
2022-10-21 09:21四川张世玉
疯狂英语·新策略 2022年10期

四川 张世玉

中国互联网营销从业人员已超1,000 万人,成为社会经济发展的一个亮点。而只有强调校准价值航标、提升专业水准、加强行业自律,“网红”经济才能实现长足发展。

主题语境:社会 篇幅:325词 建议用时:6分钟

Recently, China punished social media influencers for their evasion (逃避) of taxes.Those social media influencers are paid by brands to promote products online to followers.One of them,a camgirl,has already been fined$1,341 million for not declaring her income.The industry accounts for 12% of online sales in China. Outside China, influencers are also likely to have an enduring role in e-commerce. For all firms with brands—and together those brands are worth over $7 billion—it is time to realise that influencing is more than just a hobby.

The use of personal endorsements (代言) used to be about making use of celebrity power. Michael Jordan's deal in 1984 with Nike revolutionised both basketball and branding. Influencers turn the logic on their head: Selling things helps make them more famous.

Influencers' staying power suggests that they add value in several ways. They can save money:Elon Musk is an honorary influencer whose online presence lets Tesla do without any conventional advertising. Influencers' networks reach new audiences, particularly younger shoppers. Influencers are technologically proficient in a way that old-style brand ambassadors never were.They are quick to adapt to newer platforms.

Yet one-third of brands do not use influencers. They worry about hurting their reputation.They think the industry is full of cheat.Despite this,ignoring influencers is a mistake.Their share of digital advertising budgets is still low at perhaps 3%,but it is rising fast.

To get the most out of influencers, brands should set a clear strategy. They should expect more regulation on consumer protection: Measures may include limits on spending and content rules. The guiding principle should be to use only influencers who disclose to their audiences that their posts are paid. Brands should also embrace new analytical tools that help them judge the performance of influencers, sorting the disguised artists from the stars.

Reading Cheak

1.Why does the author mention Elon Musk in paragraph 3?

A.To promote his intelligence in advertising.

B.To say influencers add value in different ways.

C.To prove he is good at adapting to newer platforms.

D.To explain why he reaches younger shoppers easily.

2.What can we know about one-third of brands who don't use influencers?

A.They are afraid of their fame being harmed.

B.They can't tell disguised artists from the stars.

C.Their share of digital advertising budgets is low.

D.Their influencers brings them much value.

3.What attitude should we hold towards social media influencers?

A.Judging their performance in advance.

B.Using them selectively and taking some measures.

C.Giving them more space to perform personally.

D.Improving their audiences'awareness of protection.

4.Who is probably the text written for?

A.The tax authorities.

B.Social media influencers.

C.Companies with brands.

D.Officials of the government.

Language Study

Text-centered ch unks

more than 比……更;超过

used to(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经

adapt to 适应

get the most out of 充分利用;发挥……的最大功效

Britain's“Shark House”
每一个人的努力, 都不会被辜负