
2022-05-05 20:50:03王兰兰蒋会
中国医药科学 2022年1期

王兰兰 蒋会



[中图分类号]R614    [文献标识码]A    [文章编号]2095-0616(2022)01-0012-05

Clinical study of hydromorphone combined with dexmedetomidine for patients undergoing hysteroscopic surgery

WANG Lanlan    JIANG Hui

Department of Anesthesiology,Fujian Medical University Cancer Hospital,Fujian Cancer Hospital,Fujian,Fuzhou 350000,China

[Abstract]Objective To observe the clinical effect of hydromorphone combined with dexmedetomidine in intravenous anesthesia for patients undergoing hysteroscopic surgery. Methods A total of 42 patients who underwent hysteroscopic surgery in Fujian Cancer Hospital from June 2020 to May 2021 were randomly divided into the group H(n=21)and group S(n=21). Both groups were given dexmedetomidine before surgery. On this basis,group H was given hydromorphinone and group S was given sufentanil. The anesthesia duration and recovery time of the two groups were compared. The average arterial pressure (MAP),heart rate (HR),saturation (SpO)and respiratory rate (RR)of the two groups at different time points,and the postoperative sedation (SAS)and analgesia (VAS)scores two groups were compared. Results Compared with T,the MAP and HR from T to T in both groups decreased significantly. SpO of group S at T decreased significantly,and RR from T to T decreased significantly (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in MAP and HR between the two groups of patients at each time point (P>0.05). At T,the SpO of the S group was lower than that of the H group,and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05);There was no statistically significant difference in SAS and VAS scores between the two groups of patients (P>0.05),but the recovery time of H group was shorter than that of S group,with statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Hydromorphone combined with dexmedetomidine can provide a good level of sedation and analgesia for patients undergoing hysteroscopic surgery,with rapid recovery and less respiratory depression.

[Key words]Hydromorphone;Dexmedetomidine;Hysteroscopic surgery;Anodyne


1    资料与方法

1.1    一般资料

本研究选择2020年6月至2021年5月在福建省肿瘤医院行宫腔镜手术的42例患者作为研究对象。纳入标准:①23~60岁;②ASA I~II级;③体重指数(body mass index,BMI)18~30 kg/m。排除标准:①既往存在明显心、脑、肾及肝脏疾病;②血压>160/100 mmHg或<100/60 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa);③心率>120次/min或<50 次/min;④既往有精神、神经病史,药物滥用;⑤存在困难气道,如呼吸睡眠暂停综合征等。采用随机数字表法将42例患者分为H组(n=21)和S组(n=21),术前两组均给予右美托咪定,在此基础上,H组给予氢吗啡酮,S组给予舒芬太尼。本研究通过医院医学伦理委员会批准,所有患者均已签署知情同意书。

1.2    方法

患者术前均禁食禁饮。入室后常规置入22G静脉留置针开放上肢静脉,静脉滴注乳酸林格氏液(浙江天瑞药业有限公司,批号:121031704)。连续监测心电图、心率(heart rate,HR)、血氧饱和度(saturation of pulse oxygen,SpO),平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure,MAP)以及呼吸频率(respiratory rate,RR)。术中患者全程面罩吸氧,氧流量5 L/min。手术开始前,静脉泵注右美托咪定(扬子江药业集团有限公司,批号:20062431)负荷量1 μg/kg,泵注10 min;而后给予右美托咪定维持量0.3 μg/(kg·h),直至手术结束。手术操作开始前5 min,H组给予氢吗啡酮(宜昌人福药业,批号:01A11241)1 mg,S组给予舒芬太尼(宜昌人福药业,批号:03A12021)0.1 μg/kg[5]。在麻醉过程中出现呼吸抑制或舌后坠时,采取提下颌辅助通气处理;若出现低血压或心动过缓等情况应给予相应的处理。

1.3    观察指标及评价标准

观察患者麻醉前(T),给予右美托咪定负荷量后(T),给予氢吗啡酮或舒芬太尼后(T),手术操作开始时(T),手术结束时(T),手术结束后5min(T)、10 min(T)、20 min(T)的MAP、HR、SpO、RR。评估患者术后T~T的镇静-躁动评分(sedative agitation score,SAS)[6],采用视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)评价患者T~T的疼痛情况。记录麻醉时间、患者苏醒时间。

1.4    统计学方法

2 &nbsp;  结果

2.1    两组患者一般情况比较


2.2    两组患者循环及呼吸指标比较


2.3    两组患者SAS及VAS评分比较


3    讨论



氢吗啡酮与舒芬太尼均为阿片类镇痛药,均可为宫腔镜手术提供良好镇痛。二者与右美托咪定联合使用,均可增强右美托咪定镇静镇痛作用,且可减少右美托咪定用量[12-13]。氢吗啡酮为高选择性、高效的新型μ受体激动剂,其镇痛作用是吗啡的8~10倍,其成瘾性低,对呼吸的抑制作用较小,在国外已广泛应用于术中疼痛及癌痛的治疗[14]。舒芬太尼是强效的阿片类镇痛药,但其可导致明显的呼吸抑制[15]。同时有研究发现,氢吗啡酮与右美托咪定联合应用于ASA II~III经导管动脉化疗栓塞术的患者,此方案可提供良好的镇静镇痛水平,且不引起呼吸抑制[16]。这与本研究结果相似,S组给予舒芬太尼后出现SpO下降和RR明显降低,需通过提下颌改善通气,而给予氢吗啡酮行宫腔镜手术患者未出现明显呼吸抑制的表现。


但是本研究对象排除ASA III级及以上的患者,故将本研究结果推广到所有宫腔镜手术患者有一定的困难。且本实验只研究给予1 mg氢吗啡酮联合右美托咪定用于宫腔镜手术,未进行不同给药剂量氢吗啡酮的比较,对于宫腔镜手术给予氢吗啡酮剂量仍需后期进一步研究,以期为氢吗啡酮在静脉麻醉中的应用提供用药参考。



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