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关注学生立场,离不开适切的问题设置。教师设计合理的输出型问题,有助于学生更自然地对语言知识融会贯通,进行深入加工和综合运用(叶秀秀 2020)。
在提问时,教师的目光应注视虚拟学生,并用手势示意他们回答。只有问题的设置符合指向高阶思维的设问原则,学生的思维才能在广度和深度上得到拓展。教师可灵活、科学地运用参阅型和评估型问题,引导学生的思维向高阶发展。高阶思维设问应具有层次性。展示型问题构成根基,参阅型问题置于中部,评估型问题位于顶端(林燕 2020)。
新目标初中《英语》九年级Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section A(3a—3c)
P=Paraphrase BD=Blackboard Display
Q:If you go to another country,what will you do?
P:Mike says he will go to a shop and buy something.Maybe the products in the local shops attract him a lot.
Q:If you go to France/Switzerland/Japan/the US,what products will you buy?
P:From your answers,I get to know you’re interested in high-technology products like mobile phones.Are the high-technology products all made in those countries?
【评析】通过第一个问题引导出本堂课重要的生词,扫除阅读障碍。接着,在提出第二个问题时复现之前引出的单词。最后,教师通过“Are these high-technology products all made in those countries?”顺利地过渡到阅读材料。问题的起点符合学生的最初认知。
T:Predict according to the title and the picture.
1.Where did the boy go?
2.Is it easy to buy local products?Why?
3.What’s the main idea of this passage?
1.Read and answer five questions about“Kang Jian”.
(1)Who is Kang Jian?
(2)When and where did he visit his aunt and uncle?
(3)What did he want to buy?
(4)How many kinds of things made in China did he find?
(5)How does he feel about“Made in China”?
2.Check the answers and finish the mind map on the blackboard.
【评析】面对虚拟学生,要考虑他们的需要,依托内容学习语言,再依托语言发展思维,而思维的发展有助于内容的有序组织。因此,在建构语言知识结构时,考虑将文本的结构、内容和语言融合在一起,使语言形式结构化(叶咏梅 2020)。这可以用思维导图(见图1)建构。在解决问题的过程中穿插思维导图的辅助梳理,逻辑清晰、内容直观,有利于语言表达。教师引导学生寻找五个关键信息,既训练其寻找信息的能力,又对文本信息进行整理和再建构。同时在核对答案时,模拟学生完成思维导图,体现思维能力的培养。
Q&BD:What does“Made in China”mean?
T:Think and fill in the blanks.(见图2)
模拟学生展示:We should move from“Made in China”to“Created in China”,from“China speed(速度)”to“China quality”and from“Chinese products”to“Chinese brands”.
T:It’s your job to make it come true.
【评析】经过阅读和填空,学生对“中国制造”的了解已趋于全面。因此,这个问题不仅是对“中国制造”字面意思的解释,还是对“中国制造”产品的评价。作为一名中国学生,在为国家感到自豪的同时,还应发现需要提升之处,从而产生强烈的使命感——要为中国的进一步强大贡献自己的力量!同时,“What does‘Made in China’mean?”这一问题及其拓展的填空可检测学生能否运用所学,提炼并创新表达自己的观点,体现对其可持续性评价。教师的点评不能只指向问题的正确答案,还应具有启发性和延续思考性。最后,教师要让学生离开起点,促进其思维的发展与提升。
教师话语是阐述教学内容使学生理解的必要手段。它促进学生的思维,激励他们的情感与意志,给予其情绪性影响(钟启泉 2017)。模拟上课要避免偏重教师个人角色的表现和个人表演。模拟上课是教师单口,却要分饰多角,演绎成群口。它要求教师尽可能模拟学生应答或反射,体现预设中的合理生成,在教师多重角色的语言展示中体现文本解读能力、示范能力、教学牵引力等。此外,肢体语言、语言的美感、声音的抑扬顿挫等可以起到有效的辅助作用。
新目标初中《英语》九年级Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B(1a—1e)
【文本简介】该听力语篇是戏剧The shirt of a happy man的第二部分。教师引领虚拟学生猜测将军能否找到感受幸福之人,讨论那位穷人为什么感到幸福及何谓幸福。
一般而言,在课堂教学中学生的认知内容是以语言发表的方式表现的。具身性指结合语言并借助伴随身体动作的活动表达学习者认知内容的一种“动作化”的,甚至“戏剧化”的展现(钟启泉 2017)。
Q:We have talked about the beginning and the development of the story.From the development,what do you think of power,money or fame?Can they make people completely happy?
P:You shake your heads and say no.
T:Then what can make people really happy?Before the real ending is shown to you,we’ll predict the possible endings.Of course,every student can have your own ideas.Let’s read the possible endings in 1a.
P:You choose a.Not every story has happy endings.You choose d.Well,You prefer stories with happy endings.
T:You are so creative students to give us your possible endings.Is the real ending the same as we read just now,or is it similar to your endings?Let’s look at the picture.One is general,the other one is a poor man.Is he the happy man the general needs?Look at the smile on his face,guess why he is happy?
P&E:Maybe the poor man is just a happy man.Perhaps so it is.
Though he is poor,he is active.Good point!I really enjoy it!
You are sure the poor man has an unusual life experience,he is a wise man.I think it’s logical!
You hope everyone can find an excuse to be happy.That’s a fantastic ending,isn’t it?
T:It’s time for us to know the ending of the story.
交际是意义交流的过程,用以完成某项任务,取得某种效果。交流的媒体主要是语言,但不完全是语言,还包括其他媒体形式,如非语言特征、现场情景中的事物和参与者,以及参与者之间的共享知识和信息等(张德禄、刘汝山 2018)。在模拟上课过程中,可视化板书是嫁接教师和虚拟学生之间共享信息的重要途径。
T:You’re so smart!In my opinion,maybe he has everything he wants and he doesn’t want what he can’t have.
BD:has everything he wants,doesn’t want what he can’t have
T:Let’s listen and check the things in 1c that happened in the rest of the story.
P:Well,just as some of you predicted,the poor man was a happy man.
T:Listen again,help me solve four questions according to 1d.
After reading the ending of the story,we have learned a lot from it.Let’s think furthermore.
From the ending,the writer wants to tell us that happiness lies in a...Yes,in a peaceful heart.
In the story we’ve discovered the king was a king of the...Well,the real world.However,the poor man was a king of the...Of course,the spiritual world.
BD:(见图 3)
Q:Now,class,what do you think of happiness?How do you get your happiness?
T:I like your reasonable understanding.Someone wrote a poem after he read the whole story.From this poem,maybe you can understand the writer’s intention better.Can you make it a complete one?
What is happiness?
_________doesn’t mean happiness.
_________doesn’t mean happiness.
_________doesn’t mean happiness.
Happiness lies in a_________heart.
____________is a man’s best shirt.
I appreciate your creative languages.Let’s read one of your poems together to end our class,shall we?
What is happiness?
Power doesn’t mean happiness.
Money doesn’t mean happiness.
Fame doesn’t mean happiness.
Happiness lies in a peaceful heart.
Kindness is a man’s best shirt.
新目标初中《英语》九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section B(2a—2e)Stonehenge—Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There
T:Can you say something about yourself?What do you do in your free time?
P:You like playing basketball.
T:What else?
P:You like reading,too.
T:You not only like playing basketball,but also reading.Why?
P:Because they are relaxing.
T:How about you?
P:Well,you like running.
T:When do you like running?
P:You like running in the morning.
T:Do you like running in the afternoon?
P:No,because it’s sometimes hot.That’s to say,you like running.However,you don’t like running in the afternoon.
T:Well,can you guess what I like doing?I like traveling,not only modern places,but also historical places.
【评析】以业余生活的问答作为导入,在对话中引入连词,初步勾画连词的思维轨迹,为阅读中连词的融入作好铺垫。汉语是一门并列结构的语言,连词使用频率低,人们更习惯形象、直观的思维。英语是一门从属结构的语言,连词使用频率高,以逻辑思维为主(胡欲晓 2020)。梳理连词,引导虚拟学生用英语思维,可为后续的语言输出提供支持。
T:Since I like traveling.Sometimes I read“National Geographic”to help me look for places of interest.And today,before traveling,come with me,let’s get information about a famous place —Stonehenge.
It has a long history—It’s a historical place.
It looks like a circle of rocks.—It has a special position.
Why is it there? —It’s a mystery.—Let’s find out the mysterious purposes.
Q:Why do I choose this place to guide you?
P:Sure it is.It’s not only a historical place but also has a special position.Besides,it has mysterious purposes.
教师将自己的旅游爱好融入文本话题,通过转述复现重要的连词,并带动阅读文本中的关键探究点 history、position、purpose,既关照了生活,又凸显了连词的逻辑导向,直指文本结构并意会了主要内容。
T:Let’s go over this passage.(引导学生观察板书并回顾文本,再根据板书迁移拓展)
Can you think of any other mystery,either in China or another part of the world,which is similar to Stonehenge?
What do you know about the mystery,such as its history,position,purpose and something else?
What do you think of it?Why do you think so?
BD:(见下页图 4)
模拟写作拓展:The Great Wall,one of the most famous historical places in China,is a mystery,too.Some people think our ancestors built it to fight against the enemies.Some people think it was built to protect our country.Whatever it was used to be built for,now it’s a very popular traveling place.Every year,thousands of tourists come to China to visit the Great Wall.There is a famous saying,people who don’t reach the Great Wall are not the real heroes.Hope you can visit it,too.
活动理论起源于19世纪黑格尔(Hegel)的古典哲学和马克思的辩证唯物主义,经过维果茨基(Vygotsky)、列昂捷夫(Leont’ev)及恩格斯托姆(Engeström)等学者的研究将活动理论发展壮大。活动理论强调语言在学生二语习得过程中起“脚手架”的作用、发挥中介功能(刘科 2019)。《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》指出,要践行学思结合、用创为本的英语学习活动观(教育部 2022)。这些对模拟上课的活动设计提供了理论支持。
新目标初中《英语》八年级(下)Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section A(3a—3c)
【文本简介】该单元以Stories为大概念展开一系列教学活动。其中本堂课是本单元Section A部分的阅读课。文本简述了孙悟空的故事。从实践的角度,发掘隐藏在不同语篇字里行间的深层意义(衡很亨 2022),发现基于中西文化的交流和碰撞。
教师给予活动提示:You are a foreign student Tom who is very interested in the Monkey King.You want to know more about the character.Make up a new conversation according to the text.Now it’s a model.
Tom:Do you know the Monkey King?
T:Yes,he is...
Tom:What’s he like?
Tom:Wow,can you tell me more?
T:Sure.He can make...,turning himself into...
Tom:Really?What can’t he do?
T:He can’t...unless...
Tom:And he has a magic stick.What can it do?
T:He can make it so...that...and sometimes...
Tom:I truly love him.He is very popular with many western children like me.Thanks for telling me.
T:You’re welcome.
T:Now,it’s your turn.
教师给予活动提示:Have a free talk in groups of four about a character in Chinese or foreign stories,make a report and let other groups guess.What does he/she look like?What can/can’t he/she do?Why do you like him/her?Maybe the notes can help you.
教师板书参考词汇:brave/clever/hard-working/kind/be ready to help others...
教师模拟汇报:He/She is a main character from the famous Chinese story...He/She is...He/She can...But he/she can’t...We like him/her because...Do you know who he/she is?