画牡丹 盼和平

2022-09-26 11:52:36/
文化交流 2022年9期

文 / 周 丰

第七届宁波国际大学生节系列活动中,康斯坦丁指导外籍大学生画牡丹。Kostyantyn (far left) teaches international students to paint peonies at the 7th Ningbo International University Students Festival.


今年5月底,宁波红牡丹书画国际交流社(以下简称“国际交流社”)创始人姜红升发了一条微信朋友圈,言语中充满骄傲。原来,他的得意门生—来自乌克兰的康斯坦丁(Kostyantyn Shestopalov)为了迎接六一国际儿童节,在家乡敖德萨自办的中国文化海外课堂(宁波红牡丹乌克兰分社)上,教授亲友邻里们绘画中国牡丹花,以此表达和平之意以及对美好生活的追求。“愿和平友爱,长住人间。”姜红升在微信朋友圈中写道。这一刻,他的心和万里之外的弟子连在了一起。







2016年4月28日,康斯坦丁走进宁波鄞州高级中学,指导学生们画牡丹。Kostyantyn teaches students to paint peonies at Yinzhou Senior High School in Ningbo on April 28, 2016.











Blooming Peonies: Messages of Peace

By Zhou Feng

“Unexpectedly, this red peony blooms in Ukraine during the war, under the innocent brush of a young boy.” In late May, Jiang Hongsheng, the founder of Ningbo Red Peony Calligraphy and Painting International Exchange Club, proudly posted a picture in his WeChat “Moments”. It showed that Kostyantyn Shestopalov,his favorite student from Ukraine, taught his relatives, friends and neighbors at the Chinese Culture Overseas Classroom (Ningbo Red Peony, Ukraine Branch) in his hometown Odessa on the eve of the International Children’s Day. They painted Chinese peony flowers to express their yearning for peace and a better life.

In 2012, Jiang founded an international exchange club in Ningbo in the hope that before foreign friends leave China, they will have a new understanding of Chinese culture. Gradually,the International Exchange Club has become the base camp for international friends in Ningbo, where people from all over the world learn Chinese folk culture and share their experiences in China.

In May 2014, thefirst phase of Ningbo Rail Transit Line 1 opened for trial operation. As one of the officially invited foreign guests, Kostyantyn experienced the clean and advanced Chinese subway. After that, the foreign guests came to Jiang’s International Exchange Club to experience the process of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy and understand the aesthetics of traditional Chinese culture. It was meant for an ordinary encounter among strangers, but to Jiang’s surprise, Kostyantyn came to visit alone the next day and asked to learn painting. “During the conversation, I learned that he had worked in Taiwan province for four years. Although he loved painting, he never found a venue for learning Chinese painting and calligraphy. In the end, it was my club that brought him a ‘treasure’. ”

Every Monday and Friday, as long as Kostyantyn was free, he would bring his family and compatriots to the club to learn how to paint peonies, and he also practiced writing seal script. As Jiang recollects, as Kostyantyn painted peony flowers, he attached the word “Prosperity” in Chinese small seal script, expecting that his motherland would be as prosperous as this flower.

In August 2021, Kostyantyn returned to Ukraine. By then,he had been learning Chinese painting and calligraphy skills for seven years. Before leaving, Jiang awarded him the Certificate of a Qualified Teacher for International Communication of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, which meant that he could open an overseas branch of the International Exchange Club. “It was Kostyantyn’s idea. He wanted to bring the beautiful, happy and fortunate meaning and image of the peony back to his hometown,and he also wrote a teaching manual for this purpose.” Jiang reveals that as early as 2016, Kostyantyn went to Yinzhou Senior High School in Ningbo to instruct Chinese students to draw peonies and mastered a lot of teaching skills.

Before leaving China, Kostyantyn wrote in the message book of the International Exchange Club, “‘Made in China’ can be found all over the world, but I prefer to bring this unique art of China to Ukraine as an eternal spiritual wealth.” Kostyantyn quickly established the Ningbo Red Peony Ukraine Branch, which has since operated eight calligraphy and painting courses with more than 300 students. The photos that Kostyantyn posted on WeChat show many elderly people and children in his painting class using a brush to draw lifelike peony flowers on rice paper.

Kostyantyn is not only an artistic youth, but also a fruitful scientist. In 2013, he came to Ningbo to do postdoctoral research at NingboTech University. As the first foreign postdoctoral fellow in Ningbo, he conducted research on refrigeration technology driven by heat, using nanoparticles and nano-oil to improve the efficiency of vapor compression refrigeration systems, and systematic research on the coupling of solar liquid dehumidification refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

On October 31, 2018, the Zhejiang Provincial Government awarded Kostyantyn the “West Lake Friendship Award”, the highest honor established in recognition of foreign experts’outstanding contributions to Zhejiang’s economic and social development and talent training.

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