金文倩 朱媛媛 王笑梅
摘 要: 提出一种以U-Net为基础,依据零件缺陷的特点对网络进行一系列改进的模型,以提升网络对零件缺陷的分割精度.首先在U-Net结构中的编码阶段,使用改进的残差网络Res2Net提高该阶段的特征提取能力;然后在网络编码器与解码器的中间部位增加空洞卷积,在不改变特征图尺寸的情况下增加感受野,降低误检率与漏检率;最后在U-Net的输出阶段与Mini U-Net进行结合,对原本的输出结果进行二次补丁,提高对微小缺陷的检测精度.实验结果表明,对MVTec数据集进行分割的F1-Score分数达到87.21%,时间为0.017 s,达到了良好的检测效果.
关键词: 图像分割; 缺陷检测; U-Net; Res2Net; 空洞卷积
中图分类号: TP 391 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000-5137(2022)02-0129-06
Part defect segmentation and annotation based on improved U-Net
JIN Wenqian, ZHU Yuanyuan*, WANG Xiaomei
(College of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201418, China)
Abstract:A model based on U-Net network and a series of improvements to it according to the characteristics of part defects were proposed to improve the segmentation accuracy of part defects. Firstly, the improved residual network Res2Net was used in the coding stage of U-Net network structure to improve the feature extraction ability during this stage. Secondly, the hole convolution was added in the middle of the network encoder and decoder, and the receptive field was increased without changing the size of the characteristic image, so as to reduce the false detection rate and omission detection rate. Finally, in the output stage of U-Net, Mini U-Net was combined with to patch the original output results, so as to improve the detection accuracy of small defects. The experimental results showed that the F1-Score of MVtec dataset segmentation reached 87.21% and the time was 0.017 s, with which outstanding detection effect could be achieved.
Key words:image segmentation; defect detection; U-Net; Res2Net; void convolution
0 引言
将深度学习和缺陷检测问题相结合是当下十分热门的研究领域.CHEN等[1]结合single shot multibox detector(SSD)网络及you only look once(YOLO)算法构建了一个由粗到细的级联检测网络,对高铁线路紧固件进行缺陷检测;CHA等[2]通过faster region convolutional neural networks(FasterRCNN)检测混凝土裂缝,中、高两级钢腐蚀,螺栓腐蚀和钢筋分层5种损伤类型;YU等[3]提出一种基于YOLOv4的空心杯电枢表面空洞缺陷检测的方法,解决空心杯电枢表面微小缺陷检测过程中检测精度低、速度慢以及不能实时检测等问题.上述检测算法对于缺陷仅能进行笼统的方框标注,无法精确到图像的具体像素.本文作者将图像分割应用到目标缺陷检测领域,将图像中的像素分割出来,对应到不同类别中.首先在U-Net结构的[4]编码阶段使用改进的残差网络Res2Net[5]提高特征提取能力,使用更细粒度进行特征提取.在网络编码器与解码器的中间部位增加空洞卷积[6],通过改变扩张率来扩大感受野,在不改变特征图尺寸的情况下获取不同尺度的特征信息,可以避免下采样所造成的细节信息丢失等问题,降低误检率与漏检率.最后在U-Net的輸出阶段,将之与Mini U-Net[7]进行结合,对原本的输出结果进行二次补丁,提高对微小缺陷的检测精度.98883410-D20E-490F-9F06-C3584C2EAFBE
1 改進的U-Net模型
Mini U-Net是由U-Net的中间部分组成的.最后将U-Net的输出部分连接一个Mini U-Net对U-Net的输出结果作二次补丁,避免零件因存在微小缺陷而导致的模糊和细节丢失等情况.
增加网络特征点的感受野就意味着要增加接触到的图像范围,这样能获得更多语义层次及更好的特征,感受野越大,包含的特征更加趋于全局;反之,包含的特征会趋于局部.由Visual Geometry Group(VGG)网络可知,1个7×7卷积层的正则化等效于3个3×3卷积层的叠加,通过多个小的卷积层的叠加不仅可以大幅度地减少运算参数,还能具备同样的正则化效果,减少了过拟合的可能性,更好地缓解了U-Net在缩小放大过程所产生的特征图细节丢失和精度下降的问题.
2 实验与分析
3 结论
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