the evaluation committee of the ETH Department of Architecture in Zurich.4)
Professor CHANG Qing is certainly one of the leading architectural individuals in the world scene as he embraces in his career architecture and planning practice, academic teaching, conservation, and acknowledges the significance of vernacular as well as high culture - as his work spans Europe, North America as well as Asia. His historical studies of the architecture of the Silk Roads and the clan family house in Zhuhai in particular interest me.5)
Robert A. IvyThe editor-in-chief,Architectural Recordof the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Professor CHANG Qing has made a remarkable contribution to China's future by focusing attention to the wealth of its architectural heritage. As a longtime teacher at Tongji University, as a writer, and as a practicing architect with Chang Qing Studio, Professor CHANG has consistently been a champion of historic Chinese architecture, helping to highlight its value in publications and in his practice, as well as with his students.
His books, such asA History of Chinese Architecture in Sino-Western Comparative VisionandA Comparative Research on Vicissitudes of Chinese Architecture and its Background of Western Regions along Silk Roads, andA Conservation Strategy of Architectural Heritage, are mainstays of historic research and analysis in China.6)
John Redmond
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Architecture,Design & Planning, University of Sydney, Canada
2014 年,悉尼大学举办了“展望历史空间”展览。它展示了近年来上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院(CAUP)师生在常青教授带领下所做的大量建筑遗产实录和保护成果。展出的作品及相关资料演示了CAUP 历史建筑保护项目所拥有的技术能力、历史研究能力和设计技巧。这项工作表明了CAUP 对国际公认的保护方法具有清晰的理解。项目突出展示了常青教授在特定情况下确定恰当行动路线的强大能力。
The exhibition, Envisioning Historic Space was staged at the University of Sydney in 2014. It demonstrated the great range of heritage documentation and conservation works undertaken by Tongji staff and students under the leadership of Professor CHANG Qing in recent years. The work on display and the accompanying materials showed the range of technical, historical and design skill possessed by the Conservation program at the CAUP. The work demonstrated a clear understanding of internationally accepted conservation methodologies. The projects on display also highlighted Professor CHANG Qing's strong capacity to judge the appropriate course of action in specific situations.
Professor CHANG Qing has undertaken a number of complex conservation projects that have refurbished and maintained major historic monuments. Such work demanded great knowledge of the monuments, their constructional techniques and aesthetic principles. The projects have been widely recognised by peers as being of a high quality .7)□(本文第一节原文由瑞士苏黎世译员王维女士翻译,其余6 节原文由同济大学建筑与城市规划学院潘玥副教授翻译)
1) 译自2015年瑞士苏黎世文物保护局原局长克里斯蒂安·伦费尔博士以德文所撰《我的自述》。
2) 译自2009年国际古迹遗址理事会顾问林内·迪士泰凡诺教授所撰对常青的英文简介。
3) 译自2009年美国麻省理工学院建筑系原系主任斯坦福·安德森教授对常青评价函副本。
4) 译自2009年美国夏威夷大学建筑学院原院长雷蒙德·叶教授对常青评价函副本。
5) 译自2009年美国著名建筑大师罗伯特·文丘里先生对常青评价函副本。文中珠海望族宅院指的是陈芳故居。陈芳是19世纪后期清朝驻夏威夷王国总领事,常青在20世纪末主持了珠海梅溪村陈芳故居修复工程,并在夏威夷大学访学期间考察了当地的陈芳史迹。参见常青《建筑遗产的生存策略》1-15页。
6) 译自2009年美国《建筑实录》罗伯特·艾维主编对常青评价函副本。
7) 译自2014年澳大利亚悉尼大学建筑学院约翰·雷蒙德院长写给同济大学的致谢信副本。
1) Translated from "Personal Statement" written by Christian Renfer in German in 2015.
2) Quote from the introduction of CHANG Qing by Lynne D. DiStefano in 2009.
3) Quote from a copy of Stanford Anderson's recommendation letter to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 2009.
4) Quote from a copy of Raymond W. H. Yeh's recommendation letter to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 2009.
5) Quote from a copy of Robert Venturi's recommendation letter to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 2009. The clan family house in Zhuhai refers to CHEN Fang's former residence. CHEN Fang was the consul general of the Qing Dynasty in the kingdom of Hawaii in the late 19th century. CHANG Qing was the director of the restoration project of CHEN Fang's former residence in Meixi Village, Zhuhai, China at the end of the 20th century, and inspected the historical remains of CHEN Fang during his visit to Hawaii University.
6) Quote from a copy of Robert A. Ivy's recommendation letter to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 2009.
7) Quote from a copy of the letter of acknowledgment written by John Redmond to Tongji University in 2014.