
2022-09-23 08:24重庆周国兵
疯狂英语·新读写 2022年9期

重庆 周国兵


主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:340词 建议用时:7分钟

1Art can often seem inaccessible because it has been stereotyped in popular culture as something that only particularly educated or wealthy people can enjoy. However,this can't be further from the truth! Anyone can come to appreciate art with a little bit of time and effort.

2Understand the historical context of the time when the art was produced. Artists often create works to comment on major historical events, and this can give you a window into their unique perspectives.

3Find out the genre of the painting. If you're looking at a painting, knowing what genre it belongs to can be helpful. Genres are essentially categories that are used to classify art.

4Learn about the art movements or schools that influenced the piece. Art movements were surges in popularity of certain ways of creating art. An art “school” is basically just a group of artists, sometimes all in the same region, who all have a similar style or subject matter. Knowing a little bit about these can help you understand why an artist might have made certain choices.

5Read up on the life and perspective of the artist. Learning a bit about the artist who created a piece can help shed light on it in a variety of ways. It can help you understand why artists made certain artistic decisions, or chose to make the work at all in the first place.

6Learn when the piece was produced. Art museums typically have informational plaques next to each work that will provide basic information about the piece. Knowing when a piece of artwork was created can help you appreciate the difficulty involved in making it.

7Offer your own interpretation of what the art means. Part of the fun of viewing art is that you get to come up with your own story about it! Art is very subjective, so even if your interpretation of a piece isn't exactly what the artist intended, it's okay! There is often not just one right answer. What's important is that you make a genuine effort to extract meaning from the works.

Reading Check

Language Study

Ⅰ. Discover useful structures in the text

1. why引导宾语从句

Knowing a little bit about these can help you understand why an artist might have made certain choices. 对这些有所了解可以帮助你理解为什么艺术家会做出某些选择。

2. that引导表语从句

What's important is that you make a genuine effort to extract meaning from the works. 重要的是你要真正努力从作品中提取意义。

Ⅱ. Memorize some theme-centered chunks

find out 查明;弄清

belong to 属于

be used to 适用于

a group of 一群

read up on 广泛阅读;博览群书

come up with 想出;提出

每一个人的努力, 都不会被辜负