钩沉文史脉络 重现鲜活记忆

2022-09-26 11:52:32严粒粒
文化交流 2022年9期

文 / 严粒粒 胡 婷

杭州余杭良渚古城外围水系统—秋坞水坝遗址。林天立/摄The site of Qiuwu Dam, part of the water conservancy system of the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City. Photo by Lin Tianli.


为深入阐述、传承灿烂厚重的浙江历史文化,讲好浙江的历史人文故事, 2018年,由浙江省文史研究馆发起的《浙江文史记忆》丛书编纂工作正式启动;2020年,在各地相关部门的支持下,丛书编纂工作在11个设区市全面铺开。丛书力求从文史视角,系统介绍浙江的主要文明演进、重要历史文化人物和重大文史事件。



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追古述今 勾勒人文历史脉络


丛书省卷字数30万字左右,市县一级每卷字数15万至25万字不等; 丛书书写的故事以时间(朝代)为序,从史前文明曙光初照起,绵延先秦、秦汉六朝、隋唐五代、宋元明清、辛亥革命,以及新中国成立以来各个时期。




杭州余杭良渚古城遗址出土的黑陶纹饰展开状。良渚管委会/供图Patterns on the black pottery excavated at the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City. Photo provided by Hangzhou Liangzhu Archaeological Site Administrative District Management Committee.

杭州余杭良渚反山遗址出土的玉琮王。良渚管委会/供图A king jade cong excavated at the Fanshan Cemetery of the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City. Photo provided by Hangzhou Liangzhu Archaeological Site Administrative District Management Committee.








厚史“小书” 生动讲述文史记忆
















每年7月6日是“杭州良渚日”。2022年7月6日,作为良渚古城遗址外围水利系统重要组成的老虎岭遗址公园首次向公众开放。董旭明 徐彦 摇慧敏/摄The Hangzhou Liangzhu Day falls on July 6 every year. On July 6, 2022, the Laohuling Ruins Park, an important part of the water conservancy system surrounding the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, was opened to the public for thefirst time. Photo by Dong Xuming, Xu Yan and Yao Huimin.

Reviving Culture and History Memories of Zhejiang

By Yan Lili Hu Ting

Culture is a river that comes from the past, passes through the present and flows into the future. On this river, Zhejiang culture is like a bright pearl that shines from the past to the present.

To elaborate and inherit the splendid rich culture and history of Zhejiang, and tell the humanistic stories of the province,Zhejiang Research Institute of Culture and History initiated the compilation of a book series titled “Memory of Zhejiang Culture and History”. Officially launched in 2018, 11 prefecturallevel cities carried out the project in full swing starting in 2020,with the support of relevant departments. The book series seeks to systematically introduce the major civilizational evolution,important culturalfigures and major cultural and historical events in Zhejiang from a cultural and historical perspective.

With a total of 98 volumes, the series consists of 1 provincial volume, 11 city-level volumes, 86 volumes of counties (cities and districts). Itfills the gap of Zhejiang’s cultural and historical achievements in terms of universality and regionality.

2019年9月25日,刚完工的互联网之光博览中心亮相乌镇。倪雁强 魏衍方/摄The Light of the Internet Expo Center makes its debut in Wuzhen on September 25, 2019. Photo by Ni Yanqiang and Wei Yanfang.

On August 1, thefirst batch of the book series, namely the provincial volume and the volumes on Jiaxing city and its counties(cities) were the first to come out. The whole series is expected to be released successively by the end of this year. A few days ago, we had a conversation with the editors to further clarify the characteristics, value and significance of the book series.

Why do we need to remember culture and history? “Age-old history and culture are our roots and soul, and people of any era can only build on what their ancestors have left.” The quote from the introduction of the provincial volume answers this question in a broad stroke.

In 2003, Zhejiang proposed to “accelerate the construction of a culturally strong province”. In the past decade, Zhejiang has transformed itself from a culturally big province to a “culturally strong” province, pointing to a cultural high ground in the new era.

Since the start of the project in 2018, the Zhejiang Research Institute of Culture and History has held more than 30 meetings on various topics, gathered together experts of the institute to do field research for more than 20 times, and involved more than 1,000 people in the project at the provincial, city and county levels.

The word count of the provincial volume is about 300,000 Chinese characters, and those for city and county volumes range from 150,000 to 250,000. The contents are written in chronological order, from the dawn of prehistoric civilization to the various periods since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

“The thousands-year civilization of Zhejiang is an entirety.Therefore, the editors were not in favor of dividing the manuscripts into pure historical records as thefirst half and stories as the second half. That would seem like a mechanical patchwork,and all the characters and events would lack an overall historical background,” Wang Yongchang, director of the Zhejiang Research Institute of Culture and History, said.

Therefore, in terms of content layout, each volume, and each chapter, begins with an overview of the historical evolution and development of the period, making it easy for readers to understand immediately the features of the historical development of Zhejiang during the said periods.

Like the diversified Chinese civilization, this book series also has a wide selection of topics.

As Wang said, the contents of the series are not confined to the “humanistic culture” in its narrow sense but cover the history and essence of Zhejiang’s development in culture, history,philosophy, science, education, arts, among other aspects.

Culture and history do not represent the past only, for all histories start from the present. Zhejiang, keeping pace with the times, is showing the world her new style.

The provincial volume records such landmark events: since the Reform and Opening-up, Zhejiang township enterprises and private enterprises have emerged; new achievements in modernization at the turn of the century have developed; “the Double Eight Strategies” have been brought up as the overall guide for the development of Zhejiang; “the Red Boat Spirit” wasfirst proposed; the philosophy of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” has shown both theoretical power and practical vitality; Zhejiang as the first province nationwide to complete the task of poverty eradication is primarily promoting common prosperity ...

The number of participants and the editing work, and the scope of the project are unprecedented in the history of the Zhejiang Research Institute of Culture and History. In the process of implementing such a huge project, there are bound to be many difficulties to overcome and different ideas to unify.

For the provincial volume alone, the institute held more than 20 meetings to study manuscript revisions; nearly 100 experts were organized to review the contents of various parts. Among them is Wang Xufeng, a member of the institute and winner of the Mao Dun Literature Prize, who conducted as many as 18 rounds of manuscript revision.

The series is both a “big book” that looks at the past and the present, and a “small book” that is concise and easy to read — being true to history as the foundation, it is targeted for the general public as a popular reading and needs to balance literary, historical and informative elements.

History has both “bright” and “dark” sides. During her writing, Wang Xufeng rejected the suggestion to avoid some “dark”aspects of history and make stories “nice and bright”. “No history of a feudal dynasty is completely glorious,” she said. She believes that the experience drawn from history is worth noting, and the lessons should be learned.

杭州岳王庙。陈莹/摄The Yufei Temple in Hangzhou city. Photo by Chen Ying.

Wang is quite a suitable author for the book series. She studied history and is a professional historian; she has writtenand has a good knowledge of historical and cultural sites and people around Zhejiang; she is a Mao Dun Literature Prize winner and is comfortable with literary writing.Beginning in 2020, based on her first draft of the provincial volume, the compilation work on the city- and county-level volumes has been carried out comprehensively.

But could authors like Wang be found at the county level?For the counties that do not have culture and history research institutes, which body should be in charge of this project locally?Zhejiang Research Institute of Culture and History was faced with such a dilemma.

Soon, the enthusiasm of the cities dispelled this concern.Under the coordination of local publicity departments, the compilation and publication of city- and county-level volumes have been vigorously promoted, and some places even set up editorial committees to pool the compilation resources.

Although the publication of the book series still has more than a half to complete, the editorial committee hopes that in the future the book series could become a favorite reading for the public, and a cultural “golden card” for building Zhejiang into a cultural high ground in the new era.

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