
2022-11-08 07:38
学术交流 2022年5期

Digital Capitalism: Its Origin, Internal Disease and Puzzle

Cui Jian, Li Zhenzhen


With the rapid development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, block chain and other digital information technologies, the "physical world" constructed by objective "reality" is being replaced by the "cyberspace" formed in "digital virtuality" to some extent, and the digital capitalism bred by digital information technology and capital has come to the field of our times. Under the controlling and dominant discourse system of the new "agent" data platform of capital, the digital "virtuality", which should have existed as neutrality, was swallowed up by gluttonous capital, deducing the development mysteries of digital recession, digital hegemony, digital monopoly, digital labor alienation and so on. Based on the base of digital capitalism development, we should have an insight into the essence of digital capitalism, break the puzzle of digital capitalism, and go beyond the limits of digital capitalism. It has some theoretical values and practical significance to explore a new digital path that conforms to the development situation of socialist China and the trend of the digital era.

digital capitalism; Marxism; capital

The Realistic Path of Legal Regulation of Important Data Security in China—From the perspective of national security

Xu Yumei, Wang Xinyu


In the digital era, the data assets show more values. Data security concerning national security, the vital data security are related to national economic security, political security and social stability. The overall framework of legal protection of important data has been established in China's legislative practice, but there are still some problems, such as the conflict of regulatory values, the tendency of legal protection to be principled, and inadequate administrative supervision. The legal regulation of important data security in the United States is guided by the value of freedom and the supremacy of commercial interests, while the European Union is led in the value of security and the supremacy of personal rights. China should rationally learn from the experience of the United States and the European Union in the legal regulation of important data security, combine the basic national conditions, take the security value and public interest as the value orientation of the legal regulation of important data, refine the data classification and classification system, build a security standard system, and strengthen the review of important data, etc. At the same time, the administrative supervision should gradually convert from the government's public power intervention to industry self-discipline, in order to achieve effective governance of legal protection of important data.

important data security; national security; legal regulation

The Dual Path of Realizing Common Prosperity

Fu Guilin


It requires a set of institutional arrangements to realize the common prosperity of the whole people, but the most basic practical path has two levels: to build a basic institutional arrangement of coordinated primary distribution, redistribution and tertiary distribution, and to build a new system and mechanism for the common development of all. The basic institutional arrangements for constructing rational distribution mainly include institutional arrangements in the initial distribution and policy adjustment in redistribution, as well as the policy system in the third distributions. Building a basic institutional system for the common development of all people mainly includes: to ensure that all people obtain basic capabilities and consumption institutional arrangements; to encourage the ability to become rich through hard work and innovation and provide equal opportunities for development; to realize human's free development and spiritual incentive policy; and to build a new type of development relationship and institutional arrangements for people in the new era.

common prosperity; income distribution; human development; institutional arrangement

Study on the Security Mechanism of Long-term Care for the Elderly—From the perspective of respite service

Huang Jian



Aging is not only an important trend of social development, but also the basic national conditions that China must face in the future. The multi-level pension demand determines the diversified pension mode, in which family pension remains the most important pension mode in China, especially for the large and growing number of disabled and dementia elderly. As the best provider of elderly care services, family members who have worked hard at home for a long time to take care of the elderly will be greatly affected physically and mentally, and are prone to chronic fatigue and mental exhaustion. Therefore, we should strengthen the support for long-term caregivers from the institutional level, so that they can get the necessary relief and effective rest. Respite service is the key institutional arrangement. However, the problems existing in the pilot operation of respite service in China, such as role positioning deviation, lack of institutional security, unbalanced mechanism operation, etc., have hindered the support and security function of respite service for family pension to a great extent. In this regard, under the interactive framework of environment, system and mechanism, we should deepen the value cognition of the whole society on respite services, standardize the structural relationship and operation logic of respite services, innovate and optimize the supply mechanism of breathing services, and continuously improve the operation efficiency of the services.

elderly care; respite service; family pension; social support; home care

Values of “Country-governing” Novel in

Du Guichen


Li Lvyuan's "" as a kind of novel concerning country governance remains the Godson's treasure of the aristocratic class in the era of imperial power, the mirror of statecraft, and the good motto of salvation. It embraces Confucianism in the novel, which becomes its soul, and the novel becomes the carrier of Confucianism, which expands and deepens the influence of Confucianism and represents a successful creation in the history of Chinese novels. Li Lvyuan is the largest and the best Neo-Confucianist among the ancient Chinese novelists.plays its unique contribution as the central land of "famous Confucian domain" since the Song Dynasty among ancient Chinese novels.

; Li Lvyuan; Godson scripture; good example of running families; good motto of salvation

History in the Perspective of Digital Economy

Zhang Xiaoxiao, Zhang Yuanyuan


The digitalized-based history in the era of digital economy will make new progress in the field of digital economy. The "fusion" of history and digital economy is not that digital economy "kidnaps" history, but that history is "embedded" in digital economy. In the era of digital economy, data as an important resource ushers in an era of great progress in big data and artificial intelligence. Data information is also an important academic resource and academic support for history; The dissemination of history has entered a new stage of development, and it will be much greater than before in the quality and quantity of history education, research results and information dissemination. Digital economy and its digital technology have created development space for history. History has opened up new academic fields with the help of digital technology, with new expansion of connotation and extension, and the new ideas and understandings are expected.to emerge

digital economy; history; digital technology
