2022-06-17 05:14


China National Opera House

Date:June 17-19,2022

Venue:National Center for the Performing Arts

Carmen is a gypsy factory girl who falls in love with a soldier called Don José,who also loves her but is already engaged to somebody else.

The China National Opera House (CNOH) was established in 1952.With a wealth of talent,it is currently the largest and most competent state-level arts company in the Asian-Pacific region.During its 60 years of history,the CNOH has created numerous excellent produc-tions which have won more than 100 national awards.The CNOH has long been active in international ar-tistic exchange activities on behalf of China.

Swan Lake

Shanghai Ballet

Date:June 8-9,2022

Venue:National Center for the Performing Arts

Princess Odette is kidnapped by the wicked sorcerer Rothbart,who is half-man,half-bird.The evil sorcererturns the princess into a swan and condemns her to a life under his spell at the lakeside.

The Shanghai Ballet was established in 1979.As one of the most important Chinese ballets,it is active in cooperation and artistic exchange with artists and companies both at home and abroad,which has showcased the unique charm of Chinese ballet to the rest of the world.

Dream of the Red Chamber Themed Art Exhibition Opens in the Netherlands

An artistic exhibition featuringDream of the Red Chamber,an epic masterpiece in Chinese literature,was launched at the China Cultural Center in The Hague,the Netherlands.

The exhibition,entitled An Artistic Dream of the Red Chamber,brought together Chinese and foreign language versions of the Chinese classic novel as well as related calligraphy,paintings,and audio-visual works.Co-hosted by the China Cultural Center in The Hague and Art Exhibitions China,the exhibition is divided into three main sections,namely “The Literature of the Red Chamber,” “The Artworks of the Red Chamber,” and “The Limelight of the Red Chamber.”

Chinese Ambassador to the Netherlands Tan Jian and Chairman of the Netherlands China Association Henk Kool were among the guests attending the event.

Strolling along a winding corridor in the exhibition hall,the audience can browse Chinese,English,French,Dutch,and other language versions ofDream of the Red Chamber,appreciate exquisite paintings or watch clips of movies and TV series adapted from the book.

Among the many exhibits is the first full Dutch version of the novel,which was completed by three Dutch sinologists and translators following 13 years of arduous work.

Published in November 2021,the 2,160-page,fourvolume book includes all 120 chapters of the original Chinese epic novel.It has seen a longlasting partnership between Silvia Marijnissen,Mark Leenhouts,and Anne Sytske Keijser.

Keijser said that like the other two translators,she devoted herself to the translation work out of her love for the original.She recalled that she came in contact with the Chinese language by chance during college years.Deeply attracted by the rich and colorful Chinese history and culture,Keijser has since immersed herself into the study,research,and dissemination of the Chinese language and culture.

The exhibition will last until June 24.

The Importance of Peripheral Diplomacy

World Affairs Issue 8,2022

With the escalating crisis in Ukraine,the breakdown of relations between the U.S.and its European partners and Russia,the launch of Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy,and domestic turbulence in some countries,seismic changes not seen since World War II are underway in Eurasia.China’s peripheral diplomacy directly bears the consequences of these changes,and also directly affects the whole development.

Preserving China’s Southern Garden

Outlook Weekly Issue 18,2022

In recent years,Hainan,the island province in south China,has protected its ecological environment by implementing the highest environment standards and strictest requirements,exploring innovative development and striving to build harmony between humans and nature.

Excellent Chinese Youth

Minsheng Weekly Issue 9,2022

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China.Young Chinese people are following the leadership of the Communist Party of China,and by means of their hard-working spirit together with enthusiasm,are making remarkable achievements in this new era.

这一部分我们还是主要研究 2014-2016 年北京市房地产成交价和成交量的关系。利用 copula 针对其“相互关联结构”和“边缘分布”分开建立模型。

Chinese Pianist Performs at Highest Railway Station in Europe

Chinese pianist Lang Lang gave a solo piano performance at Jungfraujoch,the highest railway station in Europe on April 14.It was an artistic endeavor to promote cultural exchanges between China and Europe by means of music.

Surrounded by mountains and snow on the Jungfrau in central Switzerland,Lang’s interpretation ofLove Dream,Jasmine Flower,andGoldberg Variationswon warm applause from the audience.

Noting that it is the first time he has played piano on a snowy mountain,Lang said that having the chance to play in a “fairytalelike” environment is a unique experience despite the challenge such low temperatures on the snow-capped mountain create for the pianist.

Lang believes that music is a language that transcends national boundaries,and many European musicians’ works contain Chinese elements.

The songJasmine Flowerwas specially chosen for this performance,he said,hoping to arouse the audience’s interest in learning more about the Chinese culture through the beauty of oriental music.

A well-known scenic spot and snow sports resort,the Jungfrau is one of the main summits of the Bernese Alps at a height of 4,158 meters above sea level.In 2001,UNESCO listed the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch as a World Heritage Site.

Panamanian Embroidery Art on Display in Chongqing

An exhibition of the traditional embroidery art of the Kuna people of Panama has attracted large numbers of visitors in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality since its opening on April 18.

“The Stories of Threads and Pieces:the Mola Art of Panama”is a two-week exhibition of 40 pieces of mola embroidery,showcasing a combination of Kuna culture and superb craftsmanship.

“Mola” means “clothing” in the language of the Kuna people.A mola generally consists of two to seven layers of colorful cloth with diverse patterns that depict natural tropical scenery and daily life in the Central American country.

“On June 13 this year,we will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Panama and China.As part of the celebration,we are pleased to present the exhibition to the people of Chongqing,” Leonardo Kam,Panama’s ambassador to China,said in an online speech at theexhibition’s opening ceremony.

The ambassador noted the importance of promoting cultural exchanges between Panama and China,saying that a strong and lasting relationship must be based on mutual understanding.

“Sharing the knowledge of our respective cultures can bring us closer,strengthen relations,enhance friendship,and have a positive impact on the future,”he said.

“Chongqing and Panama have a good foundation for cooperation and broad development prospects,” Zhou Yi,deputy director of the foreign affairs office of the Chongqing municipal government,said on the same occasion.

“The art exhibition and similar events will further enhance our friendship,and promote practical cooperation in various fields to a higher level,” Zhou said.

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