
2020-10-29 05:45郝昌明
考试与评价·高一版 2020年2期




表示因果关系的过渡性词汇常见的有:as a result (结果), as a result of (因为……的结果), thanks to (多亏了)。

A terrible earthquake happened in this city; as a result, it was completely destroyed. 这个城市发生了可怕的地震,结果它被完全摧毁了。

As a result of the timely rain, all the crops were saved. 因为天下了一场及时雨,所有庄稼都得救了。

Thanks to your encouragement, my daughter became more confident. 多亏了你的鼓励,我的女儿变得更自信了。

由以上例句可以看出,使用as a result表示因果关系时原因在前,结果在后,原因和结果均由单句表达;使用as a result of和thanks to表示因果关系时,也是原因在前结果在后,但结果由单句表达,原因由名词或名词短语表达。这些过渡性词汇逻辑严密,情感浓烈。


表示递进关系的过渡性词汇有很多,比较常用的有:besides / what's more(更何况),what's worse / to make the matter worse / worse still / worse than all / worse than ever(更糟糕的是)。

You are sure to recover from your illness, because you're not seriously ill, and what's more, you have a good doctor. 你一定能康复,因为你的病并不严重,更何况你还有一个好医生。

You must give up smoking, because it will cost you much money, and what's worse, it will do harm to your health. 你必须戒烟,因为它会花掉你许多钱,更糟糕的是,它会伤害你的身体。

由以上例句可以看出besides与what's more通常连接肯定观点,为某一褒义观点提供理由。what's worse, to make the matter worse, worse still, worse than all, worse than ever通常连接否定观点,为某一贬义观点提供理由。使用这些过渡性词汇时后一个理由比前一个理由更充分、说服力更强。


表达公认观点的过渡性詞汇有as we all know, as is known to all,均表示“众所周知”。

As we all know, China is rich in natural resources. 众所周知,中国自然资源丰富。

As is known to all, the Chinese people are hard-working and brave. 众所周知,中国人民勤劳勇敢。

由以上例句可以看出,as we all know, as is known to all用在某一世人皆知的观点之前,使下文将要表达的观点可信度更高、说服力更强。


表达个人观点的过渡性词汇主要有:as far as I know / as far as I'm concerned (就我所知的而言), in my opinion / in the opinion of me (依我看), in the eyes of me (在我看来)。

As far as I know, Mary is never late for school. 就我所知而言,玛丽上学从不迟到。

As far as I'm concerned, she always lives alone. 就我所知而言,她一直独自生活。

In my opinion, your knowledge needs updating / to be updated. 依我看,你的知识需要更新。

In the opinion of me, this suggestion makes sense. 依我看,这个建议很有道理。

In the eyes of me, health is the most important thing in the world. 我认为健康是世界上最重要的东西。



表达并列观点的过渡性词汇常见的有:at the same time / in the meanwhile (与此同时), in addition (另外), on the other hand (另一方面)。

You should make good use of your time; at the same time, you should pay attention to your study method. 你应该充分利用时间,同时注意你的学习方法。

You should care for your students; in the meanwhile, you should be strict with them. 你应该关心你的学生,同时应该对他们严格要求。

I will read a story this evening; in addition, I will write a letter. 今天晚上我要读一篇小说,另外我还要写一封信。

You should believe in yourself; on the other hand, you should be modest. 你应该相信自己,另一方面也应该谦虚。



表示普遍规律的过渡性词汇常见的有:generally speaking (一般说来), in general (一般说来), all in all (总的说来), as you can imagine(正如你可以想象的)。

Generally speaking, boys are much taller than girls. 总的说来,男孩比女孩高得多。

In general, physics is more difficult than chemistry. 一般说来,物理比化学难学。

All in all, it is not good for us to learn to smoke. 总的说来,学会抽烟不是好事。



表示总结的过渡性词汇常见有的in a word, altogether,均表示“总之”。

His suggestion is considerate and easy to perform. In a word, it is a good one. 他的建议很周到,也容易操作。总之,这是一个很好的建议。

She is kind, clever and diligent. In a word, she is lovely. 她善良、聪明、勤奋,总之,她很可爱。



表示特定心情的过渡性词汇有:to one's joy / delight (令某人高兴的是), to one's surprise (令某人惊讶的是), to one's disappointment (令某人失望的是), to one's satisfaction (令某人满意的是), to one's pride (令某人自豪的是)。

To our joy / delight, our team won all the games. 令我们高兴的是,我们队赢得了所有比赛。

To our disappointment, he didn't pass the driving test. 令我们失望的是,他没有通过驾驶考试。

To our surprise, he dared to get angry with his teacher. 令我们惊讶的是,他敢和老师发火。

To our satisfaction, he worked out the difficult problem at his first attempt. 令我们满意的是,他第一次尝试就解出了这道难题。

To our pride, our son was admitted into a key university. 令我们骄傲的是,我们的儿子被一所重點大学录取了。


表示转折的过渡性词汇常见的有however, nevertheless,表示“然而”。

Some students think playing computer games is good for us. However, other students don't think so. 一些学生认为打电脑游戏对我们有好处,然而别的学生并不这么认为。

This kind of fruit is not very good to look at. However, it is very sweet to eat. 这种水果不好看,然而很好吃。



表示顺序的过渡性词汇常见的有:first (第一,首先), second (第二), then (然后), finally / at last / in the end (最后)。

I will read many books this evening. First, I'll begin with this book. 今天晚上我要读许多书。首先,我要从这本书开始。

First, he saw a film. Then, he went swimming. 首先,他看了一场电影,然后,他又去游泳。

At first, he was very excited, but in the end he calmed down. 一开始,他很兴奋,但最后冷静了下来。



1. He went to work in a hurry; ___ ___ ___ (结果) he left his handbag at home.

2. ___ ___ (多亏了) their support, I finished my work in time.

3. Don't be worried about this exam, because it will not be too difficult; ___ ___ (更何况), you have made good preparations for it.

4. You can't speak in class, because you will break the rule of your class; ___ ___ (更糟糕的是), it will affect your study.

5. ___ ___ ___ ___ (众所周知), China has the largest population in the world.


first, as we all know, in my opinion, at the same time, besides, as you can imagine, what's worse, as a result of Now, more and more students are learning to smoke, and there are many reasons for it.

_1_, middle school students always have pressure and _2_ this, many learn to smoke to release their pressure. _3_, many students learn from stars to smoke so that they can show their unique style.

_4_, smoking does much harm to us.    _5_, smoking is bad to our health and often causes a fatal illness. In the meanwhile, smoking costs us much money and increases the load of our life. _6_, smoking often causes a big fire, which causes a great loss.

_7_, smoking is really a bad thing. We should realize the harm of it and try to get rid of the habit. _8_, we should form other good habits.

If so, we can get rid of the bad habit of smoking.
