Main Abstracts

2022-11-08 07:47
学术交流 2022年4期

Hu Yuhong


Xi Jinping the general secretary has a rich exposition on human dignity, which can be summarized into six main aspects: first, he emphasizes that all countries and peoples should enjoy dignity together, which proves the inherent, intrinsic and equality of dignity; Second, he regards dignity as the common value theory of human society, and emphasizes that the international community should respect the dignity of people of all countries as members of the human social community on the basis of safeguarding national dignity; Third, we should connect human rights with human dignity, practice and protect dignity with human rights, and the yardstick of human rights progress means the realization of human dignity; Fourth, he emphasizes the sacred responsibility of the state in safeguarding human dignity, and expects all countries in the world for jointly creating a bright prospect for everyone to be free from dificency, develop and dignity; Fifth, starting from the example of protecting human dignity, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government summed up the mission and responsibility of proletarian political parties and socialist countries to respect and protect human dignity; Sixth, it is pointed out that the realization of human dignity is inseparable from development, and dignity will flourish with the realization of people's good life.

Xi Jinping’s thought of rule of law; human dignity; common values of all mankind; human rights


Kang Yu


As a "reactionary" force for "song learning", Yang Shen held high the banner of textual research in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, advocated taking ancient phonology and Philology as the cornerstone of interpreting the classics, taking the "broad agreement to unity" as the basic principle of classical interpretation, learning with a skeptical attitude, introducing historical methods, and using the method of mutual verification of "Tao" and "things" to verify the truth of the classics. He constructed a new paradigm of classical interpretation in the Ming Dynasty, which had a great impact on later generations and directly contributed to the innovation of the development of Confucian classics in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. However, this movement and innovation with highlighting Sinology as the core has obvious characteristics of that times, which is essentially different from the great rise of Sinology in the Qing Dynasty in the 18th century, and does not contain "risk factors" such as "decontamination" and "ethics".

classic interpretation; Yang Shen; textual research; innovation


Yu Chunling, Wang Maiyue


Building a strong cultural country by 2035 is the long-term goal put forward by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. The realization of this goal is inseparable from the progress of cultural system, especially the top-level design of cultural system. The top-level design of the cultural system in the new era has become the logical starting point for the establishment of the cultural system because of its characteristics of prepositiveness and directionality, instrumentality and value; As the spiritual "core" of culture, socialist core values have become the value direction leading the design of cultural system; Adhering to the guidance of Marxism, to the party's leadership and socialist system, and to the principle of people first are the fundamental principles of cultural system design. In the cultural construction of the new era, we should adhere to the practice core, cultivate the practice subject and lead the practice innovation, so as to transform the system design into the system operation, promote the transformation of the advantages of the cultural system into the efficiency of the cultural system, and then promote the cultural progress more brilliant.

new era; cultural system; top-level design; practice trend


Tang Qiong


Under the new development pattern, the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry can further promote the formation of a domestic circular market. We should excavate the internal mechanism of forming a strong domestic demand market and the transformation and upgrading development of manufacturing industry under the new development pattern. The internal logic of manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading is to break through medium and low-end manufacturing and extend to both ends of the "smile curve". The internal driving force of manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading is driven by strong domestic demand market and technological innovation. In combination with the opportunities and challenges facing the transformation and upgrading development of our manufacturing industry, this paper puts forward the direction choice for the conversion of manufacturing industry, and makes efforts in the direction of independent innovation ability, digital technology docking and consumer demand upgrading, so as to promote the transformation of the manufacturing industry from medium and low-end to medium and high-end, from large and all-round to strong and fine, and from more relying on external demand to more on domestic demand, with innovation leading, accumulate momentum, and become stronger, better and bigger, so as to strive to build a modern manufacturing power.

new development pattern; transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry; independent innovation; digital technique

Wang Yanqi, Wang Huiyue


In China, family management remains the major form of agricultural production and management. Realizing the intergenerational smooth transmission of agricultural family management is the key to ensure the sustainable and stable development of agriculture. However, due to the transformation and upgrading of agricultural society, the objective existence of urban-rural income gap, intergenerational differences in agricultural values and in communication strategies, as well as periodic contradictions in the life cycle, there are inevitable conflicts of will, ideas and relationships in the transmission progress. To resolve these conflicts, we need to improve the level of agricultural and rural development, enhance the endogenous driving force of agricultural development, increase farmers' income through various ways, narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas, improve the preferential policies and land subsidy mechanism for young and middle-aged labor force of returning home for farming, actively cultivate and support new professional farmers and professional managers, choose appropriate ways of intergenerational communication, reduce such communication conflicts, advocate rural cultural feedback and improve the effect of their communication.

intergenerational conflict; intergenerational transmission; agricultural household management; family life cycle


Wang Li


The Zidishu of rap literature does not inherit the old story of Xue Jiajiang in the Yuan Zaju, but launches a sad theme similar to Fan Lihua's story: First, the theme of helping her husband solve difficulties. Second, marriage is not recognized after it is in danger. Third, heroines endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. Fourth, she finally get the husband's approval. Zidishu'scriticizes Xue Rengui's fear of imperial power, which led to Jin Ding's death. Although it is not subjectively ungrateful, the consequences means the same, with the concept of equality between men and women of the Manchu nationality. Fan Jinding, the core figure in the masterpiece, comes from the combination of the name of "Liu Jinding" and Fan Lihua's surname. Zidishu, who prefers female characters and human relations feelings, does not want to lose the precious and popular resource of Fan Lihua's story. By adding the heroine with the surname of "fan", the work has the aesthetic charm and cultural significance of Fan Lihua's image.

Fan Lihua; Zidishu;