
2022-11-04 16:19张晓李碗容周媛
国际人才交流 2022年5期

文/张晓 李碗容 译/周媛

“我把这里当成了自己的家,因为朋友除了有福同享,更应该有难同当。我也相信武汉能够渡过难关,中国有能力处理好这次疫情危机。”回忆起在武汉遭遇新冠肺炎疫情的经历,2020年度中国政府友谊奖获得者、江汉大学副教授萨拉·普拉托(Sara Platto,意大利)这样说。


“It is my home, and friends always share happiness and suffering. However, I believe that Wuhan will ride over difficulties and that China can handle the epidemic well,” said Sara Platto (Italian), winner of the 2020 Chinese Government Friendship Award and associate professor of Jianghan University, when recalling her experience with COVID—19 in Wuhan.

During the epidemic in 2020, she declined evacuation from Wuhan four times. She stayed with the people in Wuhan and told the stories about Wuhan’s efforts to fight COVID—19 to the world through the Internet. She has written a book published in Italy about the anti-epidemic battle and her personal experience in Wuhan. The Chinese version of Good Morning, Wuhan was published this March. China, the land where Sara and her 14-year-old son Mateo have worked and lived for 15 years, has become their beautiful and warm homeland to be protected.

In 2007, Sara, who is firmly devoted to the protection and research of wild animals worldwide, paid her first visit to China and gave a keynote speech on the link between humans and dolphins upon the invitation from the Institute of Hydrobiology Chinese Academy of Sciences. Here, she met the person who became her supervisor. She was then appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute in Wuhan, marking the start of her inseparable bond with China. “I like Wuhan very much, and the people of Wuhan are very hospitable,” said Sara when recalling her first visit to Wuhan.

In 2017, she became an associate professor providing courses on animal behavior and animal welfare at the College of Life Science, Jianghan University. “Animals affect humans, and animal behavior and animal welfare are topics worldwide Knowledge related to that is significant for life sciences, environmental science, and food safety,” said Sara. Therefore, she actively encouraged students to learn about animal behavior and animal welfare, promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.






Having been in China for 15 years, Sara has a deep love for Chinese calligraphy, Chinese tea, and hot and dry noodles, a local snack in Wuhan. “Matteo was born in Beijing.” said Sara, “Matteo once talked in his sleep, and I only heard Chinese words like ‘drum,’ ‘rhythm,’ and ‘take.’ To my surprise, Matteo was speaking Chinese in his dream! “It’s said that one can tell the mother language of others according to the language they speak in the dream and when counting numbers.” So, Matteo’s mother language is Chinese! After living in China for many years, I can understand what others are saying, but I still cannot speak Chinese well. Matteo’s Chinese is much better than mine!”

China has become the second home of Sara and her son. They return to their hometown in Brescia in northern Italy every two or three years to reunite with their parents and sister. “My parents are too old to come to Wuhan,” Sara commented. In 2020, COVID—19 broke out in Wuhan. “The day when Wuhan was locked down was my son’s birthday. So, my son and I decided to stay. We have lived in Wuhan for almost ten years. It is our home.” On February 3, Sara was notified that she could return to Italy via the evacuation flight from the Italian Embassy. Even though there were no COVID—19 cases in Italy at that time, she politely refused the suggestion once again. She said: “Wuhan is my home, and I have faith in China.” Sara’s refusal to return to Italy made her mother terribly angry. In a late evening phone call, her sister told Sara that their mom was planning to call the Italian Foreign Ministry to ask to push her daughter to come back home. At 3 a.m., she received a call from the Italian embassy. She let the call go unanswered at different times because she was afraid they would tell her that her mom had complained at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Finally, Sara answered the 10th phone call. The Italian Embassy called not because of her mother but to ask for help. An Italian teenager was left at Wuhan airport during the evacuation because he came down with a fever. From that moment, Sara started a series of phone calls that would initiate the two weeks long coordinated work with the Italian Embassy, Wuhan authorities, and China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) to help the boy to return to Italy.

During the epidemic, Sara received help and care from her neighbors and the school. The foreign teacher administrator of Jianghan University supplied staple food, meat, eggs, vegetables, and fruits regularly and bought her much-needed cheese by all manner of means. Neighbors helped her shop for groceries online and brought her vegetables and pasta. “My neighbor left me an English note saying ‘Sara, be strong. China will solve the problem.’” Impressed by the warmth of the local people, Sara actively shared her life in Wuhan through international social media platforms, where she told stories about China’s battle against the epidemic. “My Italian friends and I in Wuhan have a social media account where we exchange information frequently. We are furious about false reports on the epidemic in Wuhan,” stated Sara.





“A foreign media asked me whether I was forbidden from going outside my home in Wuhan during an interview. I said that I was allowed to walk out of the house to buy food. She ended the interview with ‘thank you’ and ‘goodbye.’ I got a bad feeling. I knew that she only wanted to get information that matches her expectations rather than the truth.” Therefore, Sara shared true stories about Wuhan through Instagram and other international social networks and kept sending pictures and videos about trunks filled with supplies delivered by the school, the food sent by community residents and neighbors, heart-warming notes, groceries provided by the community, strict epidemic control measures in the community and the recovery of Wuhan. Dozens of overseas media contacted Sara through various channels. She showed her life in Wuhan and optimistic attitude to people worldwide on the phone and in videos. “I just want to let others know what is happening here.”

Unfortunately, Italy was severely hit by COVID—19 later. Her hometown was one of the two places in Italy with the highest death rate. Through video, she gave a vivid lecture on epidemic control to middle and high school students in Italy. She showed them the streets in Wuhan to help them understand epidemic control measures in China. She also provided tips for daily living during the epidemic to Italians and people in other countries through social platforms.

“My book mainly describes the experiences of my son and me in Wuhan during the lockdown. It has been published in Italy, and the Chinese version will soon be published. I wrote this book to show people the real Wuhan and my thoughts about the future of this city. It conveys hope and encourages people to remain positive despite disasters like COVID—19. Life never stops, and we must look forward to the future.”

Sara has long been committed to animal behavior and animal welfare research. As a veterinarian, she also uses her professional advantages to contribute to the fight against the pandemic. One of the studies explored the relationship between COVID—19 and a coronavirus isolated from pangolins. In addition, as an expert in animal behavior research, she has established cooperation with the authoritative international platform for zoonosis to facilitate the international anti-epidemic work actively.

Sara expressed that the loss of biodiversity has created favorable conditions for the occurrence of epidemics such as the COVID—19. For example, deforestation has dramatically enhanced the contact between human beings and wild animals. Bats can quickly adapt to where people reside among wild animals, such as houses, barns, arable land, and orchards. The research found that bats are the primary hosts of several coronaviruses. Still, they have evolved unique physiological and immune systems to resist it, while viruses can infect other species such as humans. “As we interact with wild animals more and more frequently, we have to learn more about these viruses inside animals, especially how they are spread to other species.”





“So, we should also take the initiative in protecting the wild animals.” Sara has lifelong experience in animal behavior and has researched the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise and the vocal communication of Pseudorca crassidens before and after feeding. In long-term scientific research, Sara has actively put forward suggestions for revising the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife and organized seminars on “Animal Welfare: Food Safety and Human Wellness.”

Sara often uses her weekends to speak out for Wuhan Small Animal Rescue Center. She has worked as a veterinarian in animal rescue centers in Spain, the United States, and Canada, dealing with distinct species such as wild animals, marine mammals, reptiles, and avians. Usually, Sara will enjoy Wuhan cuisine with everyone at Chinese dinner parties while happily narrating the legendary stories of saving little animals worldwide when she was young.

During Sara’s early university years, she gained a great interest in Dolphins. “The vast coast of The Canary Islands brought me ample opportunities to get in close contact with dolphins. When I was in my fourth year of veterinary school, I won the Erasmus scholarship that allowed me to move to the Canary Islands, where I finished my last year of college. I did my master thesis on cetacean parasitology. Later, I was awarded a Ph.D. in Biology of Behavior from the University of Milan. Then, with the collaboration of a professor from the Free University of Berlin, I moved from The Canary Islands to Israel to develop my Ph.D. research on human-dolphin interaction.” Her postdoctoral thesis at the Chinese Academy of Sciences was about dolphin communication and cognition.

During the 2020 National Science and Technology Week, Sara gave a famous science lecture entitled “How Does It Sound to Be a Dolphin?” for children at Beijing Planetarium. She aroused intense interest among the young audience with a video of whales and dolphins swimming in the sea. How do dolphins “listen” and “see”? Are dolphins as intelligent as humans? Dolphins have a lot of “skills” that humans do not possess, and dolphins have a much more comprehensive range of hearing than humans, so they can “hear” sounds that humans fail to pick up, Sara explained. Dolphins also “see” the world differently by accurately forming “holograms” in the brain through echolocation systems. “In the world of dolphins, humans look so stupid that we cannot hear sounds underwater or turn our heads into sonar generators. Are we stupid? No, we are just different from dolphins.” So, do dolphins have to be “like humans” to be treated as equal creatures? In a row of questions, she guides children to learn about dolphins and develop the concepts of loving and protecting wild animals.






Rabies prevention is yet another popular science theme for Sara. She has provided rabies prevention knowledge in the community by setting up the yearly Wuhan Vaccination Campaign during the “World Rabies Day.” In collaboration with local veterinary hospitals, she conducted vaccinations and held a series of lectures with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC). In partnership with China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, she helped GARC translate the Rabies Education Personnel Qualification Certificate courses from English to Chinese to make them available to all Chinese people interested in becoming rabies educators. Annual World Rabies Day falls on September 28th. Sara said rabies is a fatal but preventable zoonosis with a fatality rate of 100%. All should know that a rabies vaccine should be given within time after a dog’s bite. Vaccinating dogs in advance is a more economical and effective way. However, in China, the vaccination rate for dogs is still on the low side. Sara has been providing rabies prevention education activities with local animal hospitals and communities in the past few years. In 2017, Sara published Matteo in Doggy’s World (Chinese and English), which teaches children to recognize dogs’ body language.

On September 30, 2021, the 2020 and 2021 Chinese Government Friendship Awards ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People, and Associate Professor Sara was awarded the 2020 Chinese Government Friendship Award. This is the highest honorary award set up to commend foreign experts with outstanding contributions to China’s modernization drive. “Professor Sara has contributed to biological research and teaching at Jianghan University. Furthermore, her actions during the epidemic strengthened the friendly relations between China and Italy and deepened the world’s accurate understanding of China.” Zhang Xingping, secretary of the Party committee of Jianghan University, commented on Sara’s award. He also expressed that all the teachers and students were thrilled and proud of Sara.

For the award, Sara said that she was pleasantly surprised. “I could not believe that I had won the award, but it was real, and the award certificate was in my hand. It’s an honor and inspiration for me,” Sara said that she would continue to serve as the envoy of friendly exchanges between China and Italy and between China and the international community.



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