
2022-06-24 07:01:28RashaKhalil张佳艺
国际人才交流 2022年5期

文/Rasha Khalil 译/张佳艺

Rasha Khalil,叙利亚籍,四川外国语大学教授、发明家、研究员。曾获得世界知识产权组织(WIPO)发明奖章, 英国肯特自然资源国际基金会奖,2020文明之光·中国文化交流年度人物。



Living and working in China for over a decade has offered me a unique opportunity to discover the country of exceptional beauty and charm with a highly diverse array of extraordinary places to explore.

China has breathtaking landscapes and spectacular natural wonders. The Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Guilin’s dramatic limestone karst hills, the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River, and Hangzhou’s West Lake are only some of China’s natural treasures that one needs more than a lifetime to visit and enjoy.

Another element of China’s majestic charm is its ancient civilization with a long history and deeply rooted culture. I traveled back in time and learned about the glorious Chinese society and its long history. I strolled through traditional alleys and walked along the Great Wall. I wandered around the Forbidden City and reflected on life while walking in the unique Long Corridor of the Summer Palace. I perceived unique sensations from the stunning Buddhist art collections in Mogao Grottoes, and I stood side-by-side with thousands of terracotta warriors prepared by Emperor Qin Shi Huang for his final battle.

Yet, the most critical aspect of China’s majesty is the people. Although the Chinese nation comprises 56 ethnic groups, many character traits are widely shared and strongly expressed in all ethnicities.

Chinese people are diligent, ambitious, and strive to achieve success. Yet, they believe in the value of collaborative work. One of the most striking features of Chinese people is modesty, which is a virtue in Chinese culture. Furthermore, Chinese people believe in harmonious and peaceful coexistence with others. Chinese people have dearly passed on these values and cherished and treasured them despite the technological advancement and the change to living in modern metropolitan cities.

This amazing and inspiring experience has added unique memories to my life and enabled me to broaden my horizons in unexpected ways. But one thing, in particular, has genuinely affected me and changed the way I see myself and the world around me. That is the way China has managed the Covid-19 pandemic.




Covid-19 has become a severe public health threat worldwide due to its high transmissibility and emerging mutations. The number of reported infections recently has exceeded four hundred million, and the number of reported Covid-19 related deaths is more than six million (as of 29 March 2022). Still, the figures are probably much higher than those official records indicate. Nevertheless, the negative and catastrophic consequences of the virus are not limited to the health impact but also heavily affect the social and economic systems. Even though most of the planet has severely struggled with this disastrous pandemic for more than two years, the medium- and long-term consequences of Covid-19 have varied considerably worldwide. The differences between countries’ responses to the pandemic - notably the inability of some countries to rally their people and create collective commitment and focus.

China took a ‘wartime’ approach to aim for ‘zero-COVID’ to combat and controlled the pandemic. In addition, China has responded to the crisis by developing and utilizing its comprehensive and holistic management structure that consists of sociopolitical, technological, and psychological elements.

China has responded to the pandemic using flexible and innovative policies to guide its people toward public health goals. By articulating the needs of ordinary people and grassroots organizations and the reallocation of national resources, the Chinese government has successfully fostered and boosted the people’s sense of duty and unity. Moreover, combining the welfare of communities with those of the country generated collaborative efforts to combat the Covid-19.

All members of society have participated in efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. Individuals, communities, as well as organizations in private and public sectors have fully complied with the government’s guidelines on all issues relating to Covid-19 (e.g., restrictions relating to gatherings and social distancing, disinfection of workplaces, communal areas, and public facilities as well as satisfactory ventilation of indoor spaces).

The central government and local governments across China have encouraged and helped individuals increase their awareness of the prevention and control measures for the virus. In addition, the government issued guidelines to encourage individuals to prioritize a healthy lifestyle and develop good hygiene. Therefore, I find the policy of voluntary compliance and having a cohesive society is of significant importance in improving collective wellbeing and promoting the population’s health.

When examining the system used to contain the pandemic outbreak, it is apparent that China has surpassed the rest of the world and paved the path to a new era of technology.





中国采取了灵活的、创新的政策来应对疫情,引导人民实现公共卫生目标。通过表达普通民众和基层组织的需求,并重新分配国家资源,中国政府成功地培养、增强了人民的责任感和团结精神,将家庭与团体的福祉同国家的繁荣相结合,这激发了同心协力抗击新冠肺炎疫情的集体力量。I believe that China has reinvented digital applications. China has been able to use existing technologies effectively and efficiently and has developed digital tools that can address a wide range of pandemic-related issues, reduce the impact of the crisis on ordinary citizens, and publish reliable statistics on the progress of the pandemic.

China developed and utilized sophisticated and unique datainformed disease control and surveillance approaches. Consequently, applied containment measures were effective, and the allocation of medical resources came at the right time and in the right place. Smartphone digital applications (e.g., WeChat and Alipay) have helped share medical information, trace people who may have contracted an infected individual, and determine individual exposure risk (displayed as a health code). All information has been updated daily on both the user’s and government’s

sides, leading to the rapid assignment and re-classification of pandemic containment priorities and prevention.

During the past two years, China has made massive progress in comprehending the nature of the disease and its impact. In addition, China has also analyzed its effects on both physical health and mental health.

In the early stages of the crisis, China’s national health commission (NHC) recognized the potential psychological impacts of Covid-19 on the population, particularly segments identified as more vulnerable. These psychological effects might manifest in different forms (e.g., anxiety, stress, irritability, depression, or even anger). Therefore, NHC addressed the psychological impact of this crisis by restructuring psychological services to divide the population into different groups ts according to their exposure to the pandemic. In addition, this service provides data that prioritize those in need of psychological or mental healthcare.

At the same time, medical staff on the front line of the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic show empathy to patients; treat them with tolerance; boost their confidence in their recovery by helping them stay positive amid adversity; and encourage them to cooperate with all aspects of treatment. The first aspect of achieving this was effectively disseminating Covid-19 related information through the media, including social media platforms, and using this information to increase public health awareness. The second aspect was improving the communication between medical staff and patients. The goal was to assist the latter in their recovery process.

NHC focused on the family’s role in dealing with mental health issues and the psychological consequences of the pandemic. Therefore, to support those in urgent need of help (whether patients or health care providers), NHC encouraged the creation of social work services networks run by families living in the communities. This action has highlighted the family as both a subject and a provider of mental health services. The alignment of the family and society order derives from the nurturing Chinese culture. The family is more important than the individual, and the whole society is considered one big family consisting of all members.










国际合作 共抗疫情





This unity and cohesiveness are distinctive characteristics of the Chinese nation. That allowed China to efficiently reallocate its resources and swiftly deploy its national power to increase the number of doctors and health workers in areas experiencing difficult pandemic situations. Consequently, China was able to quickly contain and control the large-scale transmission of Covid-19. As a result, the country could resume normal life activities and functions and sustain its economic growth despite the emergence of confirmed cases in numerous cities and provinces.

While fighting Covid-19 domestically, China realized that countries couldn’t fight Covid-19 in isolation. Consequently, the Chinese government attached significant importance to international cooperation between countries in their fight against this common enemy of all humankind. The Chinese government believed that the best way to achieve the common goal of every citizen and the government (i.e., to exterminate the virus) was through solidarity, mutual help and support, and coordination to apply effective global health governance.

China’s global engagement in the fight against Covid-19 involved actively sharing information with the international community. In addition, China is actively participating in international cooperation in vaccine research and development, deploying medical expert teams overseas to advise public health officials in different countries. Furthermore, China gave South Asian countries access to Chinese-developed Covid-19 vaccines and pressed national and international non-governmental organizations to assist countries in need.

Despite their shortage of medical supplies at the beginning of the pandemic, the Chinese government placed high importance on donating medical supplies to different countries worldwide (e.g., Italy, Spain, France, India, and Serbia). The donations included construction materials for quarantine centers, ventilators and oxygen generators, medical monitors, respirators, protective suits, and face masks.

China’s contributions also included generously donating to the World Health Organization and funding severely affected countries to assist in their recovery from the economic and social impacts of the pandemic, in particular developing countries.

China has proved to the world that containment of the pandemic is possible quick and sustainable manner. The world could emerge stronger by acting and uniting together. From the adversity, a unique opportunity appears—as the old Chinese proverb goes, “A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind.” China’s approach to the Covid-19 crisis represented a massive leap for the future of humanity.

中国向柬埔寨无偿援助的第八批新冠疫苗于2022年3月29日至30日陆续运抵金边。图为机场工人在柬埔寨金边国际机场运输中国援助的新冠疫苗(新华社 李莱 摄)




The management of China against the pandemic at the national and international levels added further depth to the way I understand the word “leadership.” As a matter of fact, this experience made me rethink my understanding of life, the opportunities it provided as well as the catastrophe it hid in its darkness. It helped me to channel my inner strength to face any crisis, especially after realizing that the word “crisis” in the Chinese language comes from two characters; “危,” which means danger, and “机” which means opportunity. The word “危机” reflects an opportunity to change and improve our lives. We can achieve extraordinary things with any crisis, regardless of its severity.

I have personally learned that I need to keep my fears to myself and share courage and aspiration with others. I have also known that I need to give and extend my strength to others in the hope that they will be able to stand on their own. The most valuable lesson I have learned is that the best way to be a supplier of hope is by communicating and connecting efforts and offering sacrifices for the greater good, sharing challenges and weaknesses, acknowledging others’ contributions, and believing in the potential and capacity of people. Finally, I have learned that successful leaders inspire people and bring them together to overcome the odds.

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