1. Washington was the first state to celebrate Father's Day.
In 1909,SpokaneresidentSonoraSmartDodd was listening to a Mother's Day sermonat her local church when she had the idea to tryand establish a similar day to honor the hard-workingfathersof thecommunity. Dodd wasthe daughter of a widower and Civil War veter-an named William JacksonSmart, who raisedsix children on his own after his wife died dur-ing childbirth.
She contacted local church groups, govern-mentofficials, YMCAs, businesses,andotherofficial entities, hoping to gather the communi-ty to recognize fathers around the state of Wash-ington. ThecampaignDoddembarkeduponwouldeventuallyculminateinthefirststate-wide Father's Day celebration in 1910.
2. That Father's Day takes place on thethirdSundayinJunejusthappenedbyaccident.
While Father's Day always takes place onthe third Sunday of June now, that date was ac-
tuallyacompromiseaftertheoriginalturned out to be unrealistic. Dodd's goal was for the holiday to be observed on June 5 to land on her father's birthday, but when the mayor of Spo- kane and local churches asked for more time to prepareforallthefestivitiesinvolved,itwas moved to the third Sunday in June, where it re- mains today. Officially, the first Father's Day celebration took place on June 19, 1910.
3. Roses were originally a big part of the Father's Day celebration.
The first Father's Day included a church service where daughters would hand red roses to their fathers during the mass. The roses were also pinned onto the clothing of children to fur- ther honor their fathers—red roses for a still-liv- ingfatherandawhiteroseforthedeceased. Dodd also brought roses and gifts to any father in the community who was unable to make it to the service. This gave birth to the now- nearly- forgottentraditionof rosesasthecustomary flower of Father's Day.
4. Father's Day is a big day for the hum- ble greeting card.
Father's Day means big business for the greeting card industry. The holiday is the fourth most popular day for exchanging cards, with ap- proximately 72 million flying off shelves annu- ally. Hallmark—which has been producing Fa- ther's Day cards since the early 1920s—boasts more than 800 different designsfor dad, with humorcardsaccountingfor 25