The Study of Chinese Characters and Language December,2022

2022-10-08 09:09:06
汉字汉语研究 2022年4期

HUANG Xiquan,A Tentative Analysis of Newly-Discovered Bronze Inscriptions on the Early Western Zhou Dynasty Bronze Zun

Belonging to the period King Mu(穆)of the Western Zhou Dynasty,the inscription on the newly-discovered bronze Zun(ritual wine vessel)has not been recorded.It can be interpreted as“韩逑作妊庚尊彝。氒史” after comparing it with the relevant bronzes.Here are two interpretations of the last three characters for further study in the academic community.

Key Words:Newly-Discovered,Bronze Zun(ritual wine vessel),Ren Geng(妊庚),Bi Shi(史),Tentative Analysis

CHEN Zijun,Research on the Character “” of theJia Gu Wen He Ji《甲骨文合集》No.10405

This paper suggests that the oracle bone inscriptionwhich is the radical ofand,together with the characters,that used to be interpreted aszan(瓒),are the initial pictograph ofshao(勺).These characters refer to the ancestral temple buildings in the oracle inscriptions,read asmiao(庙)according to He Jingcheng .The character “” in the sentence of “五日丁丑,王宾中丁(勺-庙),在(庭)阜” of theJia Gu Wen He Ji(《甲骨文合集》)No.10405,10406,means to walk down the ladder and implies a situation of falling.The main idea of the above sentences is:on the f ifth day,after holdingbin ji(宾祭)inzhongding(中丁)temple,the king fell when he got down the stairs.

Key Words:Zan(瓒),Shao(勺),Miao(庙)

ZHANG Ronghui,New Annotation of Residual Indecipherable Words in Slip 5 of Zhi Shu Nai Yan(《志书乃言》)in the Chu Bamboo Scripts of Warring States Reserved in Shanghai Museum

The writing of residual indecipherable word “” behindyou(又)in slip 5 ofZhi Shu Nai Yan(《志书乃言》)in the Chu bamboo scripts of Warring States in Shanghai Museum(8th)is similar to the wordliang(良)in slip 5 ofWang Ju(《王居》),which could be residual indecipherable word ofliang(良).Therefore,“善” could meanliang shan(良善).

Key Words:the Chu Bamboo Scripts of Warring States in Shanghai Museum,Zhi Shu Nai Yan(《志书乃言》),Liang(良),Tentative Completion of the Missing Text

WANG Zhuxun,Textual Research on the Relationship Between Chinese Characters and Words of Zi (訾),Zi(赀)and Zi(资)Based on Qin &Han Bamboo Slips

In the process of spreading,some characters in the early documents might be changed by contemporary writing,which led to confusion in the dictionary and annotated materials about the meaning ofZi(訾)andZi(赀)in terms of recording“property”.By using the unearthed Qin &Han bamboo slips and silk documents unmodif ied by later generations,this paper examined the relationship between Chinese characters and words ofZi(訾),Zi(赀)andZi(资)from the perspective of lexical meaning,so as to clarify the time whenZi(訾)was replaced byZi(赀)to record property meanings.It was roughly in the period of the West and East Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties.On this basis,we further sort out the relevant word usage in the transmitted documents.

Key Words:Qin &Han Bamboo Slips,Zi(訾),Zi(赀),Zi(资),Relationship Between Chinese Characters and Words,Chinese Characters Used in Classics

HUANG Yanping,On the Use of the Place Name Jiaode(角得)in the Bamboo Slips from Jianshuijinguan

The place nameLude(觻得)is frequently seen in the bamboo slips of the Han Dynasty of Northwest Garrison,but often replaced byJiaode(角得),Lede(乐得)orLude(禄得)to refer to the same place in bamboo slips from Jianshuijinguan.Some researchers consider these cases as simplified forms of complicated writing,while others believe they appeared as a result of the name change ofJiaode(角得)andLede(乐得)during the Xinmang Period.We believe that the charactersjiao(角)orle(乐)may not be a mere omission of components in terms of character usage since they are phonetically compatible with the characterlu(觻).Thus,in the writing,only the left or right component of the characterlu(觻)are written instead.This is a unique character usage habit of the Jianshuijinguan area during the Xinmang Period.

Key Words:Bamboo Slips from Jianshuijinguan,Place Name,Jiaode(角得),Lede(乐得),Interchangeability Characters

WANG Pengyuan,Ideographicization-Through-Deformation of Ancient Chinese Cha racters:A Preliminary Investigation

This paper reviews the current research on “ideographicization-through-deformation”,identif ies its concept and sorts out the relationships among “ideographicization”,“ideographicizationthrough-deformation” and “reconstruction of reasoning”.Besides,it analyzes the phenomenon of“ideographicization-through-deformation” in ancient writing and official-regular script stages with examples.

Key Words:Ideographicization-Through-Deformation,Conf iguration,Ancient Chinese Characters

CHEN Xiaoqiang,Research on the Variant Chinese Character Standard in Ganlu Zishu(《干禄字书》)

Ganlu Zishu(《干禄字书》)is a representative work of orthography in the Tang dynasty.Exploring its normative concept in Chinese characters has great theoretical significance on the orthographical research and provides guidance for the standardization of modern Chinese characters work.Through the research on its relation analysis of zheng(正)、tong(通)、su(俗),this paper explores the concepts of variant Chinese character standard,including the social nature of the text,the text structure justif ications,the text conf iguration system and the law of character development.

Key Words:Yan Yuansun,Ganlu Zishu(《干禄字书》),Standard of Chinese Characters,Variant Form of a Chinese Character

JIANG Shifeng,Feng Cong,Five Textual Studies and Interpretation of Common Words in Baojuan(宝卷)

Baojuan(宝卷)is a kind of folk literature,tending to use the folk form of Chinese characters.By discussing the popular forms of 泼(splashing),放(releasing),颤(trembling),樵(woodcutter)and 硬壳壳(hard shell)in Baojuan,it is found that in this kind of literature,po(泼)andbo(拨)are often mixed in actual use.Fang(),qiao(㨦),zhan(頕)are common forms offang(放),qiao(樵)andzhan(颤)respectively,andyingqueque(硬壳壳)is the popular writing ofyingqueque(硬确确).Besides,fang()andqia o(㨦)could be traced to follow in the distortion o f glyphs,zhan(頕)andz han(颤)are the replacements of sou nd radial,que(确)andque(壳)are synonymous.

Key Words:Baojuan,Folk Form of Chinese Characters,Character

DAI Qifei,New Research on Ti-hu(醍醐)in Philology

It’s unclear whetherTi-hu(醍醐)stems from transliteration or free translation.It should not be a loanword.Ti-hu(醍醐)was originally written asTi-hu(䬫餬)inTong Su Wen(《通俗文》)by Fu Qian(服虔)in the Eastern Han Dynasty,which has the same meaning with“酪酥(ghee)”.According to records,the Chinese translation of Buddhist scriptures were mostly questionable and could be dated as late as after the Western Jin Dynasty.Ti-hu(䬫餬)should be regarded as an structure of modif ication.Ti(䬫)was named from the nationality “Di(氐)” who lived in northern China.AndHu(餬)was the paste food,whose etymological formation is supposed to be based on the production area and the original ethnicity,ref lecting the ethnic integration and the spread of Buddhism in the Han and Jin Dynasties.SinceTi-hu(醍醐)was taken as the equivalent word for Sanskrit word “arpir-maa” in translating Buddhist scriptures in the Western Jin Dynasty,its lexical meaning tended to be dominated by new meaning “the best dairy products” and widely spread as a metaphor,namely,the highest state of Buddhism.From the standardized form 䬫餬 to the vulgar form 醍醐,it has b een inf luenced by word-building motivation,assimilation of character component and merging of rhyme category.“餬(sponge)” is a contextual meaning coming from 餬(paste).醍(Ti-hu)-醍(red clear liquor)is a group of homograph which cannot be mixed up.In some poems and proses,“Ti-hu(醍醐)” seems to have lexical meaning “clear liquor” or “purchase liquor”,however the two meaning items are both context meaning from literary rhetoric.

Key Words:Ti-hu(醍醐),Loanword,Buddhist Linguistics,Relationship of Chinese Characters and Words

YOU Shuai,Three Items About Analysing the Rationale for Naming Things Recorded in Dialect—On the Reference Value of Synonymous Name

This paper distinguishes and analyzes the rationale for naming three nouns inDialectwhich has not been properly dealt with in previous studies,includingYangtou(羊头),Wangsun(蚟孙),Fuyu(蚨虶).It is pointed out that there are often referential clues to the rationale for naming synonymous name,which should be paid attention to and combed consciously.The comprehensive consideration of habit characteristics,cultural perspective and other aspects will help us avoid subjective involvement as much as possible and provide research conclusions that are more in line with the standards of scientif ic etymology.

Key Words:Dialect,Synonymous Name,Rationale for Naming,Etymology

LI Jun,An Exploration of the Etymological Meaning Gao(高)of Jie(揭)in Anjie(按揭)and Characters with Phonetic Elements he(曷)and jie(桀)

Anjie(按揭)is a dialect word rather than a loanword,which is constructed byjie(揭).Not only becausejie(揭)has the meaning of “borrowing”,but alsojie(揭)and the characters with phonetic elementshe(曷)andjie(桀)are cognate words with the meaning ofgao(高,high).Therefore,anjie(按揭)should be interpreted as “high interest loan for mortgaged goods”,which can remedy the misinterpretation of the dictionary.

Key Words:Cognate Words,Anjie(按揭),the Character with the Phonetic ElementHe(曷),the Character with the Phonetic ElementJie(桀),Etymological Meaning ofGao(高)

GAO Xiaojun,Interpretation of Yinghoushunde (应侯顺德)in Shijing·Daya·Xiawu(《诗经·大雅·下武》)and of the Poem Structure

Yinghou(应侯)inYinghoushunde(应侯顺德)inShijing·Xiawu(《诗经·下武》)is not a human name.“Ying(应)” should be “ying(膺)”,and “hou(侯)” should be the misuse of “yi(殹)”,the meaning of which is “yi(伊)”,the same as “nai(乃)”and “wei(维)”.Shunde(顺德)s hould be interpreted as the virtue of obedience.The main body of the whole sentence is Kin g Wu of Zhou(武王),which has nothing to do with King Cheng(成王).Ther efore,the text structure of the whole poem should not be divided into two parts,but an integral part according to the traditional interpretationofMao Zhuan(《毛传》).The word “chengwang(成王)” in the poemchengwangzhifu(成文之孚)does not refer to the recitation of Zhou Cheng Wang.Cheng(成)should be regard as a verb and means to achieve.

Key Words:Yinghoushunde(应侯顺德),Hou(侯),Yi(殹),Shunde(顺德)

CHANG Guangyu,An Explication of Jie Chong Huo(皆重获)in Zuo Zhuan (《左传》)

In the textJie Chong Huo Zai Mu Xia(皆重获在木下)recorded inZuo Zhuan(《左传》),there are many discrepancies in the explications ofchong(重)andhuo(获).Based on an analysis of related viewpoints,t h is article believ es that the meaning of the wordjie(皆)is very important for the interpretation of this sentence.It demonstrates thatjie(皆)is a cognate and generic character ofxie(偕),which means “both sides being together”.The current pronunciation ofchong(重)should be pronounced aschóng,meaning “overlap”.Huo(获),in its common use,has the meaning “obtain”,while in its literal use,has the meaning “find”.Based on the correct interpretation of this sentence,we can see that the cruel impact of Zhao’s authority inJin(晋)and the breakdown of ethical spirits in Spring and Autumn Period.

Key Words:Jie Chong Huo(皆重获),War ofBi(邲),Exegesis on Ancient Chinese Language,Zuo Zhuan(《左传》)
