—— 中信泰富广场改造

2022-10-25 03:26责任编辑张羽
中国建筑装饰装修 2022年18期


1 从西南角看中信泰富广场夜景from southwest to CITIC night view


Kokaistudios 是一家涵盖建筑及室内设计的事务所,在业界屡获殊荣,由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani 和Andrea Destefanis 于2000 年 联 合 创 立于威尼斯。自2002 年公司总部设于上海以来,Kokaistudios 已拥有60 余位杰出设计师,并成长为一家多元文化背景的设计公司,与客户协同合作,完成了涵盖亚洲、中东、欧洲及北美洲的众多创新设计项目。Kokaistudios 专注于发展文化、商业、酒店及零售等方面的项目,更广泛涉及城市更新与文化遗产再造的项目,旨在为项目所在的城市增添蓬勃生机。


Kokaistudios is an award winning architecture and interior design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani & Andrea Destefanis. Headquartered in Shanghai since 2002 we have grown into multi-cultural firm of 60 people working on a global scale with projects in Asia,the Middle East, Europe and North America. Kokaistudios partners with our clients to collaboratively develop innovative &ground breaking projects in diverse fields of design. Primarily focused on developing cultural, corporate, commercial,hospitality & retail projects we have also worked extensively on urban regeneration projects involving the requalification of heritage locations. Kokaistudios aims to develop projects that add positively to the built environment and social fabric of the cities and countries in which they are located.





开幕时间:2022. 9

占地面积:13 670 m2

建筑面积:34 500 m2


首席设计师:Andrea Destefanis、Filippo Gabbiani


建筑设计团队:赵牧云、Eva Maria Paz Taibo、李冬吟、谢诚儒





撰文:Frances Arnold

媒体联络:Jacqueline Chiang

Project Name: CITIC SQUARE Renovation

Site: Shanghai, China


Service Scope: Architecture Renovation+Interior Design

Grand Opening: Sep. 2022

Site area: 13,670 sqm

GFA: 34,500 sqm

Design Company: Kokaistudios

Chief Architects: Andrea Destefanis, Filippo Gabbiani

Architecture Design Director: Li Wei

Architecture Design Team: Muyun Zhao, Eva Maria Paz Taibo, Dongyin Li, Ru Chen

Interior Design Director: Rake Wang

Interior Design Team: Muyun Zhao, Ru Chen, Xiaowan Shen, Sara Zhang, Chenyu Huang

LDI, Structure Design, MEP Design: Arcplus Institute of Shanghai Architectural Design

& Research(Co.,Ltd.)

Photography & Video: Terrence Zhang

Text: Frances Arnold

Media Contact: Jacqueline Chiang

2 一层平面图 level 1 plan

3 像素剖面图 section

Filippo Gabbiani

出生于意大利威尼斯一个艺术家和玻璃制造巨匠辈出的名门,自幼展现出对艺术和设计的多重兴趣。Filippo Gabbiani 的事业起步于与家族合作设计、制作艺术玻璃制品,他毕业于威尼斯建筑大学,其毕业成果是一项由欧共体资助的、关于建筑可替代性能源运用的创新性研究。在遇到合伙人Andrea Destefanis 共同创立Kokaistudios 之前,Filippo 出于本能地对不同学科和多元文化产生好奇心,先后闯荡欧洲数国和美国,曾与数家世界知名的建筑、室内设计和工业设计等领域的事务所合作。在上海成立事务所后,Filippo 肩负着Kokaistudios的使命常驻亚洲,致力于可持续性发展建筑的文化推广及亚洲遗迹建筑的保护和修复,并继续着对艺术玻璃设计的研究。

Born in Venice, Italy, from a famous family of artists and glass makers, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Starting to cooperate with his family in designing and producing artistic glass he completed his studies at University of Architecture of Venice where he graduated with an innovative research sponsored by the European Community on usage of alternative energies in architecture.Following his instinctive curiosity for different disciplines and other cultures he worked in several European countries and in the U.S.A. cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design prior to the founding of Kokaistudios.

Andrea Destefanis

出生于意大利都灵的一个舞台艺术之家,很早就培养出了对视觉艺术和舞台布景的浓厚兴趣。在高雅的文化环境中成长并移居威尼斯,在那里完成了其在威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,Andrea 开始了同多个建筑事务所合作的职业生涯,完成了很多获奖的建筑和城市规划项目。受其对不同设计领域的个人兴趣的驱动,Andrea 成立了以协同合作为概念的工作室,致力于研究计算机平面设计的创新方法。2000 年他遇到了Filippo Gabbiani, 由于两人有着共同的建筑理念和对遗迹修护和环境设计的浓厚兴趣,他们开始了深度的合作并最终成立了Kokaistudios,2002 年Kokaistudios 在上海成立事务所后,Andrea 长期移居亚洲,在为事务所努力打拼的同时,继续其对社会和城市环境可持续发展工具的研究和推广。

Born in Turin, Italy from a family of theater artists, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography. Growing up in a refined cultural environment he moved to live in Venice where completing his education at University of Architecture of Venice he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a co-operative studio focused on research and developing early innovative architectural computer graphic design tools prior to the founding of Kokaistudios.

1 鸟瞰图 bird view

由Kokaistudios 执笔设计的中信泰富广场改造项目现已落成,该项目成为上海内在二元性的缩影。结合了多媒体元素和未来主义美学,并入驻了多个时下最受欢迎的品牌,它与这座城市中历史悠久且保存最完好的传统示范性的巷道住宅无缝衔接。位于静安区精华段的南京西路上,中信泰富广场的立面改造设计灵感来源于“像素”,设计以精心拣选的材料打破了商业固有的“方盒子”造型,更模糊了城市环境与商业空间、公共与私属领域的界限。

该购物中心最初于2000 年竣工,但彼时缺乏符合现代生活方式的零售环境要素:灵活的多媒体装置、极具吸引力的户外空间、与高端奢侈品牌及餐饮相衬的引人注目的室内环境设计……Kokaistudios 对其室内外进行整体的改造,不仅使它作为购物体验目的地与时俱进,更通过打开从前被隐藏的景观,使之成功融入上海的城市肌理并在层次感上相辅相成。

2 南立面 south elevation

3 东立面 east elevation

1 室内外界限的模糊 blurred boundaries between indoor and outdoor

“像素”是Kokaistudios 设计概念的核心,它的解释既是字面含义也是理念上的:建筑立面本身有着像素格栅的透明形态,而立面众多单独的方形单元相组合,更创造了一个具有凝聚力的整体。这些“像素盒子”从南京路的正面看去最是显眼,那曾经破旧的玻璃和石材立面如今被一系列不同尺寸、渐变透明的矩形和正方形体块所取代,每个“盒子”都从建筑的整体形态中突出,营造出漂浮的感受。不仅如此,这些“像素盒子”也可作为单独的品牌橱窗,并给予租户自行定制设计的可能性;因为每个立方体都是从建筑主体突出出来的,所以城市的沿街界面更会感受到品牌展陈的立体印象。

“像素”不仅具有当代内涵,也将该商业空间与其周边悠久的城市历史环境联系起来:中信泰富广场的正对面就是这里保存最完好的弄堂之一,弄堂是由传统巷道房屋围起来的建筑群,通常有两到三层楼高,可追溯至20 世纪初,代表着典型的老上海风貌。像素立面消解了整个体块,使其与对面的旧建筑在规模上保持一致性;而全透明或半透明的玻璃幕墙与UHPC 混凝土板则让新旧之间产生了对话。



2 外立面局部 facade closeup

3 鸟瞰图 bird view

4 西南侧入口 southwest entrance

5 洗手间 washroom

如同是跟随购物者的双重流线一般,可定制的LED 屏幕以无限循环的方式贯穿整个中庭,让商城成为一个全新动态的多媒体空间。它们仿佛是脉动的数据流一般,将中信泰富广场的像素主题强化为充满未来感可读可观的效果。同时,在引人注目的电梯大堂中,玻璃砖墙壁上的像素化数字也再次强调了设计的概念。

为在上海这样竞争日益激烈的零售环境中脱颖而出,购物中心必须与时俱进,并让这些大体量的建筑全面无缝地融入城市公共空间。Kokaistudios 对中信泰富广场的精确改造便实现了这种平衡:作为一个全然灵活具备多媒体功能的时尚生活方式场所,它并没有突破静安区的天际线,而是补充丰富了城市肌理,使之更加多元而活力满载。

Kokaistudios’ recently completed architectural renovation project of CITIC SQUARE shopping mall epitomizes Shanghai’s inherent duality.With a futuristic aesthetic combining multimedia elements and some of today’s most soughtafter brands, it sits seamlessly alongside one of the city’s best-preserved examples of traditional,historic lane housing. Located in Jingan district on main thoroughfare Nanjing West Road, the transformed building’s pixel-inspired facade and carefully selected materials break the traditional‘box’ shape to blur the boundaries between city and mall, public and private.

Completed in 2000, the mall lacked several of the elements demand by today’s lifestyleled retail environment: flexible multimedia components; attractive outdoor spaces; and eye-catching interiors for high-profile, luxury F&B outlets. Kokaistudios’ interior and exterior renovation not only brings the mall up to date in terms of a destination shopping-hospitality experience, it successfully reintegrates CITIC SQUARE into the fabric of Shanghai by opening up previously hidden vistas, and playing on scale to complement the mall’s layered urban context.

1 室下中庭 the lower atrium

Pixels are central to Kokaistudios’ design approach. Their interpretation is both literal -such as the mall’s transparent grid facade - as well as conceptual: individual units that come together create a cohesive whole. They are most visible on the mall’s Nanjing Road frontage where an outdated glass and stone facade has been replaced by a series of large-sized rectangles and squares of varying dimensions and gradated opacities, each protruding from the building’s core volume to create the impression of floating.Effectively acting as individual shop windows, this‘pixel’ approach allows tenants to customize their own vitrines. Because each cube juts out from the building, passing street traffic is subject to three-dimensional impressions of the storefronts’exterior.

Despite their contemporary connotations,the ‘pixels’ connect the mall to its historic urban context. Directly opposite is one of the city’s best-preserved lòngtáng: typical of Shanghai and dating from the early twentieth century,they are walled compounds of traditional lane housing, usually two- to three-storeys in height.CITIC SQUARE’s pixels facade create a scale in keeping with the older architecture opposite. The dialogue between old and new continues through the frontage’s materials of fully transparent glass panes, semi-opaque glass bricks, and UHPC concrete panel.

A network of gardens both sunken and floating further blur the boundaries between private and public space, CITIC SQUARE and the city of Shanghai. These include terraces atop each of the facade’s pixel windows, significantly enhancing stores’ attractiveness to shoppers by the unique views. Previously a repository for the mall’s mechanical functions and equipment, the roof has also been transformed into an outdoor dining area for CITIC SQUARE’s anchor F&B tenant and the square outdoor activity area.In an expansion of the mall’s footprint, a twin sunken garden has been installed on its eastern side, mirroring an existing one to the West.The intervention facilitates flow through CITIC SQUARE’s basement level which will focus predominantly on lifestyle.

2 电梯厅数字墙 signage wall of the elevator hall

3 南立面夜景 south facade night view

The design approach of breaking up the big-box mall continues inside the space, where a formerly vast atrium is now dissected by a mezzanine. Because lower levels’ flagship custom made facades allows for greater light control as opposed to upper floors’ abundance of transparent glass, the platform creates two distinct atmospheres, signalling shoppers’ journey between fashion below, and F&B above. The renovation also shifts visitor flow from up and down, to through the space thanks to escalators at the mall’s two entrances, both of which have been configured to anticipate their likely demographic. For example, the East entrance opens into a lifestyle space due to its proximity to Nanjing Xi Lu subway station. The West entrance is close to nearby luxury shopping destination Plaza 66, and guides visitors towards thematically similar high-end fashion.

Like a secondary circulation tracking that of shoppers, LED screens run throughout the atrium in an infinite loop. Fully customizable, they update the mall into a dynamic multimedia space.Resembling a pulsating data flow, they reinforce CITIC SQUARE’s pixel theme to digital, literal,and futuristic effect. The design trope is revisited in an abstract way in striking lift lobbies, where walls of glass bricks create impactful pixelated numbers.

In order to stand out in Shanghai’s increasingly congested retail landscape, malls must move with the times. At the same time, these large-footprint buildings must be comprehensively and seamlessly incorporated into public spaces.Kokaistudios’ smart renovation of CITIC SQUARE achieves just this balance: now a fully flexible multimedia, lifestyle venue, it doesn’t dominate the Jingan skyline; rather it complements a rich,varied urban fabric.
