Mantle cell lymphoma with endobronchial involvement:A case report

2022-06-30 03:29YiZongDingDaoQiangTangXiaoJingZhao
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年8期


Mantle cell lymphoma(MCL)is a subtype of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma(NHL).Over expression of cyclin D1 and reciprocal chromosomal translocation t(11;14)(q13;q32)are the distinguishing features of MCL[1,2].MCL represents approximately 4%-6% of all NHL[3,4].This disease is more often diagnosed in male patients in their 60s and almost all patients present with advanced stages III–IV of the disease.Extranodal involvements,include the bone marrow,gastrointestinal tract,liver,spleen,skin,Waldeyer's ring,lacrimal glands and central nervous system,are very common[5,6].Even though,airway involvement is very rare[7-9].We represent here a case of MCL with endobronchial as well as multiple lymph node involvement.Bronchoscopy and mediastinoscopy biopsies of the endobronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes were done to confirm the diagnosis.


Chief complaints

A 56-year-old male patient arrived at the hospital complaining of dry cough for two months.

History of present illness

The patient suffered from dry cough for the past two months prior to his visit to our hospital.The chest computed tomography(CT)scan performed at the local hospital revealed a mass in the right upper lobe of the lung,with right lung hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathies.

“But there is more I need to tell you about Santa. I think you’re old enough to understand what I am going to share with you. Are you ready?” My dad had a warm gleam in his eyes and a soft expression on his face. I knew something big was up and and I was ready, ’cause I trusted him completely. He would never lie to me.

History of past illness

The patient had no prior medical history and was a smoker with 30 pack-years.

Laboratory tests revealed an increased percentage of neutrophilic leukocytes(78.4%)with normal hematocrit and platelet count values.His CYFRA 21-1 level was 4.03 ng/mL,which was far above the maximum normal limit(3.3 ng/mL).Other tumor markers were all in the normal range.

Personal and family history

The patient was healthy and have no personal or family history of tumors.

Physical examination

The patient presented mild coarse breath sounds in the right upper lung during auscultation.

Laboratory examinations

I recently heard a story from Stephen Glenn about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs. He was being interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he thought he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from others?

MCL is one of the most difficult-to-treat B-cell lymphomas[1].In previously untreated patients,conventional chemotherapy is the most common treatment and the remission rates is high.However,relapse within a few years is common and median survival of five to seven years is low[9].Proteasome inhibitors,mTOR inhibitors,and lenalidomide are available in addition to conventional chemotherapy for the treatment of relapsed MCL patients[1].But their mechanisms of action and determinants of efficacy were still unclear[9].

Imaging examinations

Chest enhanced CT scans revealed a central-type mass in the right lung with enlarged lymph nodes in the right lung hilar,mediastinal and bilateral axillary areas(Figure 1A).The CT also displayed thickening of the right bronchial wall(Figure 1B).PET-CT showed an increased uptake of 18-fludeoxyglucose in the mass of the right lung hilum and the fear of malignancy was a major concern.This examination also revealed lymph node metastases in the right lung hilar,mediastinal,celiac,right cervical,right supraclavicular and bilateral axillary areas(Figure 2).

Bronchoscopic examinations

Standing5 in front of the mirror, I conversed6 with my reflection. “You wanted to be a nurse didn’t you? Well, you’re almost a nurse. Now is your chance to find out what Christmas spirit really means.” Determined7 to make the best of it, I turned in early.

Mediastinoscopy examinations

In conclusion,we have reported a case of MCL with endobronchial involvement.MCL with endobronchial involvement is very rare and can be misdiagnosed as central-type lung cancer.PET-CT is recommended in MCL for differential diagnosis and the detection of extranodal sites.A pathological diagnosis can be based on bronchoscopy and endobronchial biopsy,but doctors are required to focus their efforts on collecting appropriate samples of tissue.

In other tales of the Children and the Ogre Aarne-Thompson classification, the children do not necessarily encounter a witch. The villain104 may be a giant, ogre, or other monster. You can read more on the Tales Similar to Hansel and Gretel page.Return to place in story.


The final diagnosis for this patient was MCL.


After the diagnosis of MCL,the patient was transferred to the hematology department of another hospital.The therapy was proceeded to rituximab and bendamustine maintenance.


A written informed consent was obtained from the patient included in this case report.


MCL is a kind of B cell aggressive NHL with the feature of hyperplasia of B-cells.These B-cells is a subset arising from antigen-experienced B cells resembling those found in the follicular mantle zones[1].Immunohistochemical staining was positive for Bcl-2,CD5,CD19,CD20 and cyclin D1 and negative for Bcl-6,CD10 and CD23[9].According to the latest research,SOX11 has been described as a very important diagnostic marker when cyclin D1 is negative as it is equally expressed in D1-positive and D1-negative MCL[9].

Although MCL was more likely to have extranodal involvement,endobronchial involvement is uncommon[5,6].As far as we know,only 5 cases of MCL with tracheobronchial involvement have been represented in the literature(Table 1)[1,2,10-12].Lymphoma with endobronchial involvement is divided into two types: Diffuse submucosal infiltration(type I)and localized solitary mass(type II)[13].Interestingly,all 5 cases exhibited a type I pattern[13].In contrast,the case presented in this report exhibited a type II pattern,and the mechanisms of endobronchial metastasis may be caused by direct bronchial invasion from a parenchymal mass or mediastinal mass.

Flexible bronchoscopy revealed mucosal infiltrative changes at the level of the right upper lobe inlet and the right upper lobe bronchus was obstructed(Figure 3).The other bronchial mucosa was normal.The mucosal endobronchial biopsy at the level of the right upper lobe inlet showed lymphoid hyperplasia.These cells were CD20 positive B-cells and Bcl-2,CD5,CD19,and cyclin D1 were also expressed.This result indicates the possibility of MCL.As the tissue sample of the endobronchial biopsy was insufficient,a mediastinoscopy biopsy of the mediastinal lymph nodes was scheduled.

Type II endobronchial MCL has a large chance of being diagnosed as central-type lung cancer.PETCT was useful in the differential diagnosis and detection of extranodal involvement.In addition,for detecting both nodal and extranodal involvement in patients with MCL,PET has a high sensitivity[14].

The diagnosis of MCL should be made on the basis of lymph node biopsy results,tissue,bone marrow,or blood phenol type[5].Typical positive results of immunohistochemistry and morphology of infiltrating small-to-medium-sized cells were displayed in most cases[15].In cases where endobronchial involvement is suspected,bronchoscopy with endobronchial biopsy results is an important and useful diagnostic tool.However,it is worth mentioning that the sample of tissue may be too small to determine a pathological diagnosis.In this case report,the patient underwent mediastinoscopy to obtain sufficient tissue from mediastinal lymph nodes,and then the diagnosis of MCL was confirmed.

5. A beautiful sweet cake: The Jack18 Zipes edition of the tale gives pancake instead (Complete 256).While wine does have symbolic19 associations (particularly as the blood of Christ or other sacrifices [Biedermann 383]), it seems used to show preference here. The cake and the wine show how much the mother values her eldest sons.Return to place in story.


Subcarinal lymph node biopsy was performed under mediastinoscopy.The specimen also showed lymphoid hyperplasia.The immunohistochemical staining showed that these cells were positive for Bcl-2,CD5,CD19,CD20,Cyclin D1 and SOX11 while negative for Bcl-6,CD3,CD10,CD21 and CD23.The percentage of Ki67 positive cells was 25%(Figure 4).Therefore,the diagnosis of MCL was confirmed.


Ding YZ collected the clinical data and wrote the manuscript;Tang DQ analyzed the clinical data;and Zhao XJ designed the work;all authors read and approved the final manuscript.

The review of recent communication exchanges with his wife indicated that he was tolerating chemotherapy well,with early signs of clinical response a year after the diagnosis.

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

As sad as she could be. She will have to clear his belongings13. When she was looking thru the drawers, she saw this insurance policy14, dated from the day they got married, beneficiary() is her. Together in that file there s this note.

We have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers.It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial(CC BYNC 4.0)license,which permits others to distribute,remix,adapt,build upon this work non-commercially,and license their derivative works on different terms,provided the original work is properly cited and the use is noncommercial.See:


Yi-Zong Ding 0000-0002-7240-3218;Dao-Qiang Tang 0000-0001-7277-7140;Xiao-Jing Zhao 0000-0003-4967-0905.

Liu JH

Panguite is an especially exciting discovery since it is not only a new mineral, but also a material previously unknown to science, says Chi Ma, a senior scientist and director of the Geological and Planetary Sciences division s Analytical Facility at Caltech and corresponding author on the paper.

The young man fetched the pillows, and shook out all the feathers, and oh! what quantities of them there were! He was thinking to himself, as he spread them out carefully, how lucky it was that the sun was so bright and that there was no wind, when suddenly a breeze sprang up, and in a moment the feathers were dancing high in the air


Liu JH