一般来说,学生在小学阶段、初中阶段与高中一年级时,所学过的词汇都是常用的词汇,在高一年级之后学过的词汇中的大部分词汇是高级词汇,即年级越高所学习的词汇越高级。这就要求我们在平时的复习备考中,多用高年级学过的高级词汇进行写作。如,用到carefully时用with caution代替,用到very时用more than代替,用到important时用significant代替,用到most of时用the majority of代替,用到impos-sible时用out of question代替等。阅卷老师在阅卷时看到比较高级的词汇时,会有耳目一新的感觉,从而给出高分。
例1: Tired of doing many exercises day and day,Mary realizes that she should improve the quality andefficiency of doing math problems.
改为:Fed up with doing many exercises day andday, Mary realizes that she should enhance the qualityand efficiency of doing math problems.
例2: As long as they stick to their ideals and nevergive up, they are sure to win.
改为:On condition that they hold on their idealstightly and never give up, they are bound to achieve tri-umph.
例3: We can help anyone at all times and hot cof-fee will be offered within 12 hours from 8:00 t0 20:00.
改为:We can assist anyone at all times and hot cof-fee is available within 12 hours from 8:00 t0 20:00.
分析上面的例子,可看出改写后的句子显得更高级一些,主要把一般性的常用词替换成了高级词汇或者固定搭配,如例1中的常见词汇improve被替换成了高级词汇enhance;例2中的常见的As long as被替换成了不常见的On condition that。
例4: Zhang Hang saw three little girls, they arepicking up rubbish by the river,talking and laughing.
改为:Zhang Hang saw three little girls who arepicking up rubbish by the river,talking and laughing.
例5:A1though she had been taught 10 times,shesti11 couldn't operate the machine t001 for making preci-SiOn panS.
改为:Having been taught 10血1es,s11e stiU couldn'topemte the machine t001 fbr making precision parts.
例6:You will be able to s01ve that dif![icult physicsproblem only after you have mastered the problem-s01v—ing SkillS.
改为:0nly afcer you have mastered the problem—s01ving skills wi11 you be able to s01ve that dimcultphysics problem。
考生在用高级词汇、复杂的句式基本写出书面表达的框架后,为了使句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间能够衔接或过渡得更自然、表达得更连贯,进而使全文更紧凑,考生在写作时应合理使用过渡性词汇。比如,表并列或者递进关系的词汇有:and,also,in ad—dition to,as weU as,moreover,not only...but also…,further more,what's worse/more等;表顺序的词汇有:now,bef-ore,then,earlier,after,firstly,aRerwards,1ater,secondly,to begin with等;表转折关系的词汇有:but,however,yet,on the contrary,on the otherhand,in spite of等;表因果关系的词汇有:because,so,therefore,since,as a result,thanks to,due to,othenⅣise等;表解释说明或列举事实的词汇有:for ex.ample,that is to say,such as,as f0110ws,take…for ex一锄ple,as f0110ws等;表陈述作者观点的词汇有:in myopinion,persona11y speaking,as f-ar as I'm concemed,from my point of view等;表总结的词汇有:finally,inconclusion, at last, in brief, in general, to sum up, inshort,on the whole等。
例7: In addition t0 55 positive comments, 31workers' views were either neutral, mixed, negative,or even missed the question.
例8: At that time, they didn't expect danger. Af-terwards,they trembled with fear.
例9:n's not a problem at all. On the other hand, it'sa great honor to help you and your mother.
例10: His admission to the ideal university islargely due to her efforts day and night.
分析上面的例子可知:例7中使用了in addition to意为“另外,除……之外”,例8中使用了afterwards意为“之后,然后”,例9中使用了on the other hand意为“(从)另一方面(来说)”,例10中使用了due to意为“由于”。这些过渡性词汇的使用,使句子之间衔接更自然、更紧凑,更有层次性。