
2022-12-29 16:41四川蒋建平
疯狂英语·新策略 2022年10期

四川 蒋建平


















1.space shuttle 航天飞机

2.manned spaceflight/spaceship 载人航天/载人飞船

3.return/orbital capsule 回收舱/轨道舱

4.weightless environment 失重环境

5.space station/probe 太空站/太空探测器

6.the outer space 外层空间;太空

7.in space 在太空中

8.land on the moon 登月

9.orbit around 围绕……运动

10.realize one's dream 实现某人的梦想

11.escape the pull of the earth's gravity 逃离地球的引力



I'm so proud of our country's advances in science that I'm determined to be engaged in the space industry and make contributions to our motherland. 我为我们国家的科学进步感到如此骄傲,以至于我决心从事航天事业,为祖国做出贡献。

2.ever since 自……以后

I have always dreamed of making a trip into Mars ever since I heard that Mars is most like the Earth and there could have been life on this planet.自我听说火星最像地球,而且这个星球上可能有生命以后,我就一直梦想着去火星旅行。


1. They provided a tour of the space station, conducted various sci-tech experiments, and told students how they went about their lives and worked on the space station.他们提供了一个参观空间站的机会,进行了各种科技实验,并告诉学生们他们是如何在空间站生活和工作的。

2. After watching the hour-long space lecture, I have a better knowledge of space science.What's more,I'm more enthusiastic about our country's space exploration program.看了一个小时的太空讲座后,我对太空科学有了更好的了解。更重要的是,我对我国的太空探索计划更感兴趣了。

3.The content of the upcoming second lecture has been selected from the opinions and suggestions collected from the public,and has been well designed in line with facility conditions on the country's space station.即将举行的第二次讲座的内容是从收集到的公众意见和建议中挑选出来的,并且已经根据国家空间站的设施条件进行了良好的设计。

4. So crazy am I about space exploration that in my spare time I often go to the library to read something about space exploration.我对太空探索如此着迷,以至于在业余时间我经常去图书馆读一些有关太空探索的书。



体裁:说明文 篇幅:307词

建议用时:7分钟 来源:改编



Today, China has conducted its first 3D printing experiment in space in a newly launched spacecraft, which was put into low-Earth orbit by China'sLong March 5Bheavy lift carrier rocket.

The video broadcast on CCTV showed that the printer has printed a flat section of a honeycomb-shaped (蜂巢状的) structure as well as a symbol of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the parent company of the China Academy of Space Technology. The experiment was done by a 3D printer, developed and built by its Beijing Spacecraft Manufacturing Factory, inside the prototype of China's new-generation manned spacecraft.

The printer, named the Space-Based Composite Material 3D Printing System,uses carbon fibre-reinforced materials to autonomously print objects. It is installed in the re-entry module of the experimental spaceship, and will be brought back to Earth once the module returns.

The printer features advanced technologies in material modeling, precision control and automation. Once the spacebased 3D printing technology becomes operationally ready, it can extensively benefit space programmes as astronauts can use it to manufacture a lot of things they currently need to obtain from resupply flights by cargo spacecraft.

Wang Yanan, editor-in-chief of theAerospace Knowledgemagazine, said,“The 3D printer will be very useful in extended space missions, such as those in a space station, because it will allow astronauts to make components quickly and conveniently in space. The technology will save future space journeys considerable resources and costs.”

In fact, the device is not the only representative of 3D printing on board the prototype.A CubeSat deployer,designed and made through 3D printing by CoSats Space Technology, is also carried by the spacecraft to check the adaptability of 3Dprinted equipment in space. CoSats chief operating officer Bai Ruixue said,“The 3Dprinted deployer is much lighter and stronger than its counterparts and it will have huge potential in the space industry.”

1.What did the video broadcast on CCTV show to the audience?

A.The name and the shape of the 3D printer.

B.The relationship between the two companies.

C.The significance of the 3D printing technology.

D.The process and the products of the 3D printing.

2.What if a component is broken in the space station in the future?

A.The astronauts can fix it conveniently by hand on the spot.

B.The astronauts can make one using 3D printing and replace it.

C.It has to be sent by a spaceship back to Earth for repair.

D.It has to be unloaded and abandoned in space.

3.Why is the last paragraph mentioned?

A.To show the adaptability of 3D printing in space.

B.To indicate a bright future of 3D printing in space.

C.To introduce the CubeSat deployer produced in space.

D.To explain the advantages of the 3D printing in space.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.3D printing set to help ease space trips

B.3D printing launched byLong March 5B

C.3D printing: A new way to explore space

D.A 3D printing experiment conducted in space


体裁:叙议文 篇幅:348词

建议用时:7分钟 来源:改编



My brother and I were in Orlando,Florida to witness our first space shuttle launch.Discoverywas scheduled to soar at 10:14 am on a blue sky September day.I'd seen it go up so many times on television,

1 now I was only minutes away from seeing it launch. And it's the final demonstration of the 2 of success: success takes off like a rocket.

Standing close to the space shuttle drove home one 3 point—the shuttle was the height of a 15-storey building—it weighed 4.5 million pounds—and NASA was trying to lift it 200 miles off the ground. On TV, the accomplishments looked so much smaller, so much easier.

Crowds of people were standing around with us to watch the shuttle go. The countdown began through the small 4 of hundreds of portable radios all tuned to the NASA station. It's enough to get your heart 5 out of your chest.

When time was up, the 6 booster rockets were lit up and the eight explosive bolts followed. The first things we saw were large white steam clouds exploding away.Through the steam, we saw the fire power.Then the space shuttle began to inch off the pad and climbed its way 7 . Thousands upon millions of pounds of push could

8 lift the shuttle at all. But with ever increasing ease, the shuttle 9 up,roared into the sky and headed into space attaining a speed of over 17,000 mph.

It was within the first two minutes to launch the space shuttle that the great success lesson was 10 . Fact: 85% of the shuttle's fuel was consumed 11 the first two minutes just to get the 15-storey super structure to its orbital altitude.

And that's exactly how success takes off: the first steps you take towards launching a successful career are the hardest and will require enormous 12 of energy—a great big 13 . However, if you persist through the 14 period, which can seem almost 15 for quite some time,everything gets easier and easier and your achievements get bigger and bigger.

1.A.and B.when

C.but D.if

2.A.advantage B.nature

C.attraction D.appearance

3.A.unforgettable B.invalid

C.unstable D.ineffective

4.A.workers B.actors

C.rockets D.speakers

5.A.stepping B.going

C.beating D.quaking

6.A.front B.side

C.overhead D.bottom

7.A.downwards B.upwards

C.forward D.outwards

8.A.hardly B.nearly

C.mostly D.exactly

9.A.took B.got

C.picked D.warmed

10.A.present B.apparent

C.ordinary D.absolute

11.A.beyond B.below

C.within D.above

12.A.enquiry B.qualification

C.competence D.consumption

13.A.pull B.push

C.pressure D.principle

14.A.theory B.launch

C.circulation D.orbit

15.A.useless B.careless

C.wireless D.priceless









My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in space.Described as an enormous round plate, it spun slowly in space to imitate the pull of the Earth's gravity.Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century. A guide showed us around along a moveable path.

Guide: Good morning to all our visitors from 2022. First we're going to examine one of the latest forms of communication among our space citizens! Messages can now be sent using a“thought pad”.You place the metal band over your head,clear your mind, press the sending button and think about your message and the next instant it's sent. It's stored on the“thought pad”of the receiver. It's quick, efficient and environmentally friendly. The only limitation is that if the user does not think about his or her message clearly, an unclear message may be sent. But we cannot blame the tools for the faults of the user,can we?

During the explanation,I looked at the pair of small objects called“thought pad”on a table. They just looked like metal ribbons. So ordinary but so powerful! While I was observing them,the path moved us on.

Guide: And now ladies and gentlemen, we are in the“environment area”.People used to collect waste in dustbins.Then the rubbish was sent to be buried or burned, am I right? (We nodded.) Well,now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.A giant machine, always greedy for more,swallows all the waste available. The rubbish is turned into several grades of useful material, such as“fertilizer”for the fields and“soil”for deserts. Nothing is wasted, and everything, even plastic, is recycled.A great idea,isn't it?

I stared at the moving model of the waste machine, absorbed by its efficiency.But again we moved on.

Paragraph 1:

Guide:Our third stop shows the changes that have happened to work practices.Manufacturing no longer takes place on Earth but on space stations like this one.





Paragraph 2:

I began to wonder what job I would do and my motivation increased as I thought of the wonderful world of the future.





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